Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности

Иностранные языки
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13 Сен в 17:29
1 курс
200 ₽
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Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности
14.9 Кбайт 200 ₽

1 The more stars, the higher the quality and the wider_________

2 ________ I have your phone number?

3 The selection of a banquet hall is important, but does not play such a big role as at a buffet or banquet … .

4 The simplest kind of catering involves preparation of a … food.

5 The banquet kitchen … must work closely both with the executive chef and with the sales and management personnel.

6 I know the woman ___ is standing there.

7 Still another form of foodservice is so called … .

8 There are _______ pancakes on the plate

9 In smaller communities, the buyer may have to purchase from … merchants.

10 Many travelers want luxury, they want to feel_____

11 Most restaurants obtain price … from one or more sellers (also called vendors).

12 Find the synonyms for the word courtesy

13 Another category, which can be bought in bulk, consists of … foods.

14 Canned and frozen foods are … foods because they are ready to serve with a minimum amount of preparation.

15 The appetizers are served …..

16 Large restaurants ordinary have walk-in … .

17 An inventory is also one of the methods for preventing … from the restaurant s supplies.

18 She will make an order if she ___ given the menu.

19 In many restaurants, the receiving clerk is also … .

20 The continental breakfast is______at the restaurant each morning from 7 a.m. till 10 a.m

21 A … is a formal dinner for a large group of people.

22 If you ___ the bill now, we ll return 5 percent to your credit card.

23 Many restaurants have got banqueting … .

24 They have set tables ______________

25 Meat dishes are …..

26 Guests with children are sometimes provided with

27 Buying large quantities of food and beverages can be very … for the catering department.

28 Guest ______include parking, fitness room, two restaurants and a bar.

29 The … of guests at the table is determined by the protocol.

30 The main function of the food and beverage service is to provide ___ for the restaurant or room service.

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