Оригинальность по еТХТ на момент добавления работы 95 %. Все выполнено по ГОСТу (автособираемое содержание; 14 шрифт; 1,5 интервал, 1,25 абзацный отступ; разрывы страниц после окончания глав; сноски на литературу). 2023 год. 8 страниц. Реферат на английском языке.
Отрывок работы:
The traditional three-stage structure of bachelor's-master's-doctoral studies in modern socio-economic conditions has ceased to fully cope with its main task: providing qualified personnel for commercial and industrial enterprises. The resulting acute shortage of specialists of certain qualifications led to the fact that significant changes were made to the existing multi-level system of higher education created in the context of the Bologna reforms. Already in 2001, a number of major British universities introduced a basic degree. This degree is awarded after completing two years of full-time study (with distance learning, the duration of study increases). The basic degree provides for the introduction of a professional course into the curriculum of higher education, opening the way for those who, having successfully completed and received a qualification, express a desire to continue further education. According to the Government's plan, as a result of the reforms, the basic degree should become the main mechanism for the dissemination of higher professional education, as well as solve the problem of acute shortage of qualified personnel in industry and the service sector.
1 The system of higher education in English-speaking countries 4
1. Andreeva, E. V. Education in the country of peace : educational and methodological toolkit / Apostille. V. Andreeva; Perm State University. - Ambiglectron. - Perm, 2023. - 90 P.
2. Nikolaev, B. V. Contemporaneously, the trends in the development of the system in the Apostille in the United Kingdom: a monograph / B. V. Nikolaev, N. A. Pavlova, A. K. Diatlova. - Penza : publishing house, 2018. – 130 c.
5. Higher education in the English-speaking world. [Electronic resource]. URL : https://95live.ru/world-education/higher-education-in-the-english-speaking-world.html. Date of application (22.10.2023).