[ОТВЕТЫ] СИНЕРГИЯ. Лингвострановедение (новые тесты 2023г.) 4 промежуточных тестов итоговый тест и компетентностный тест (подходят на 90+баллов из 100)

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1 Июн 2023 в 12:56
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 … is the definition for a language, which is used in any international communication which involves people from two or more countries.

 … is the definition for a language, which is used in any international communication which involves people from two or more countries.

 … is the definition for a language, which is used in any international communication which involves people from two or more countries.

 … is the definition for a language, which is used in any international communication which involves people from two or more countries.

 A language gains a status as a global language…

 A language gains a status as a global language…

 A language gains a status as a global language…

 A language gains a status as a global language…

 … is the founder of the concentric circles of English theory.

 … is the founder of the concentric circles of English theory.

 … is the founder of the concentric circles of English theory.

 … is the founder of the concentric circles of English theory.

 The concentric circles of English theory contains … circles.

 The concentric circles of English theory contains … circles.

 The concentric circles of English theory contains … circles.

 The concentric circles of English theory contains … circles.

 The Inner circle of the concentric circles theory includes countries such as …

 The Inner circle of the concentric circles theory includes countries such as …

 The Inner circle of the concentric circles theory includes countries such as …

 The Inner circle of the concentric circles theory includes countries such as …

 … circle of the concentric circles comprises countries with small communities of native English speakers and widespread use of English as a second language.

 … circle of the concentric circles comprises countries with small communities of native English speakers and widespread use of English as a second language.

 … circle of the concentric circles comprises countries with small communities of native English speakers and widespread use of English as a second language.

 … circle of the concentric circles comprises countries with small communities of native English speakers and widespread use of English as a second language.

 … is The Expanding Circle in the concentric circles theory.

 … is The Expanding Circle in the concentric circles theory.

 … is The Expanding Circle in the concentric circles theory.

 … is The Expanding Circle in the concentric circles theory.

 The "norm-dependent" circle means…

 The "norm-dependent" circle means…

 The "norm-dependent" circle means…

 The "norm-dependent" circle means…

 The English Association established…

 The English Association established…

 The English Association established…

 The English Association established…

 … is GLOCAL.

 … is GLOCAL.

 … is GLOCAL.

 … is GLOCAL.

 In November 1620, the first group of Puritans, thirty-five members of the English Separatist Church, arrived on the … ship in the company of sixty-seven other settlers.

 The … was abolished by the Emancipation Proclamation speech in 1863

 The president of the USA lives in the … in the capital city of Washington, D.C.

 The first English-language contact with Canada was as early as 1497, when … is thought to have reached Newfoundland.

 The … monarch is the head of state of Canada.

 Caribbean … are the languages that developed from a mixture of English and different native languages of the slaves.

 … is the only country in the world that covers an entire continent.

 Correlate the geographical position in a colony and the country where it is situated.

 Correlate the geographical position in a colony and the country where it is situated.

 Correlate the geographical position in a colony and the country where it is situated.

 Correlate the geographical position in a colony and the country where it is situated.

 Correlate the geographical position in a colony and the country where it is situated.

 Correlate the geographical position in a colony and the country where it is situated.

 Correlate the geographical position in a colony and the country where it is situated.

 Correlate the geographical position in a colony and the country where it is situated.

 Arrange the countries in chronological order of their Independence from the Metropole.

 Arrange the countries in chronological order of their Independence from the Metropole.

 Arrange the countries in chronological order of their Independence from the Metropole.

 Arrange the countries in chronological order of their Independence from the Metropole.

 Correlate the person and the country with which this person is historically bounded

 Correlate the person and the country with which this person is historically bounded

 Correlate the person and the country with which this person is historically bounded

 Correlate the person and the country with which this person is historically bounded

 Correlate the person and the country with which this person is historically bounded

 Correlate the person and the country with which this person is historically bounded

 Correlate the person and the country with which this person is historically bounded

 Correlate the person and the country with which this person is historically bounded

 Arrange top 4 countries that Speak English as a Primary Language or lingua franca (by total population) in ascending order.

 Arrange top 4 countries that Speak English as a Primary Language or lingua franca (by total population) in ascending order.

 Arrange top 4 countries that Speak English as a Primary Language or lingua franca (by total population) in ascending order.

 Arrange top 4 countries that Speak English as a Primary Language or lingua franca (by total population) in ascending order.

 … is a special peculiarity of the British mentality concerning the habitation areas.

 … is a special peculiarity of the British mentality concerning the habitation areas.

