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As long ago as 480 BC, Hippocrates recognized that several aspects of what we now call «lifestyle» must come together to produce a healthy body. He said: «Positive health requires knowledge of man’s primary constitution and the powers of various foods. But eating alone is not enough for health. There must be exercise, of which the effects must likewise be known. The combination of these two things makes regimen. If there is any deficiency in food or exercise the body will fall sick».
A healthy lifestyle is defined as one that gives an individual his or her optimal level of physical or mental health. Health is a condition of physical, mental and social well-being and implies the absence of disease. Health status can be assessed by measuring life expectancy, mortality rates, illnesses and disabilities. According to European mortality statistics, major health problems are cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Lung cancer is a typical example of a disease that can be reduced substantially by a single lifestyle change, namely, a reduction in smoking. Diet provides fuel as well as components for the essential structural elements of the body. Together with appropriate physical activity and suitable hygiene, they represent the main contributors to good health.
Healthy nutrition requires appropriate dietary intake of energy in the form of macronutrients as well as the adequate intake of essential nutrients, comprising vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and amino acids. Aperson’s requirements for the different nutrients are related to his or her energy requirements; age, height and weight Lifestyle factors such as level of physical activity, stress, smoking and alcohol consumption also affect nutrient requirements. No individual food contains all nutrients in the optimum quantities and in the correct ratios. Therefore, healthy nutrition is possible only by eating a variety of different foods to maintain the required balance of nutrients. It is now generally recognized that obesity is a health hazard. Obesity increases the risk of adult onset diabetes and high blood pressure and exacerbates a tendency to have higher than normal concentrations of lipids in the blood. Prevention of obesity requires that energy balance be maintained over a period of time.
Physical inactivity confers a substantial public health burden. On the basis of several studies published in the United States, it has been estimated that between 9 and 16 % of deaths can be attributed to a sedentary lifestyle. People who are physically active tend to be healthier than their sedentary peers: they experience fewer c chronic degenerative diseases, especially coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, osteoporosis. There are also indications that exercise is associated with improved immune function and decreased risk of colon cancer. Exercise has an antidepressant effect in healthy people as well as in patients diagnosed as clinically depressed.
Epidemiological evidence suggests that there is an association between alcohol consumption and the occurrence of cancers of the mouth, esophagus and larynx and that the risk increases in a dose-related manner. Cigarette smoking in combination with alcohol intake significantly increases the risk. Excessive alcohol consumption is one of a number of causative factors for liver cirrhosis. The serious adverse effects on the health of individuals of chronic excessive alcohol consumption are well documented: it is associated with a variety of diseases and may result in addiction with consequential social and mental problems.

When one receives a prescription from the doctor or follows a home treatment he needs medicines, which can be bought at the pharmacy.There are usually two departments in the pharmacy: the chemist’s department and the prescription department. At the chemist’s department the drugs can be bought right on the spot. At the prescription department you’ll have to wait until the medicine is made according to the doctor’s administrations. Each medicine has a special label or a signature to indicate the right dosage, chemical composition, possible side effects, indications and contraindications. There also must be a note about the manufacturer, hygienic and scientific tests and expiration date.
All drugs lie on the shelves or are kept in special cabinets. There are small parcels of different powders, ampules of glucose and camphor used for intravenous and intramuscular injections, tubes of healing ointments, different pills and tablets.
All medicines are originally classified by chemical group, by the way they work in the body and by their therapeutic use. Alkaloids were the first pure Pharmaceuticals derived from natural substances; they include quinine, nicotine, atropine, and morphine. Drugs of animal origin include glandular extracts containing hormones, such as insulin for use in treating diabetes. Antibiotics, vaccines, human blood-plasma fractions, and steroid hormones are also manufactured from natural substances. Many drugs are added to water, alcohol, or another solvent so that they can be used in solution form. These may include spirits, elixirs, and tinctures. Ointments are one of many semisolid preparations, which also include creams, pastes, and jellies. Solid Pharmaceuticals include pills, tablets, lozenges, and suppositories. The chemist usually divides the drugs into groups according to common ailments; for example the remedies taken in the case of digestive disorders or stomachache, laxatives, vitamins, pain or fever relievers and so on. Some pharmacies also have a special homeopathic department with different healing herbs and drops of natural origin.
Aside from the medicines of all kinds every pharmacy provides its customers with a wide range of stuff used for medical care - hot water bottles, medicine droppers, bandages, etc. In big English or American drug store chains like CVS or United Drugs you can find a lot of things that are not connected to the medicine - cosmetics, toothpaste, shampoos, dental care products and others.

Modern medicine is known to make extensive use of various antibiotics, which arc powerful agents in combating infections. The research for new antibiotics is a complex scientific problem. This problem can be most successfully solved at special research institutes which usually have a small experimental plant that produces preparations of new antibiotics.
Our country has several research institutes working in this field Most of the useful antibiotics arc formed by microorganisms called Actinomyces The methods of early identification of the new varieties of Actinomyces are supposed to be therefore of great practical importance. The research has produced a series of new effective drugs Albomycin is known to be one of them.
This antibiotic has been established to be practically non-toxic preparation, which has found wide application in the treatment of pneumonia in newborn and small children. Albomycin is also successfully used in obstetric and gynecological practice and in surgery during the treatment of the septic processes caused by staphylococci, which resist penicillin and other antibiotics.
Albomycin does not appear to be only of practical but also of theoretical interest. It is an original antibiotic first produced by Russian scientists. The composition of its molecule includes iron and it has a peculiar mechanism of affecting the bacteria.
Gramicidin, another antibiotic, has of late found a new and unexpected field of application. It is known to be successfully used as a contraceptive of the new therapeutic preparations developed at the Academy of Medical Sciences.
Mention must also be made of colimycin this preparation, widely applied in medical practice, is very effective. By its chemical nature colimycin belongs to the group of neomycin antibiotics successfully used in a number of countries. Administered per os, colimycin ensures the sterilization of the contents of the gastro-intestinal tract and thus promotes safety of surgical operations in this area. Colimycin is believed to save childrens lives frequently in so grave a disease as colibacillosis It is also successfully used in surgery and dermatology
Antibiotics are widely known to be the first line of defense against many infections. But according to European statistics we shouldn take antibiotics every time you’re sick. Because antibiotics proved to be effective in treating most bacterial infections, but they
e not useful against viral infections, such as colds or the flu. Each year all over the world doctors write an estimated 50 million antibiotic perceptions for viral illnesses for which antibiotics offer no benefit. And even some common bacterial ailments, such as bronchitis, don’t respond well to antibiotics.
Taking antibiotics each person must remember that overusing and misusing antibiotics can cause more harm than good. Follow your doctor’s instructions when taking prescribed medication, including how many times a day and for how long. Avoid stopping treatment a few days early if you start feeling better - a complete course of antibiotics is needed to kill all of the harmful bacteria. A shortened course of antibiotics, on the other hand, often wipes out only the most vulnerable bacteria, while allowing relatively resistant bacteria to survive.
If you didn complete a full course of antibiotics, you might be tempted to use the leftover medication the next time you get sick or to pass it along to someone else. But this is never a good idea. For one thing, the antibiotic might not be appropriate for your own or another person’s illness And even if it is, you
e not likely to have enough pills to combat the germs making you sick, which can lead to more resistant bacteria.
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