Английский язык СОО 2023 Практическое занятие 3. Задание 1-2, 4 НСПК
awful, beastly, dull, , rotten, terrible, ugly, unpleasant. 3. All these are water in liquid or solid form: cloud, dew, fog, hail, ice, , rain, sleet, snow. 4. Cold and cloudy with a little drizzle
[96 баллов] Практическое занятие 3. Задания 1-2, 4 (английский, НСПК)
awful, beastly, dull, , rotten, terrible, ugly, unpleasant. 3. All these are water in liquid or solid form: cloud, dew, fog, hail, ice, , rain, sleet, snow. 4. Cold and cloudy with a little drizzle
Английский язык СОО (2 часть) НСПК
market department store hardware store cosmetics store to buy a new coat and a pair of shoes. 6. She works as a waitress in a restaurant salesgirl in a bookshop florist in a music store cashier in a bank
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