 … is a special peculiarity of the British mentality concerning the habitation areas.

 … is a special peculiarity of the British mentality concerning the habitation areas.

 … was founded in Britain.

 … was founded in Britain.

 … was founded in Britain.

 … was founded in Britain.

 The National Parks family includes … parks.

 The National Parks family includes … parks.

 The National Parks family includes … parks.

 The National Parks family includes … parks.

 The last Census in the United Kingdom was in…

 The last Census in the United Kingdom was in…

 The last Census in the United Kingdom was in…

 The last Census in the United Kingdom was in…

 Britain invited many people from East to work in the second half of the twentieth century, …

 Britain invited many people from East to work in the second half of the twentieth century, …

 Britain invited many people from East to work in the second half of the twentieth century, …

 Britain invited many people from East to work in the second half of the twentieth century, …

 … is the main administrative unit in most of the UK countries.

 … is the main administrative unit in most of the UK countries.

 … is the main administrative unit in most of the UK countries.

 … is the main administrative unit in most of the UK countries.

 There are… major groups of dialects in the UK.

 There are… major groups of dialects in the UK.

 There are… major groups of dialects in the UK.

 There are… major groups of dialects in the UK.

 … is a rough area of Hiberno-English dialects spreading.

 … is a rough area of Hiberno-English dialects spreading.

 … is a rough area of Hiberno-English dialects spreading.

 … is a rough area of Hiberno-English dialects spreading.

 … dialect is mostly rhotic, which means that [r] is typically pronounced.

 … dialect is mostly rhotic, which means that [r] is typically pronounced.

 … dialect is mostly rhotic, which means that [r] is typically pronounced.

 … dialect is mostly rhotic, which means that [r] is typically pronounced.

 The … class embraces a range of people from senior professionals, for example, judges, senior medical specialists and senior civil servants, through to clerical workers – in other words, almost all people who earn their living in a non-manual way.

 Some judicial jurisdictions still use historic … boundaries rather than current administrative boundaries.

 Before the Norman Conquest (1066), the chief unit of local government in England was the …, which had originated in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of the early Middle Ages.

 In 2000, however, the … county of Greater London regained some of its administrative powers.

 … are linguistic varieties that may differ in pronunciation, vocabulary, spelling and grammar.

 The main dialect of the UK is so called … English.

 … English dialects are associated with many of the historic counties, including the Cumbrian dialect, Lancashire dialect, Northumbrian dialect and Yorkshire dialect.

 Correlate the dialectal peculiarity and the dialect.

 Correlate the dialectal peculiarity and the dialect.

 Correlate the dialectal peculiarity and the dialect.

 Correlate the dialectal peculiarity and the dialect.

 Correlate the dialectal peculiarity and the dialect.

 Correlate the dialectal peculiarity and the dialect.

 Correlate the dialectal peculiarity and the dialect.

 Correlate the dialectal peculiarity and the dialect.

 Arrange the historical events in the chronological order.

 Arrange the historical events in the chronological order.

 Arrange the historical events in the chronological order.

 Arrange the historical events in the chronological order.

 Correlate the national Park and the countries of the UK where those parks are situated.

 Correlate the national Park and the countries of the UK where those parks are situated.

 Correlate the national Park and the countries of the UK where those parks are situated.

 Correlate the national Park and the countries of the UK where those parks are situated.

 Correlate the national Park and the countries of the UK where those parks are situated.

 Correlate the national Park and the countries of the UK where those parks are situated.

 Correlate the national Park and the countries of the UK where those parks are situated.

 Correlate the national Park and the countries of the UK where those parks are situated.

 Arrange the countries by number of counties, where the first one is that with the biggest number of counties

 Arrange the countries by number of counties, where the first one is that with the biggest number of counties

 Arrange the countries by number of counties, where the first one is that with the biggest number of counties

 Arrange the countries by number of counties, where the first one is that with the biggest number of counties

 The coldest place in the USA is…

 The coldest place in the USA is…

 The coldest place in the USA is…

 The coldest place in the USA is…

 The worst known flood in the USA is…

 The worst known flood in the USA is…

 The worst known flood in the USA is…

 The worst known flood in the USA is…

 A rough population of the USA is…

 A rough population of the USA is…

 A rough population of the USA is…

 A rough population of the USA is…

 Native Americans have … origins.

 Native Americans have … origins.

 Native Americans have … origins.

 Native Americans have … origins.

 Native Americans came from…?

 Native Americans came from…?

 Native Americans came from…?

 Native Americans came from…?

