Phraseological Units Denoting Human Characteristics

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The phraseology is one of the brightest and effective linguistic means. The metaphorical and emotional character of the phraseology makes the speech much more figurative and expressive.
Research of phraseological units is one of the ways of acquaintance with world-view of English people. Acquaintance with phraseologisms permit to understand the history of the nation, its attitude to people’s merits and drawbacks, the specificity of ideology.
Research of phraseological units helps to solve a number of important problems conce
ing lexical meaning of the word, words compatibility, different problems of word formation and etymology.
The problems of phraseology is considered in articles and monographies by L. Minaeva (2003), G. Babich (2005), I. A
old (1986), R. Ginzburg (1979), R. Moon (1998).
The object of the research are phraseological units denoting human characteristics.
The subject of the research are peculiarities of phraseological units denoting human characteristics.
The goal of the course paper is to analyze the peculiarities of phraseological units denoting human characteristics.
On the basis of the goal of our research the following tasks have been worked out:
1. To study the literature on the subject;
2. To find out differences between free word-groups and phraseological units
3. To study different classifications of phraseological units
4. Select phraseological units denoting human characteristics;
5. Analyze phraseological units:
 By the way of forming;
 By their etymology;
 By their meaning
 By the concepts contained in the unit;
6. Systematize the received data;
The methods used to carry out the research are as follows: observation, structural analyses, quantitative analyses.
The material was the phraseological dictionaries and some web-sites.
I Definition and main features of phraseological unit
I.1 Word-group. It’s definition and features…………………………………5
I.2 Distinguishing phraseological units from free word-groups……………..7
I.3 Ways of forming phraseological units…………………………………...8
I.4 Classification of phraseological units……………………………………9
I.4.1 Semantic classification………………………………………………9
I.4.2 Syntactical classification……………………………………...……10
I.4.3 Structural classification…………………………………………….11
I.4.4 Other types of classification ……………………………………….12
II Specificity of classification of phraseological units denoting human characteristics
II.1 The problem of classification of phraseological units…………………14
II.2 Classification by the way of forming phraseological units……………14
II.3 Classification by the concepts contained in the unit…………………...16
II.4 Classification by etymology…………………………………………...18
II.5 Classification by meaning ……………………………………………..20
List of used resources……………………………………………………………..27
Appendix A
Список литературы
1. Akhmanova O. S. Lexicology: Theory and Method [Text] / O. S. Akhmanova. – M, 1972.
2. Antrushina G. B. English Lexicology [Text] / G. B. Antrushina. – M. , 2005. – 286c.
3. A
old I. V. The English Word [Text] / I. V. A
old. – M., 1986. – 295с.
4. A
old I. V. Лексикология современного английского языка [Text] / I. V. A
old. – М, 1959. – 295c.
5. Babich G. N. Lexicology: A Current Guide [Text] / G. N. Babich. – M. : Флинта : Наука, 2008. – 176с.
6. Dubenets Е. М. Mode
English Lexicology. Theory and Practice [Text] / E. M. Dubenets. – M.: «Глосса-Пресс», 2002. – 192c.
7. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics’, Second edition, Editor-in-Chief Keith Brown, 14 volumes, Elsevier Ltd, 2006.
8. Ginzburg R. S. , Khidekel S. S. , Knyazeva G. Y. , Sankin A. A. A Course in Mode
English lexicology [Text] / R. S. Ginzburg, S. S. Khidekel, G. Y. Knyazeva. – N. Y. : 1953. – 269c.
9. Kashcheyeva M. A., Potapova I. A., Tyurina N. S. Practical Lexicology. – М., 1974.
10. Minaeva L. Lexicology and Lexicography [Text] / L. Minaeva. – M.: Ступени, 2003. – 224c.
11. Phraseology and culture in English / edited by Paul Skandera. – Berlin, 2007.
12. Rayevskaya N. M. English Lexicology. – Kiev, 1957.
13. Rosamund Moon. Fixed Expressions and Idioms in English. A Corpus-Based Approach. – Clarendon Press Oxford, 1998.
14. Алиференко Н. Ф. Теория языка. Вводный курс: Учеб. Пособие для студ. Филол. спец. высш. учеб. Заведений [ Текст] / Н. Ф. Алиференко. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2004. – 368с.
15. Амосова Н. Н. Основы английской фразеологии [Текст] / Н. Н. Амосова. – М.: Либроком, 2010. – 216с.
16. Виноградов В. В. Избранные труды. Лексикология и лексикография [Текст] / В. В. Виноградов. – М., 1977. – С. 162-189.
17. Елисеева В. В. Лексикология английского языка [Текст] / В. В. Елисеева. – СПб.: СПбГУ, 2003. – 80с.
18. Кунин А. В. Английская фразеология [Текст] / А.В. Кунин. – М. : 1970
19. Смирницкий А. И. Лексикология английского языка [Текст] /
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