Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции темы 1-8 на ОТЛИЧНО!!!!/Мосап/Синергия/ август - 2024

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Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции темы 1-8 - 2024
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Вопрос: 1 - й

… and supervision of consumer protection by Rospotrebnadzor acting pursuant to its Regulations approved by Resolution of the Russian Government


Вопрос: 2 - й

… are penalties or other means of enforcement used to provide incentives for obedience with the law, or with rules and regulations


Вопрос: 3 - й

… are responsible for ensuring product safety and to control the protection of human rights


Вопрос: 4 - й

… flaw in goods (works, services) means a flaw that it is impossible to eliminate or a flaw which cannot be eliminated without spending an in commensurate outlays or time or which occurs repeatedly or which emerges again after it has been eliminated or other similar flaws


… is a comprehensive legal term that describes the condition of being actually or potentially subject to a legal obligation


Вопрос: 6 - й

… is a drug-defined crime (chose 2 correct answers)


Вопрос: 7 - й

… is a scheme of social control that is represented by a combination of relations between several things


Вопрос: 8 - й

… is an organisation, regardless of the organisational-and-legal form thereof, or an individual businessman engaged in importing commodities for their subsequent sale


Вопрос: 9 - й

… is classified as private law


… is concerned with human actions, and the choice of those actions, and evaluates those actions, and the values that underlie them


Вопрос: 11 - й

… is firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values


Вопрос: 12 - й

… is overall quality or character, that helps you to attract new customers and build customer loyalty


Вопрос: 13 - й

… is the area of law that deals with agreements between people, businesses, and groups


Вопрос: 14 - й

… is the condition of being free of restraints, especially the ability to act without control or interference by another or by circumstance


Вопрос: 15 - й

… is the estimated or appraised worth of any object or property, calculated in money


Вопрос: 16 - й

… is usually connected with what is believed to be right or wrong, with human moral principles or values


Вопрос: 17 - й

… law deals with marriage and divorce


Вопрос: 18 - й

… law is also referred to as primitive law, unwritten law, indigenous law, and folk law


Вопрос: 19 - й

… law is made by human beings, and one of its most famous examples – the US Constitution – begins with the words We, the people...


… laws are perceived to be eternal and immutable, while secular rules can be changed by their makers


Вопрос: 21 - й

… laws are statutory instruments made by local governments to regulate a broad range of issues within their communities


Вопрос: 22 - й

… measures are referred to as acts or, in the case of bicameral legislatures, joint or concurrent resolutions of both houses


Вопрос: 23 - й

… rests upon popular participation in government, constitutionalism upon disclosure of and openness about the affairs of government


Вопрос: 24 - й

… values are usually mutual for different communities and could be described using the following characteristics – socially acceptable, right and wrong


…crimes come in several different varieties, and the connections that exist between … and crime can sometimes be very nuanced and complex


Вопрос: 26 - й

Ius civile applied to … citizens


Вопрос: 27 - й

A branch of the law that governs the horizontal relationships among private parties is … law


Вопрос: 28 - й

A constitution guarantees …


Вопрос: 29 - й

A legal … is the legal condition of a person who is required or forbidden by the law to perform an act


A number of principles of a formal and procedural character, addressing the way in which a community is governed comprises …


Вопрос: 31 - й

A person who hears a case at court is called a …


Вопрос: 32 - й

A prominent growth in the individual associations took place in Europe in …


Вопрос: 33 - й

A system of treaties and agreements between nations that governs how nations interact with other nations, citizens of other nations, and businesses of other nations is … law


Вопрос: 34 - й

A turning point in the Consumer Protection Legislation was the … Treaty, signed on February 7, 1992 and ratified by Law no. 454 of November 3, 1992 that transformed the European Community in European Union

Вопрос: 35 - й

According to researchers of scientists every 10th family has met the problem of drug …


Вопрос: 36 - й

According to the Constitution there are 3 branches: …, executive and judiciary


Вопрос: 37 - й

According to the statistics there are nearly 500,000 drugs … registered in Russia; however, experts suggest that the number is at least six times greater


Вопрос: 38 - й

Although, there are values accepted by the whole community, there are also … values that may be specific