 There are … general ethnic groups in the USA.

 There are … general ethnic groups in the USA.

 There are … general ethnic groups in the USA.

 There are … general ethnic groups in the USA.

 … nation is the basis of American population.

 … nation is the basis of American population.

 … nation is the basis of American population.

 … nation is the basis of American population.

 African-Americans … in the USA?

 African-Americans … in the USA?

 African-Americans … in the USA?

 African-Americans … in the USA?

 … abolished the Slavery?

 … abolished the Slavery?

 … abolished the Slavery?

 … abolished the Slavery?

 Ten territories are considered to be unorganized, meaning they have not had an … Act enacted by Congress; the four other territories are organized, meaning they have had an … Act that has been enacted by Congress.

 The USA is a … union, and the President is the head of the … government, which deals with international problems and national matters.

 The symbol of the Republican party is the…

 The symbol of Democratic party is the …

 The US national … — stars and stripes — is red, white and blue.

 Thirteen stripes of the flag represent the original 13 … .

 The … stars represent the current number of states in the.

 Correlate the date of accession of the state to the USA and the state.

 Correlate the date of accession of the state to the USA and the state.

 Correlate the date of accession of the state to the USA and the state.

 Correlate the date of accession of the state to the USA and the state.

 Correlate the date of accession of the state to the USA and the state.

 Correlate the date of accession of the state to the USA and the state.

 Correlate the date of accession of the state to the USA and the state.

 Correlate the date of accession of the state to the USA and the state.

 Arrange the accession of the state to the USA in chronological order.

 Arrange the accession of the state to the USA in chronological order.

 Arrange the accession of the state to the USA in chronological order.

 Arrange the accession of the state to the USA in chronological order.

 Arrange the Presidents of the USA chronologically

 Arrange the Presidents of the USA chronologically

 Arrange the Presidents of the USA chronologically

 Arrange the Presidents of the USA chronologically

 Correlate the name of state of federal district of America and its abbreviation.

 Correlate the name of state of federal district of America and its abbreviation.

 Correlate the name of state of federal district of America and its abbreviation.

 Correlate the name of state of federal district of America and its abbreviation.

 Correlate the name of state of federal district of America and its abbreviation.

 Correlate the name of state of federal district of America and its abbreviation.

 Correlate the name of state of federal district of America and its abbreviation.

 Correlate the name of state of federal district of America and its abbreviation.

 The coldest region of Australia?

 The coldest region of Australia?

 The coldest region of Australia?

 The coldest region of Australia?

 In Australia seasons go…

 In Australia seasons go…

 In Australia seasons go…

 In Australia seasons go…

 … is one of the alternative names of Australia.

 … is one of the alternative names of Australia.

 … is one of the alternative names of Australia.

 … is one of the alternative names of Australia.

 … plant is of first economic importance in Australia.

 … plant is of first economic importance in Australia.

 … plant is of first economic importance in Australia.

 … plant is of first economic importance in Australia.

 The Australian Aboriginal people came from…

 The Australian Aboriginal people came from…

 The Australian Aboriginal people came from…

 The Australian Aboriginal people came from…

 The largest tribe in Australia is…

 The largest tribe in Australia is…

 The largest tribe in Australia is…

 The largest tribe in Australia is…

 … of languages were spoken in Australia earlier.

 … of languages were spoken in Australia earlier.

 … of languages were spoken in Australia earlier.

 … of languages were spoken in Australia earlier.

 … is The Dreamtime in Australian mentality.

 … is The Dreamtime in Australian mentality.

 … is The Dreamtime in Australian mentality.

 … is The Dreamtime in Australian mentality.

 … are the basis of the ethnic population in Australia.

 … are the basis of the ethnic population in Australia.

 … are the basis of the ethnic population in Australia.

 … are the basis of the ethnic population in Australia.

 Australia is the world's … largest country, after Russia, Canada, China, the USA, and Brazil.

 In Australia the … district was chosen as the site of the new national capital in 1908.

 Administratively level Australia is divided into … and territories.

 The largest state of the country is … Australia.

 The smallest state of Australia is … .

 … territories are those, which are offshore dependent territories.

 The largest territory is The Australian …Territory.

