Период изготовления: июнь 2022 года.
Работа была успешно сдана - заказчик претензий не имел.
Готовые работы я могу оперативно проверить на оригинальность по Antiplagiat .ru и сообщить Вам результат.
1.1 Нейроглия 5
1.1.1 Макроглия 5
1.1.2 Микроглия 6
1.2 Нейровоспаление 8
1.3 Травма спинного мозга 9
1.3.1 Регенерация спинного мозга у неонатальных и у взрослых мышей 10
1.3.2 Пересадка неонатальной микроглии или взрослой микроглии, обработанной ингибиторами 11
1.4 Черепно-мозговая травма 13
1. Ashammakhi, N. Regenerative Therapies for Spinal Cord Injury [Text] / N. Ashammakhi, H.J. Kim, A. Ehsanipour, R.D. Bierman, O. Kaarela, C. Xue, A. Khademhosseini, S.K. Seidlits // Tissue engineering. Part B, Reviews. - 2019. - № 6 (25). - C. 471–491.
2. Badie, B. Flow cytometric characterization of tumor-associated macrophages in experimental gliomas [Text] / B. Badie, J.M. Schartner // Neurosurgery. - 2000. - № 4 (46). - C. 957–962.
3. Bae, M. Neural stem cell delivery using brain-derived tissue-specific bioink for recovering from traumatic brain injury [Text] / M. Bae, D.W. Hwang, M.K. Ko, Y. Jin, W.J. Shin, W. Park, S. Chae, H.J. Lee, J. Jang, H.G. Yi, D.S. Lee, D.W. Cho // Biofabrication. - 2021. - № 4 (13).
4. Bellver-Landete, V. Microglia are an essential component of the neuroprotective scar that forms after spinal cord injury [Text] / V. Bellver-Landete, F. Bretheau, B. Mailhot, N. Vallières, M. Lessard, M.E. Janelle, N. Vernoux, M.E. Tremblay, T. Fuehrmann, M.S. Shoichet, S. Lacroix // Nature communications. - 2019. - № 1 (10).
5. Bennett, M.L. New tools for studying microglia in the mouse and human CNS [Text] / M.L. Bennett, F.C. Bennett, S.A. Liddelow, B. Ajami, J.L. Zamanian, N.B. Fernhoff, S.B. Mulinyawe, C.J. Bohlen, A. Adil, A. Tucker, I.L. Weissman, E.F. Chang, G. Li, G.A. Grant, M.G. Hayden Gephart, B.A. Barres // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 2016. - № 12 (113). - C. E1738–E1746.
6. Hickman, S. Microglia in neurodegeneration [Text] / S. Hickman, S. Izzy, P. Sen, L. Morsett, J. E. Khoury // Nature neuroscience. - 2018. - № 10 (21). - C. 1359–1369.
7. Hoeffel, G. Fetal monocytes and the origins of tissue-resident macrophages [Text] / G. Hoeffel, F. Ginhoux // Cellular immunology. - 2018. - (330). - C. 5–15.
8. Li, Y. Microglia-organized scar-free spinal cord repair in neonatal mice [Text] / Y. Li, X. He, R. Kawaguchi, Y. Zhang, Q. Wang, A. Monavarfeshani, Z. Yang, B. Chen, Z. Shi, H. Meng, S. Zhou, J. Zhu, A. Jacobi, V. Swarup, P.G. Popovich, D.H. Geschwind, Z. He // Nature. - 2020. - № 7835 (587). - C. 613–618.
9. Liu, G. Expression of Nogo receptor 1 in microglia during development and following traumatic brain injury [Text] / G. Liu, J. Ni, L. Mao, M. Yan, T. Pang, H. Liao // Brain research. - 2015. - (1627). - C. 41–51.
10. Mokalled, M.H. Injury-induced ctgfa directs glial bridging and spinal cord regeneration in zebrafish [Text] / M.H. Mokalled, C. Patra, A.L. Dickson, T. Endo, D.Y. Stainier, K.D. Poss // Science (New York, N.Y.). - 2016. - № 6312 (354). - C. 630–634.
11. Moore, S. The concept of microglia in relation to central nervous system disease and regeneration [Text] / S. Moore, S. Thanos // Progress in neurobiology. - 1996. - № 4–5 (48). - C. 441–449.
12. Nasr, I.W. Neuroimmune responses in the developing brain following traumatic brain injury [Text] / I.W. Nasr, Y. Chun, S. Kannan // Experimental neurology. - 2019. - (320).
13. Nayak, D. Microglia Development and Function [Text] / D. Nayak, T.L. Roth, D.B. McGavern // Immunol. - 2014. - №32. - C. 367–402.
14. Sonar, S. Role of Tumor Necrosis Factor Superfamily in Neuroinflammation and Autoimmunity [Text] / S. Sonar, G. Lal // Frontiers in immunology. - 2015. - № JUL (6).
15. Tay, T.L. Microglia across the lifespan: from origin to function in brain development, plasticity and cognition [Text] / T.L. Tay, J.C. Savage, C.W. Hui, K. Bisht, M.E. Tremblay // The Journal of Physiology. - 2017. - № 6 (595). - C. 1929–1945.
16. Tsai, H.H. Oligodendrocyte precursors migrate along vasculature in the developing nervous system [Text] / H.H. Tsai, J. Niu, R. Munji, D. Davalos, J. Chang, H. Zhang, A.C. Tien, C.J. Kuo, J.R. Chan, R. Daneman, S.P. Fancy // Science. - 2016. - № 6271 (351). - C. 379–384.
17. Willis, E.F. Repopulating Microglia Promote Brain Repair in an IL-6-Dependent Manner [Text] / E.F. Willis, K.P. MacDonald, Q.H. Nguyen, A.L. Garrido, E.R. Gillespie, S.B. Harley, P.F. Bartlett, W.A. Schroder, A.G. Yates, D.C. Anthony, S. Rose-John, M.J. Ruitenberg, J. Vukovic // Cell. - 2020. - № 5. (180). - C. 833-846.e16.
18. Wofford, K.L. Acute drivers of neuroinflammation in traumatic brain injury [Text] / K.L. Wofford, D.J. Loane, D.K. Cullen // Neural regeneration research. - 2019. - № 9 (14). - C. 1481–1489.
19. Wolf, S.A. Microglia in Physiology and Disease [Text] / S.A. Wolf, H.W. Boddeke, H. Kettenmann // Annual review of physiology. - 2017. (79). - C. 619–643.
20. Wu, H. Mer regulates microglial/macrophage M1/M2 polarization and alleviates neuroinflammation following traumatic brain injury [Text] / H. Wu, J. Zheng, S. Xu, Y. Fang, Y. Wu, J. Zeng, A. Shao, L. Shi, J. Lu, S. Mei, X. Wang, X. Guo, Y. Wang, Z. Zhao, J. Zhang // Journal of neuroinflammation. - 2021. - № 1 (18).
21.Чернышёва, А.А. Роль дендритных клеток и микроглии в патогенезе и терапии неврологических и психических нарушений при рассеянном склерозе [Текст] / А.А. Чернышёва, И.В. Чехонин, А.С. Силантьев // Российский психиатрический журнал. - 2019. - №5. - стр. 31–39