Заказ № 2566. Тихоокеанский государственный университет. Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности. Задание по теме «Conclusion»

Иностранные языки
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28 Июн 2023 в 13:22
Тихоокеанский государственный университет
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100 ₽
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Тихоокеанский государственный университет.

Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности.

Задание по теме «Conclusion».

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В работе выполнены задания, представленные ниже, в оглавлении.  


Thought on conclusions

We have the duty of formulating, of summarising, and of communicating our conclusions, in intelligible form, in recognition of the right of other free minds to utilise them in making their own decisions. Ronald Fisher, English statistician, evolutionary biologist and geneticist

Упражнение 1. Изучите выражения для написания выводов к статье (автореферату).

1. To consider the strong effects …

 2. My findings are generally in line with …

3. The theory can be recognized as a key to understanding of the phenomenon.

4. My efforts have succeeded beyond all my expectations.

 5. Contrary to popular belief …

6. The ascertained fact can be explained by the hypothesis

 7. On general theoretical grounds it can be explained by …

Упражнение 2. Прочитайте пример выводов к автореферату, обратите внимание на структуру выводов.

The objective of this study was to develop a better understanding of the operation of the market for Australian general practice services, so that predictions could be made of both underlying trends and the response of the market to policy changes by government. In particular the thesis has provided, for the first time, an overall understanding of the determinants of supply and demand for GP services and the relationship between supply and demand, and enabled prediction of the likely magnitude of responses in services and prices to external changes. This study is based on data from a period in which the number of GP services provided in Australia fell from 5.6 per capita to 4.9 per capita, the average fees charged rose, 3 and the proportion of GP services which were bulk billed fell from 80.6 per cent to 66.5 per cent. This reduction in patient access to services, and increase in fees faced by patients, led to major government policy responses which halted the decline in services per capita, and reversed most of the fall in the bulk billing rate. They also provided an opportunity to test the models developed in this study against a period substantively different to that on which the models were based.

Упражнение 3. Ознакомьтесь с рекомендациями для написания выводов. Соответствует ли приведённый выше пример данными рекомендациями?

Упражнение 4. Напишите заключительную часть к своему автореферату, используя полученную информацию и клише упражнения 1.

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