Контрольная работа по английскому языку

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9 Июн 2013 в 18:03
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120 ₽
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9516 (2).doc
9.7 Кбайт 120 ₽
I. Текст прочитайте, спишите н сделайте перевод на русский язык.
The Baxters go shopping
Every week-end I have to help my wife on a usual shopping round.
First we bought some pork and beef at the butcher’s. Then we dropped in at the grocery and greengrocery. Jill wanted to buy sugar, salt, tomatoes and cucumbers. We also called at the baker’s where we bought a loaf of brown bread, some buns and biscuits.
On our way home we were passing Selfridge’s. «Let’s drop in here for a while. You need a suit for everyday wear», my wife said. I agreed.
When we entered the shop we went straight to the men’s department. A salesgirl showed us a number of suits but we didn’t like any of them. One of them was a bit loose on me, another was too tight. As to the third our opinions were quite different. I liked the suit. My wife found it too expensive. She wanted a suit as good as that one but less expensive. The salesgirl showed us a cheaper suit. It was of good quality but I didn’t like the style. We were about to leave the counter when they delivered a new selection of goods. They were not only suits but different kinds of clothes: coats, raincoats, shirts, jackets and trousers. I tried on two or three suits. The last was all right. It was just my size and fitted me perfectly. We both liked the suit and the price was not high. «We’ll take it; wrap it up. please!» I said to the salesgirl.

II. Ответьте (письменно) на английском языке на следующие вопросы:
I. What food shops did the Baxters go to?
2. What did the Baxters buy at the grocery and greengrocery?
3. Why did they go to Selvedge’s?
4. Did the Baxters choose the right suit at once?
5. Was the salesgirl very helpful?

III. Составьте высказывание из данных слов о покупках в продовольственном магазине.
1) some, the. bought, butcher’s, first, at, pork, they.
2) wanted, a, buy, she, to, and, brown, of, loaf, bread.

IV. Вставьте соответствующее притяжательное местоимение.
Не liked the suit, but ... wife found it too expensive.

V. Выберите нужное неопределённое местоимение (some; any).
There was a good selection of suits, but I didn’t like ... of them.

VI. Выберите правильный предлог.
All the things for sale are ... the counters.
a) at;
b) for;
c) on.

VII. Выберите правильный модальный глагол или его эквивалент.
Every weekend I ... help my wife on a usual shopping round.
a) can;
b) must;
c) have to

VIII. Выберите правильную видовременную форму сказуемого.
I liked the suit. My wife ... a suit as good as that one but less expensive.
a) wants:
b) wanted:
c) will want.

IX. Перефразируйте предложение, употребив пассивный залог. Сделайте выделенное слово подлежащим.
A salesgirl showed us a number of suits.
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