Вопрос: 39 - й

Amnesty International is a global movement of more than seven million people who are independent of any type of political ideology, religion or economic interest and who take … personally

Вопрос: 40 - й

An area of United States law that involves agreements between people, businesses, and groups is … law


Вопрос: 41 - й

An international non-governmental organization focused on human rights, with its headquarters in the United Kingdom, is … International


Вопрос: 42 - й

An international nongovernmental organization that investigates and documents human rights violations and advocates for policies to prevent such abuses is Human Rights …


Вопрос: 43 - й

An international organization that uses the medical and scientific tools to attract attention to severe human rights abuses and mass atrocities is … for Human Rights


Вопрос: 44 - й

Another characteristic of the unwritten constitution is the special significance of political customs known as …, which oil the wheels of the relationship between the ancient institutions of state

Вопрос: 45 - й

Apart from Rospotrebnadzor, protection of … rights in Russia is also conducted by municipal authorities that review applications from consumers, give necessary consultations and apply to courts to protect consumers


Вопрос: 46 - й

Arrange the actions according to the order in which the goods are returned:


Вопрос: 47 - й

Arrange the documents chronologically (consider the date of their adoption):


Вопрос: 48 - й

Arrange the documents chronologically:

Вопрос: 49 - й

Arrange the documents chronologically:


Вопрос: 50 - й

Arrange the documents chronologically:


Вопрос: 51 - й

Arrange the first drug regulations chronologically according to the date of their entry in force:


Вопрос: 52 - й

Arrange the following areas of law chronologically according to their appearance:


Вопрос: 53 - й

Arrange the following drug control treaties chronologically according to the date of their entry in force:


Вопрос: 54 - й

Arrange the following legal acts chronologically:


Вопрос: 55 - й

Arrange the milestone documents chronologically:


Вопрос: 56 - й

Arrange the milestone documents chronologically:


Вопрос: 57 - й

Arrange the needs according to Dr. Abraham Maslow starting with the highest ones:


Вопрос: 58 - й

Arrange the sources of law according to their importance (start with the least important):


Вопрос: 59 - й

Arrange the values according to the theory of values by Max Scheler starting from the basic values:


Вопрос: 60 - й

Attribute the following terms to the appropriate groups:


Вопрос: 61 - й

British people certainly say that they have a …, but it is one that exists in an abstract sense, comprising a host of diverse laws, practices and conventions that have evolved over a long period of time


Вопрос: 62 - й

By the late Middle Ages civil and canon laws were taught at most universities and formed the basis of a shared body of … thought common to most of Europe


Вопрос: 63 - й

Civil Rights Defenders was established in …


Вопрос: 64 - й

Code of … Offences establishes liability for certain offences committed against a consumer, such as: selling goods and rendering works or services of improper quality


Вопрос: 65 - й

Complex Measures to withstand abuse and illegal drugs …was worked out and successfully implemented by central and local authorities

Вопрос: 66 - й

Constitution guarantees citizens certain substantive and procedural … to which they deemed themselves entitled as subjects of the British crown under the ancient English common law


Вопрос: 67 - й

Consumer … laws are designed to prevent businesses from engaging in fraud or unfair practices, to protect individuals from scam artists, and identity thieves and crooks


Вопрос: 68 - й

Consumer protection in the American legislation is implemented through …


Вопрос: 69 - й

Correlate the branch of law with regulated legal relationship:


Вопрос: 70 - й

Criminal law prosecutes activities which are …

Вопрос: 71 - й

Distributing a drug is …


Вопрос: 72 - й

Drug … is a global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws


Вопрос: 73 - й

Drug abuse and … are associated with drug-related crimes


Вопрос: 74 - й

Drug use is regarded as a real problem in many parts of the world, although the extent of the issue varies greatly depending on culture, access, and …

evaluation of decisionArrange the following acts chronologically:


Вопрос: 76 - й

Executive branch is represented by the … in Russia


Вопрос: 77 - й

From a comparative perspective, British people have what is known as an … constitution, although some prefer to describe it as uncodified