 Correlate the flag and the country

 Correlate the flag and the country

 Correlate the flag and the country

 Correlate the flag and the country

 Correlate the flag and the country

 Correlate the flag and the country

 Correlate the flag and the country

 Correlate the flag and the country

 Arrange the states of Australia in descending order, where the first state is the biggest one

 Arrange the states of Australia in descending order, where the first state is the biggest one

 Arrange the states of Australia in descending order, where the first state is the biggest one

 Arrange the states of Australia in descending order, where the first state is the biggest one

 Arrange the events chronologically

 Arrange the events chronologically

 Arrange the events chronologically

 Arrange the events chronologically

 Correlate the name of geographic place and its type of geographic notion.

 Correlate the name of geographic place and its type of geographic notion.

 Correlate the name of geographic place and its type of geographic notion.

 Correlate the name of geographic place and its type of geographic notion.

 Correlate the name of geographic place and its type of geographic notion.

 Correlate the name of geographic place and its type of geographic notion.

 Correlate the name of geographic place and its type of geographic notion.

 Correlate the name of geographic place and its type of geographic notion.


" Martin from Quebec has moved to Bamako to become an English teacher in the French kinder garden. He has got an average salary in the region, but he has an opportunity to have additional financial support from the organization which spreads the English language all over the world.

Where should he apply for it?"

" Martin from Quebec has moved to Bamako to become an English teacher in the French kinder garden. He has got an average salary in the region, but he has an opportunity to have additional financial support from the organization which spreads the English language all over the world.

Where should he apply for it?"

" Martin from Quebec has moved to Bamako to become an English teacher in the French kinder garden. He has got an average salary in the region, but he has an opportunity to have additional financial support from the organization which spreads the English language all over the world.

Where should he apply for it?"

" Yang Zhenwu, Secretary-General of the National People’s Congress (China) has working trip to New Dehli. He is going to have an official meeting with the Secretary-General of the National Indian Congress.

Having learned that all the highest politician positions in India are held by the members of one family, guess, who can be this person."

" Yang Zhenwu, Secretary-General of the National People’s Congress (China) has working trip to New Dehli. He is going to have an official meeting with the Secretary-General of the National Indian Congress.

Having learned that all the highest politician positions in India are held by the members of one family, guess, who can be this person."

" Yang Zhenwu, Secretary-General of the National People’s Congress (China) has working trip to New Dehli. He is going to have an official meeting with the Secretary-General of the National Indian Congress.

Having learned that all the highest politician positions in India are held by the members of one family, guess, who can be this person."

" Read the description of a person: “He must never complain. Complaining is very un-national in his country. The stiff-upper lip is very his way. Whatever happens, remember the new national slogan: ‘It’s one of those things’. When his brand-new toasting machine goes up in flames and toasts him instead of his bread, he nods: ‘It’s one of those things’ and the matter is closed. He has no soul, only understanding. Drinking tea - specifically the more oxidised black tea - is seen as a key part of his culture”

Try to find out where is he came from."

" Read the description of a person: “He must never complain. Complaining is very un-national in his country. The stiff-upper lip is very his way. Whatever happens, remember the new national slogan: ‘It’s one of those things’. When his brand-new toasting machine goes up in flames and toasts him instead of his bread, he nods: ‘It’s one of those things’ and the matter is closed. He has no soul, only understanding. Drinking tea - specifically the more oxidised black tea - is seen as a key part of his culture”

Try to find out where is he came from."

" Read the description of a person: “He must never complain. Complaining is very un-national in his country. The stiff-upper lip is very his way. Whatever happens, remember the new national slogan: ‘It’s one of those things’. When his brand-new toasting machine goes up in flames and toasts him instead of his bread, he nods: ‘It’s one of those things’ and the matter is closed. He has no soul, only understanding. Drinking tea - specifically the more oxidised black tea - is seen as a key part of his culture”

Try to find out where is he came from."

 You meet a group of people from the United Kingdom. You need to find out who came from noble origins and has higher level of education and social class. Give the answer according to pronunciation of the sentences “That’s how I got my filing job here. Look at how good that turned out”.

 You meet a group of people from the United Kingdom. You need to find out who came from noble origins and has higher level of education and social class. Give the answer according to pronunciation of the sentences “That’s how I got my filing job here. Look at how good that turned out”.

 You meet a group of people from the United Kingdom. You need to find out who came from noble origins and has higher level of education and social class. Give the answer according to pronunciation of the sentences “That’s how I got my filing job here. Look at how good that turned out”.

" There are going to be negotiations between the USA, Honduras and Nicaragua about the status of an uninhabited territory, which has been a disputed territory for a long time. Each of the countries claimed that territory to be theirs centuries ago, but there are still some arguments about it.

Name this territory and the year of claiming that territory by the USA."

