Контрольная работа по английскому языку

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9 Июн 2013 в 19:01
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100 ₽
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9.8 Кбайт 100 ₽
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1. Australia became united in 1901. Today it includes six states: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania. Each state has its own legislature and Premier but the Federal Parliament which sits in the capital of Australia - Canberra, is quite distinct. The Federal Parliament of Australia consists of the Governor-General, the Senate with ten senators from each state and the House of Representatives with 124 members. The language of Australia is English - but nearly two hundred years of settlement on the other side of the world have produced some differences.
2. Australian climate is dry and warm, even hot. It is situated in the Southern Hemisphere and that is why there is summer in December, January and winter in June, July and August. Australia is separated from other countries and its animals have developed differently. They are called marsupial (сумчатый) animals. You can see the dingo, wild dog, which kills other animals at night, the kangaroo, wombat, koala and many different parrots there. The Great Barriers Reef on the coast of Queensland is a garden under the sea. There are 1,400 kinds of fish and more than 300 kinds of coral. Tropical fruit and flowers grow there. Every year thousands of tourists visit Australia to see red rocks, red sand, and strange group of huge red stones called “the Olgas” which are holy to the Aboriginals. The Blue Mountains are really blue because they are covered with forests of blue coloured eucalyptus trees. It is not surprising that more and more holiday - makes come to Australia every year.

Письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту, учитывая типы вопросов.
1. The language of Australia is English, isn’t it?
2. Did the English captain James Cook discover East Coast of Australia?
3. Is Sydney or Canberra the capital of the country?
4. Why is Australia sometimes called “the lucky country”?
5. Which product is the Australia’s biggest export?
6. What kinds of marsupial animals do you know?
7. Which place is the holy place to the Aboriginals?
8. Is Australia a country of strong attraction for tourists?
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