Вопрос: 78 - й

Human Rights are …


Вопрос: 79 - й

Human Rights Watch has its headquarters in …


Вопрос: 80 - й

Human Rights Without … (HRWF) is an international non-profit organization that promotes respect for human rights around the globe and advocates for democracy, the rule of law and social justice


Вопрос: 81 - й

If a dealer from Austria sells drugs to a buyer from the USA, it is called drug …


Вопрос: 82 - й

If a warranty period is established for the goods, the buyer has the right to make claims related to the short delivery of the goods within …


Вопрос: 83 - й

In a religious legal … disputes are usually adjudicated by an officer of that religion, so the same person is both judge and priest


Вопрос: 84 - й

In certain cases, drug use can be connected to … that only relate to drugs in an indirect way

Вопрос: 85 - й

In certain cases, drug use can be connected to crimes that only relate to drugs in an … way


Вопрос: 86 - й

In Russia rather than having a single product liability …, the relevant rules are scattered among various laws


Вопрос: 87 - й

In US law, a … is a crime punishable by a term of imprisonment of not less than one year or by the death penalty


Вопрос: 88 - й

It is not correct that … belongs to terminal values


Вопрос: 89 - й

It is not correct that … belongs to the core activities of Amnesty International

Вопрос: 90 - й

It is not correct that … is included in the guidelines for Consumer protection


Вопрос: 91 - й

It should be noted that there are three main sources of the law in the world:legislation, … or decisions of the higher court or custom


Вопрос: 92 - й

Law creates not only …, but also justifications for people to behave in a certain way (lawful behaviour)


Вопрос: 93 - й

Law is made up of formulated legislation, including constitutions, statutes, treaties, … and codes; rules of law announced by the courts in deciding cases


Laws are binding for the members of the society because …


Вопрос: 95 - й

Laws currently in force in England include …


Вопрос: 96 - й

Legal scholars have adapted the principles of ancient Roman law in the Corpus … to contemporary needs


Вопрос: 97 - й

Many countries are affected by … addiction today


Вопрос: 98 - й

Match the following acts with their purposes:

Вопрос: 99 - й

Match the given countries to the corresponding law systems:


Вопрос: 100 - й

Match the given countries to the corresponding law systems:


Вопрос: 101 - й

Match the given expressions with the definitions:


Вопрос: 102 - й

Match the given expressions with the definitions:


Вопрос: 103 - й

Match the words with the definitions:


Вопрос: 104 - й

Match the words with the definitions:


Вопрос: 105 - й

Match the words with the definitions:


Match the words with the synonyms:


Вопрос: 107 - й

Match the words with the synonyms:


Вопрос: 108 - й

Match the words with their synonyms:


Вопрос: 109 - й

Match the words with their synonyms:


Match the words with their synonyms:


Вопрос: 111 - й

Match the words with their synonyms:


Вопрос: 112 - й

Most rules of law have developed from the … that are known as a settled and accepted way of behavior in the defined circumstances


Вопрос: 113 - й

Organized … activities are activities such as money laundering and political corruption, in support of the drug trade


Вопрос: 114 - й

Originally … law was used by the merchants in Europe


Product … is the ability of a product to be safe for intended use, as determined when evaluated against a set of established rules


Вопрос: 116 - й

Put the steps of the consumer decision making process in the appropriate order:


Вопрос: 117 - й

Rospotrebnadzor inspects products (works, services) as being in conformity with obligatory … ensuring safety towards consumers and environment as well as preventing harm and damages thereto


Вопрос: 118 - й

Strict liability is applied regardless of whether or not contractual relations exist. The test for whether … information was supplied to a consumer is quite uncertain


Вопрос: 119 - й

The … Code and the Consumer Protection Law contain a number of provisions by which manufacturers may incur liability for loss or damage suffered by the consumers of their products

Вопрос: 120 - й

The … Directive is the foundational legal framework for online services in the EU


Вопрос: 121 - й

The adoption of the Constitution was so important to Russia because …


Вопрос: 122 - й

The birth and evolution of the medieval … law tradition based on Roman law was thus integral to European legal development


Вопрос: 123 - й

The body of rules, doctrines, and practices that govern the operation of political communities is …


Вопрос: 124 - й

The company that makes a particular brand of sneakers is an example of the … of the sneakers

