Оригинальность по еТХТ на момент добавления работы 97 %. Все выполнено по ГОСТу (14 шрифт; 1,5 интервал, 1,25 абзацный отступ; сноски на литературу). 2023 год. 3 страниц. Эссе на английском.
Отрывок работы:
1. Peter Drucker is an Austrian — American management consultant and author of many books on management and leadership. He developed the concept of goal management, which has become one of the main planning and control tools in organizations.
2. Steve Jobs is the founder and CEO of Apple. His innovative ideas, bold solutions and unique product design have made Apple one of the most successful companies in the world.
1. Safonova S.G., Yagudin A.D. The great managers of the 20th century (by a specific example). "Theory and practice of modern science" No.4(70) 2021. 162-165 p.
2. Pasyutina, A. Manager. 2022. [Electronic resource]. — Access mode : .
3. The most famous managers of the 20th century. [Electronic resource]. URL : .