Коммерческий перевод ответы на тест Синергия (первый иностранный английский) язык [100 баллов]

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Ответы Коммерческий перевод (первый иностранный английский) язык тест СИНЕРГИЯ
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Ответы на тест Коммерческий перевод (первый иностранный английский) язык тест СИНЕРГИЯ [МФПУ]

🔸 РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: 100 /100 баллов Отлично

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📗 ВСЕ ОТВЕТЫ выделены в файле. Все вопросы к тесту указаны ниже


Does the subject matter of the contract include the total amount of money involved?

Yes, always

No, never

Yes, usually


What is a special clause in contracts usually devoted to?

to the matters of discussion

to the matters of arbitration

to the matters of argument


Which term is to be inserted into the expression used in banking correspondence: «Please inform us at whose request… was cancelled»?

the payment ask

the payment order

the payment demanding


Which term is to be inserted into the expression used in banking correspondence: «We shall be grateful to receive your... that you will be making payment of...»?





Which term should be inserted into the expression of the discussion concerning the price: «We are surprised to hear that you consider our prices to be higher than those of our...»?





Which term is to be inserted into the expression used in banking correspondence: «We should like to open… in your bank»?

a current a/d

a current a/c

a current a/b


Which translation of the phrase «Продавец несет все расходы» is correct?

The Sellers shall bear all the charges

The Sellers shall suffer all the charges

The Sellers shall bring all the charges


Which translation of the phrase of General Conditions of Delivery (Arbitration) «Решение арбитража является окончательным »is exact?

the solution of the Arbitration is final

the award of the Arbitration is final

the decision of the Arbitration is final


Изучите материал учебника на страницах 7-22, 34-41, 42-52, 53-64, 65-77, 78-87, 88-100, 101-120, 121-131,132-142 и выполните следующий тест, выбрав один правильный ответ: Which part of the English business letter comes after the Body of the Letter?

the Signature

the Ending

the Reference to Enclosures



Which term should be inserted into the expression of the discussion concerning the price: «If you are in the ... to quote us lower prices and improve your terms, we may revert to the matter again?»





What do firms do if drawing up the requested offer takes several days?

they send the customer a reply when they think is necessary

they send the customer an excuse

they send the customer a first reply as soon as possible


Which term is to be inserted into the expression of the discussion concerning the price: «We are ... to learn that...?»





Does it occur that the performance of the contracts is not altogether smooth?

No, it doesn't

Yes, it does, but very rarely

Yes, quite often


Which term should be inserted into the phrase most commonly used in connection with placing orders: «Enclosed please find order № 75 for...We shall be pleased to receive your...»?





What information do order-sheets that many companies use contain?

instructions as to time and place of delivery

instructions as to make-up and packing

instructions as to time and place of delivery, make-up. packing, marks, etc.


Which translation of the phrase General Conditions of Delivery «передать Покупателю имеющийся опыт» is exact?

to provide the Buyers with the experience

to pass the Buyers the experience

to bring the Buyers the experience


Which of the following phrases is used to correct mistakes?

We regret that through a typing error...

We acknowledge the receipt of your..

With reference to


Which term is to be inserted into the expression most frequently used in the letters of complaint: «Please accept our...for this delay»?





Which term is to be inserted into the expression most frequently used in the letters of complaint: «We to explain this discrepancy and correct this error»?





Which translation of the phrase «Местом заключения настоящего контракта является г. Москва, Россия » is correct?

Russia. Moscow seem to be the place of the conclusion of this Contract

Moscow, Russia is looked at as the place of the concluding of this Contract

Moscow, Russia is regarded as the place of the conclusion of this Contract


May the size of the future order be referred to in detailed enquiries?

yes, they may

yes, but very rarely

no, never


Which of the following phrases is used to confirm the receipt of a letter, a fax, an email, etc.?

Please be so kind as to... (do smth)

In reply to your letter of...

We enclose…


Which term should be inserted into the phrase most commonly used in connection with placing orders: «We ... to order 250 bags of Coffee Extra at USD...?»





Which translation of the collocation «contract proper» is correct?

собственный контракт

чистый контракт

собственно контракт


Which item among the ones given below is not included into the detailed description of goods?


guarantee period



Which translation of the expression most frequently used acknowledging a complaint «Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused » is exact?

Пожалуйста, примите наши извинения за причиненные неудобства

Пожалуйста, примите наши извинения за допущенные недостатки


Which type of request do these words correspond to «and therefore we request you kindly to send the enclosed enquiry to him»?

a request to buy office equipment

a request to forward enquiry to supplier

a request to reduce the price


Изучите материал учебника со стр. 88 по стр. 100 и выполните следующий тест, выбрав один правильный ответ:

What is a contract?

an agreement

a negotiation

a business talk


When do companies grant an agent a full agency

after five years of cooperation

after the agent has sold a stipulated minimum quantity within a certain period

after the agent has sold a stipulated maximum quantity within a certain period


Which translation of the expression « apply for a loan from our bank» most frequently used in banking correspondence

is correct?