Вопрос: 125 - й

The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted in …


Вопрос: 126 - й

The Consumer Code in Italy came into force on 23 October 2005 and has been a … body of law for the protection of consumer rights


Вопрос: 127 - й

The dramatic changes in Eastern Europe, Africa, and Latin America since 1989 have powerfully demonstrated a surge in demand for respect of … rights


Вопрос: 128 - й

The EU legislation provides for some consumer protection or regulates the power of national authorities to introduce consumer protection …


Вопрос: 129 - й

The forms of laws are …


Вопрос: 130 - й

The functions of Rospotrebnadzor s officials are to … (choose 2 correct answers)


Вопрос: 131 - й

The Human Rights Act 1998 came into force in …


Вопрос: 132 - й

The idea of written laws first appears in … culture


Вопрос: 133 - й

The individual associations remained weak until, in 1989, was created the … Consumers and Users Association which was attended by nine associations


Вопрос: 134 - й

The law creates a … system including the system of the courts for mitigating controversies


Вопрос: 135 - й

The law operates in the … environment


Вопрос: 136 - й

The laws are enforced according to their acceptance by …


Вопрос: 137 - й

The legal framework within which public administration is carried out is … law


Вопрос: 138 - й

The legislature is the Federal … of Russia, which consists of two chambers: the State Duma (the lower house) and the Federation Council (the upper house)


Вопрос: 139 - й

The main spheres of law are …


Вопрос: 140 - й

The most widespread classification of drugs is according to the way they … the body, how they are used or where they are used


Вопрос: 141 - й

The purpose of a green paper of the European Commission of 2001 was …


Вопрос: 142 - й

The role of the local custom as a source of law became increasingly important because … (choose 2

correct answers)


Вопрос: 143 - й

The role of voluntary associations of consumers is to …


Вопрос: 144 - й

The source of religious law is the …, legislating through the prophets


Вопрос: 145 - й

The State Duma carries the main responsibility for … federal laws


Вопрос: 146 - й

The term civil law derives from the …

Вопрос: 147 - й

The term law denotes the body of rules and regulations that is the product of the … process


Вопрос: 148 - й

The theoretical foundations of modern … were laid down in the great works on the social contract


Вопрос: 149 - й

The United Nations (UN) defines discrimination as behavior that includes any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on … (choose 2 correct answers)


Вопрос: 150 - й

The United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection, that were adopted in 1985 and revised in 1999, propose a list of objectives described as legitimate …


Вопрос: 151 - й

The United Nations has adopted … treaties in addition to the covenants in the International Bill of Human Rights

Вопрос: 152 - й

The word constitution in Latin means …


Вопрос: 153 - й

There are those who feel that drug crime … is a serious drain on resources, and they worry that drug laws can create more crime than they stop by generating a black market


Вопрос: 154 - й

There are voluntary … of consumers (generally formed as non-commercial enterprises) who also protect consumers


Вопрос: 155 - й

Though the … often brings the formal charges, investigates the matter, and decides on the case, he or she works within a framework established by a comprehensive, codified set of laws


Through …, the Civil Rights Defenders provides expertise and support to human rights defenders while holding those in power accountable for their actions


Вопрос: 157 - й

Under the influence of Roman law, medieval scholars of Catholic church law, or canon law, …


Вопрос: 158 - й

Under the Russian law, the state control and … of consumer protection as well as sanitary and epidemiological safety of the population is conducted by the Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service (Rospotrebnadzor)


Вопрос: 159 - й

Unlike most modern states, … does not have a codified constitution but an unwritten one formed of Acts of Parliament, court judgments and conventions


Вопрос: 160 - й

We can find he expression An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth in the …

Вопрос: 1 - й

Analyze the following case:Therapist sent a third billing notice to a slow-to- pay client s fax machine in her office but client did not report to work that day. The bill was titled psychological services rendered and handwritten in large print was Third Notice – OVERDUE!! with client s name. This notice sat in an open access mail tray of the busy office all day.Was is reasonable? Is it allowed to send private material in such a manner?


