Лингвострановедение, итоговый, компетентностный тест (ответы на тест Синергия / МТИ / МОИ / МосАП, 38 вопросов)

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7 Ноя 2024 в 01:53
Синергия / МТИ / МОИ / МосАП
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250 ₽
Лингвострановедение (оценка, 85) Лингвострановедение (оценка, 85)
85.5 Кбайт 85.5 Кбайт
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Лингвострановедение (ответы)
21.5 Кбайт 250 ₽
  • 38 вопросов с ответами (итоговый тест, компетентностный тест)
  • Результат итогового теста: 52 балла из 60
  • Результат компетентностного теста: 33-40 баллов из 40
  • Общий результат: 85-92 балла из 100

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  1. … is the founder of the concentric circles of English theory.
  2. … is The Expanding Circle in the concentric circles theory.
  3. Correlate the person and the country with which this person is historically bounded
  4. The National Parks family includes … parks.
  5. There are… major groups of dialects in the UK.
  6. … are linguistic varieties that may differ in pronunciation, vocabulary, spelling and grammar.
  7. The main dialect of the UK is so called … English.
  8. Arrange the historical events in the chronological order.
  9. The coldest place in the USA is…
  10. A rough population of the USA is…
  11. Ten territories are considered to be unorganized, meaning they have not had an … Act enacted by Congress; the four other territories are organized, meaning they have had an … Act that has been enacted by Congress.
  12. The USA is a … union, and the President is the head of the government, which deals with international problems and national matters.
  13. The symbol of the Republican party is the…
  14. Thirteen stripes of the flag represent the original 13 … .
  15. The … stars represent the current number of states in the.
  16. Arrange the Presidents of the USA chronologically
  17. Correlate the name of state of federal district of America and its abbreviation.
  18. In Australia seasons go…
  19. … is one of the alternative names of Australia.
  20. The Australian Aboriginal people came from…
  21. … of languages were spoken in Australia earlier.
  22. … is the Dreamtime in Australian mentality.
  23. … are the basis of the ethnic population in Australia.
  24. In Australia the … district was chosen as the site of the new national capital in 1908.
  25. Administratively level Australia is divided into … and territories.
  26. The largest state of the country is … Australia.
  27. … territories are those, which are offshore dependent territories.
  28. The largest territory is the Australian …Territory.
  29. Arrange the states of Australia in descending order, where the first state is the biggest one
  30. Correlate the name of geographic place and its type of geographic notion.
  31. Yang Zhenwu, Secretary-General of the National People's Congress (China) has working trip to New Dehli. He is going to have an official meeting with the Secretary-General of the National Indian Congress. Having learned that all the highest politician positions in India are held by the members of one family, guess, who can be this person.
  32. Read the description of a person: "He must never complain. Complaining is very un-national in his country. The stiff-upper lip is very his way. Whatever happens, remember the new national slogan: 'It's one of those things'. When his brand-new toasting machine goes up in flames and toasts him instead of his bread, he nods: 'It's one of those things' and the matter is closed. He has no soul, only understanding. Drinking tea - specifically the more oxidised black tea - is seen as a key part of his culture" Try to find out where is he came from.
  33. You meet a group of people from the United Kingdom. You need to find out who comes from noble origins and has higher level of education and social class. Give the answer according to pronunciation of the sentences "That's how I got my filing job here. Look at how good that turned out".
  34. Negotiations are going to be held between the USA, Honduras and Nicaragua about the status of an uninhabited territory, which has been a disputed territory for a long time. Each of the countries claimed that territory to be theirs centuries ago, but there are still some arguments about it. Name this territory and the year of claiming that territory by the USA.
  35. Theodor is an American citizen, who is politically conscious. He wants to support his candidate in elections. He comes to debates with a portrait of the candidate and the poster of Donkey. Which party does Theodor support?
  36. You are going to interview Bishop Paul Smith (LCAZ). While preparing, you decided to ask some questions about the ancestors of this Church. With what significant event would those questions connect?
  37. Martin from Quebec has moved to Bamako to become an English teacher in the French kinder garden. He has got an average salary in the region, but he has an opportunity to have additional financial support from the organization which spreads the English language all over the world. Where should he apply for it?
  38. You are preparing the article for the Australian Institute of Family Studies "Engaging with Indigenous Australia". You are going to explore the conditions for effective relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. What ethnic community would you choose to describe some examples of work with Aboriginal Australians?
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