Задание 6. Найдите в тексте соответствия следующих слов и выражений:
И так далее; кроме того; завязать разговор; никто не имеет дел с незнакомцами; избегать сплетен; давать советы и взваливать на себя груз чужих проблем; личный опыт; действуйте по ситуации; это сработало; сводить на нет; не имеет значения; я пришла к выводу; невыносимо неловко.
Talking about weather/Разговоры о погоде.
It seems to me that the English begin the day with conversation about the weather and finish it with the same theme. At home, at work, on the street — always: Today is wonderful, isn t it, dear? or Awful weather today, isn t it? Will it stop raining at last today? And so on… Like this arise a million conversations about various topics, starting with a short chat over breakfast or at the bus stop and finishing with a conversation with a friend or a colleague at work.
For me this was always fascinating. In Russia people at bus stops look at you like potential competition who could occupy your potential seat. There are no friendly conversations about the weather with strangers at the bus stop, you wouldn t even think about it. Besides, there are so many people that you would have to spend no less than half an hour walking around everybody sharing your sentiments about the weather. I think people would start to recoil from the friendly questioning potential passenger and think that one was loony.......