Иностранный язык в сфере туризма 2 (тесты)

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14 Окт в 22:39
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Иностранный язык в сфере туризма 2 (тесты)
22.1 Кбайт 50 ₽



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A special pride of the tourist complex is the Ruskeala Express retro-train, which connected the city of Sortavala with the mountain

The embankment of Petrozavodsk is the 1.5 long promenade along Onega ________ showing an incredible and eclectic exhibition of gifts received from its sister cities.

The official opening of the fountains at _________ , which usually takes place at the end of May, is an all-day festival with classical music, fireworks and other performances.

The State Russian Museum is the worlds largest collection of Russian art, __________ in a unique architectural complex in the historical centre of St Petersburg.

The first areas of land to be developed at Peterhof were the formal gardens around Monplaisir and Marly, part of the _________ Park.

The home of St Petersburgs finest opera and ballet companies is the Mariinsky

The museum collection contains over 400 000 _________ covering all major periods and trends in the history of Russian art.

Pavlovsk Great Park is filled with rivers and ponds, tree-lined avenues, classical statues and hidden temples – a perfect place to get

Around 1720 Peter the Great gave up on attempts to establish his court at Strelna, mainly because the boggy ground proved entirely ________ for the canals and fountains that he envisioned.

At the end of the 19th century Grigoriy Grigorievich Eliseyev, the scion of an immensely wealthy family of merchants who dominated the _________ for fine wines in Russia, decided to build a new shop on Nevsky Prospect.

A number of the British ______ became naturalized Russians.

Kronstadts most striking _________ is considered to be the enormous Naval Cathedral, dedicated to St Nicholas.

The commercial port of Kronstadt was of great importance for Russia – cargo from sea _________ was reloaded here on barges for delivery to St Petersburg.

The Ruskeala Mining Park has both surface eco-paths and an ______ excursion route created with the participation of speleologists of the Russian Geographical Society.

In December 1777 Catherine the Great assigned to her son Paul I the Pavlovskoye village as a present on the occasion of the birth of her first grandson, the future _________ Alexander I of Russia.

St Petersburg is the most _______ city in the world with a population over 1 million people.

The Lakhta Centre is intended to become the new _______ of Russian energy company Gazprom.

The consecration of the Naval Cathedral in Kronstadt took place on May 28, 2013, when the temple celebrated its 100th

At Peterhof you can find the ever-popular Joke Fountains, including one which sprays unwary _______ who step on a particular paving stone.

Located in the western half of the Lower Park, the Marly Palace is a charming baroque ________ that was built on the orders of Peter the Great as an intimate retreat in the grounds of the Grand Palace.

The Savoy, a Fairmont Managed Hotel, has undergone one of the most ambitious restorations in British

Many stations have automatic ticket

Modest hotels charge minimal __________ and provide only the most essential amenities.

A wedding planners job is to help ______ have the wedding they want.

I have recently got a diploma in tourism management from the Tourism Institute in Madrid after completing a three-year _________ there.

Not harming the environment is

Ecotourism is the opposite of __________ tourism.

Many British people prefer their money on a   ________ holiday in southern Europe.

Bed-and-breakfast hotels dominate the lower price range and can be found all __________ Britain.

The standard category usually means the most basic roomtype __________ by the hotel.

The lake holds fifty _________ of fish including bullhead, sturgeon and omul.

I need to confirm your _________ with the hotel.

Eco tourists travel to places where plant and animal life is the main

During the walking tour I never read

The food was extremely poor and the _____ was very slow.

For your security many of the buses have video _______ on board.

Hotels managers ensure that a property runs smoothly and customers are happy during their

______ in Greece are accessible for most of people.

If you can manage _________ and you want to get into the hospitality industry, the job of a ____ manager could be ideal for you.

There is also a hair-dressing and beauty _________ , a nine-hole golf course and a croquet lawn.

The underground railway system in London is

Ecotourism is for _________-conscious people.

Working in the travel and tourism ________ , you will come to learn about people.

Id like to discuss the terms of flight

What about the __________ internet?

As an independent travel agent you have some flexibility in your schedule and work _________ .

Consider putting ________ the brochure or maps after you use them so they can be reused.

The Underground is not only the oldest biggest metro ________ in the world, its also one of the most modern and convenient, running for 20 hours every day.

Travellers depend on _________ to supply a secure, pleasant place for a temporary stay.

It is easier to access remote ecotourism destination nowadays thanks to ______ flights and accessible infrastructures.

What is the odd one out?

Keep the places you visit

The driver _______ too late when coming up to a jam and very lightly touched the back of the car of another driver

There are shouts of the porters as they pull luggage along the

The room was spotlessly ________ and very comfortable but small.

The travel agent takes a small ________ from the overall cost

It is no secret that the hotels in different countries have their _________ peculiarities.

Some tourists dont understand the negative consequences of their

Hotel business is one of the most _________ types of investment today.

For those who prefer to stay in one place and be independent, or have young children and a limited budget, self-catering is an excellent


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