употребить ссуду из нашего банка

обратиться за ссудой в наш банк

иметь отношение к займу из нашего банка


What is the second category of offers besides the firm (binding) offer?

the offer with one engagement the offer with two engagements

 the offer without engagement


Which of the following expressions has the same meaning with «to grant a rebate»?

to make a discount

to reduce the quantity to make a change


Which term is to be inserted into the expression used in banking correspondence: «We should like to your bank»?

a current а/d

 a current а/с

a current a/b


Which form of writing the date is hardly ever used?

September 1, 2016 September 1st 2016



Which translation of the collocation «схема погашения долга» most frequently used in banking correspondence is exact?

the repayment schedule

the scheme of paying the debt

the scheme of debt repaying


Which translation of the collocation of General Conditions of Delivery (General Provisions) «передать исполнение настоящего контракта третьим лицам» is correct?

to transfer the acting of the Contract to the third parties

to transfer the execution of the Contract to the third parties

to transfer the achievement of the Contract to the third parties


Изучите материал учебника со стр. 78 по стр. 88 и выполните следующий тест, выбрав один правильный ответ: How often do trade companies rely on the help of an agent or representative who is thoroughly conversant with the market conditions in a foreign country?

seldom often

hardly ever


Which term should be inserted into the expression specifying the nature of the offer: «This offer is...for immediate acceptance...«?





Изучите материал учебника со стр. 42 по стр. 52 и выполните следующий тест, выбрав один правильный ответ: Do many firms try to answer enquiries the very day they are received, giving them precedence over all other letters?

Yes, they do

No, they don't

Yes, but not often


Изучите материал учебника на страницах 7-22, 34-41, 42-52, 53-

64, 65-77, 78-87, 88-100, 101-120, 121-131, 132-142 и выполните

следующий тест, выбрав один правильный ответ:

Which part of the English business letter comes after the Body of the Letter?

the Signature

the Ending

the Reference to Enclosures


Which translation of the phrase of General Conditions of Delivery (Arbitration) «Решение арбитража является окончательным» is exact?

the solution of the Arbitration is final

the award of the Arbitration is final

the decision of the Arbitration is final


Which translation of the expression « apply for a loan from our bank» most frequently used in banking correspondence is correct?

употребить ссуду из нашего банка  обратиться за ссудой в наш банк

иметь отношение к займу из нашего банка


Which term should be inserted into the phrase of the discussion concerning the price: «We suggest that you should revise your...»?

present  offer



Which term is to be inserted into the expression used in the letters of appointment of agency: «Two copies of the draft agency...are also enclosed»?





Which term is to be inserted into the expression used in the letters written to ask a firm or an individual to represent you:

«Please advise if you are interested in ---us»?

representing  introducing involving


Which term should be inserted into the phrase of the enquiry:

«We should be very... if you would kindly let us have by return of mail your prices for the various types of motor cycles you can offer, together with the delivery dates»?





What is a special clause in contracts usually devoted to?

to the matters of discussion

to the matters of arbitration

to the matters of argument


Which term should be inserted into the expression most commonly used in replies to enquiry: «We acknowledge with thanks of your enquiry of...for. »?

reception  receipt



Which form of writing the date is hardly ever used?

September 1, 2016 September 1st 2016



When do companies grant an agent a full agency?

after five years of cooperation

after the agent has sold a stipulated minimum quantity within a certain period

after the agent has sold a stipulated maximum quantity within a certain period


When are trial orders placed?

when a client is sure of the quality of an article

when a client is not sure of the quality of an article and wants to see it for himself

when a client doesn’t want to see an article for himself


Which term is to be inserted into the expression of the discussion concerning the price: «We are ... to learn that...?»


acknowledged  surprised


Which translation of the phrase «Ни одна из сторон по настоящему контракту» is correct?

Not any party of this Contract  

Neither party of this Contract

No part of this Contract


Which term is to be inserted into the expression used in banking correspondence: «Please inform us at whose request... was cancelled»?

the payment ask

the payment order

the payment demanding


Which type of request do these words correspond to: «...and therefore we request you kindly to send the enclosed enquiry to him»?

a request to buy office equipment

a request to forward enquiry to supplier

О a request to reduce the price


Изучите материал учебника со стр. 88 по стр. 100 и выполните следующий тест, выбрав один правильный ответ: What is a contract?

an agreement

a negotiation

a business talk


Does every international contract include arbitration as a necessary part?

Yes, always  Usually not

Most frequently


Which term should be inserted into the expression specifying the nature of the offer: «This offer is...until December 31st,..»?

working О active


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Ответы на тест Коммерческий перевод (первый иностранный английский) язык тест СИНЕРГИЯ [МФПУ]

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