Вопрос: 2 - й

Ben, who is 19 years old, applies for a job as a clerk in a goods store. The store manager is impressed with Ben s speaking skills and says that he would like to hire him, subject to reference checks. Later, the manager calls Ben and says that he will not be hired. On checking his references with a former employer, the manager found out that Ben was convicted of careless driving.Has the store manager violated Ben s human rights by refusing to hire him?


Вопрос: 3 - й

Common-law legal systems place great value on deciding cases according to consistent principled rules,

so that similar facts will yield similar and predictable outcomes, and observance of precedent is the mechanism by which that goal is attained.What is the guiding principle of Common-law legal systems? What is the idea behind?


Вопрос: 4 - й

Imagine that in 2024 you will be president of your country.What branch will you represent? What will be your powers?


Вопрос: 5 - й

Judy owns a clothing retail store. One of her customers returns a T-shirt because it doesn t fit her.Does Judy have to give her customer a different size or a refund?


Вопрос: 6 - й

Mary had therapy sessions. She found out that the psychologist sent copies of her case notes to the insurance carrier responsible for reimbursement and that therapist should not have revealed this information. Client reported psychologist to the APA Ethics Committee for violating confidentiality

principles. Psychologist explained to Ethics Committee that any client understands that their confidentiality may be breached when using an insurance company for third-party reimbursement due to administrative and professional peer review. Nonetheless, psychologist never informed client of this risk before therapy began, rather, he assumed client must understand the protocol.Think of the Ethics Committee adjudication.


Вопрос: 7 - й

Meghan is an interior designer. A supplier installs a gondola incorrectly and it breaks a month later.Who must fix the problem?


Вопрос: 8 - й

Rachel buys a commercial welding machine for her building business. A few weeks later, it breaks down.Can Rachel get a remedy from the store he bought it from?


Вопрос: 9 - й

Stacy and several of her friends play in a women s hockey league at the skate rink. Quite frequently, the male rink attendants don t give them their full allotted ice time. The attendants make jokes on the women. Stacy thinks that their rights are violated. She has even complained but the manager has done nothing and supported men.Have the rink attendants violated the young women s human rights?


Вопрос: 10 - й

Susan buys a cup of coffee and accidentally spills it at Kate s bar.What must Kate do to fix the problem?


Вопрос: 11 - й

Susan is an Asian-American. She wanted to continue her studies at a local public college but her application was rejected. Susan has grounds to suppose that it was because of her ethnic origin. She filed suit against the college.What law is applied in such a case?


Вопрос: 12 - й

The constitution is the main legal act of the State. It lays down the formation of a system of society and establishes the state structure, the order and justification of the idea of representatives, executive and judicial authorities, the electoral system, the rights and obligations of the state, society and citizens.Can it be argued that any constitution is the constitution of a state or society exclusively?


Вопрос: 13 - й

The defendant decided to kill his sister. He bought a knife and a bottle of strong alcohol which he drank to give himself Dutch Courage. Then he killed his sister. He subsequently claimed that he was so drunk that he did not know what he was doing, or possibly even that the drink had brought on a latent psychopathic state so that he was insane at the time of the killing.What was the Court s decision?


Вопрос: 14 - й

The defendant had voluntarily consumed drugs to calm his nerves. Under the influence of the drugs, he had started shooting in the cottage in which he had been living, but claimed to have been unable to remember anything after taking the drugs. The defendant was convicted of causing criminal damage being reckless as to whether life would be endangered, following the trial judge s direction to the jury that self-induced intoxication was not available by way of defence to a basic intent crime. The defendant appealed.What is the Court s decision?


Вопрос: 15 - й

The distinction between Public and Private Law is a purely academic debate, nevertheless, it also affects legal practice. There are areas of law, which may not fit into distinction of Public or Private Law. Study the following case:An employment inspector investigates workplace safety, checking all the equipment. The inspector investigates workplace incidents, and conducts workplace inspections to evaluate compliance.Decide whether it falls into the category of Public or Private law.


Вопрос: 16 - й

You are a lawyer. In Liza s electronics shop in the Russia Federation Ivan buys an expensive TV-set. Three weeks after the 12-month manufacturer s warranty expires, the TV-set stops working.Must Liza give Ivan a remedy?


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