" There are going to be negotiations between the USA, Honduras and Nicaragua about the status of an uninhabited territory, which has been a disputed territory for a long time. Each of the countries claimed that territory to be theirs centuries ago, but there are still some arguments about it.

Name this territory and the year of claiming that territory by the USA."

" There are going to be negotiations between the USA, Honduras and Nicaragua about the status of an uninhabited territory, which has been a disputed territory for a long time. Each of the countries claimed that territory to be theirs centuries ago, but there are still some arguments about it.

Name this territory and the year of claiming that territory by the USA."

" Theodor is an American citizen, who is political conscious. He wants to support his candidate in elections. He came to debates with a portrait of the candidate and the poster of Donkey.

Which party does Theodor support?"

" Theodor is an American citizen, who is political conscious. He wants to support his candidate in elections. He came to debates with a portrait of the candidate and the poster of Donkey.

Which party does Theodor support?"

" Theodor is an American citizen, who is political conscious. He wants to support his candidate in elections. He came to debates with a portrait of the candidate and the poster of Donkey.

Which party does Theodor support?"

" You are preparing the article for the Australian Institute of Family Studies “Engaging with Indigenous Australia”. You are going to explore the conditions for effective relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

What ethnic community would you choose to describe some examples of work with Aboriginal Australians?"

" You are preparing the article for the Australian Institute of Family Studies “Engaging with Indigenous Australia”. You are going to explore the conditions for effective relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

What ethnic community would you choose to describe some examples of work with Aboriginal Australians?"

" You are preparing the article for the Australian Institute of Family Studies “Engaging with Indigenous Australia”. You are going to explore the conditions for effective relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

What ethnic community would you choose to describe some examples of work with Aboriginal Australians?"

" You are going to interview Bishop Paul Smith (LCAZ). While preparing, you decided to ask some questions about the ancestors of this Church.

With what significant event would those questions connected?"

" You are going to interview Bishop Paul Smith (LCAZ). While preparing, you decided to ask some questions about the ancestors of this Church.

With what significant event would those questions connected?"

" You are going to interview Bishop Paul Smith (LCAZ). While preparing, you decided to ask some questions about the ancestors of this Church.

With what significant event would those questions connected?"


 The Latin name for Australia is…

 The Latin name for Australia is…

 The Latin name for Australia is…

 The Latin name for Australia is…

 The original name of Australia means…

 The original name of Australia means…

 The original name of Australia means…

 The original name of Australia means…

 Territorial peculiarity about Australia is that…

 Territorial peculiarity about Australia is that…

 Territorial peculiarity about Australia is that…

 Territorial peculiarity about Australia is that…

 The continent of Australia is covered by…

 The continent of Australia is covered by…

 The continent of Australia is covered by…

 The continent of Australia is covered by…

 Australia is … the size of Western Europe.

 Australia is … the size of Western Europe.

 Australia is … the size of Western Europe.

 Australia is … the size of Western Europe.

 The most significant mountain chain in Australia is…

 The most significant mountain chain in Australia is…

 The most significant mountain chain in Australia is…

 The most significant mountain chain in Australia is…

 The highest point of Australia is…

 The highest point of Australia is…

 The highest point of Australia is…

 The highest point of Australia is…

 The two thirds of the area of Australia covered with…

 The two thirds of the area of Australia covered with…

 The two thirds of the area of Australia covered with…

 The two thirds of the area of Australia covered with…

 The longest river in Australia…

 The longest river in Australia…

 The longest river in Australia…

 The longest river in Australia…

 The … of Australia has resulted in the development of a distinctive Australian flora and fauna.

 Australia is sometimes called “The … Country”.

 Many species of animals and plants are found nowhere else in the world, they are … .

 All the major animal groups are represented in the Australian … - more than 40 species of native mammals, 200 bird species, 30 reptiles species, 15 amphibians, 14 native fish species and many species of invertebrates.

 It is generally held that Australian Aboriginal people originally came from Asia via insular … Asia.

 The first indigenous Australians were …, were spiritual and had some artistic tradition.

 On the territory of Australia lived about 250 different … .

 … people had no chiefs or other centralized institutions of social or political control.

 … formed the largest non-British Isles ancestry for most of the 19th century.

 Arrange the states and the territories of Australia in descending order, where the first one is the biggest one.

 Arrange the states and the territories of Australia in descending order, where the first one is the biggest one.

 Arrange the states and the territories of Australia in descending order, where the first one is the biggest one.

 Arrange the states and the territories of Australia in descending order, where the first one is the biggest one.

 Correlate the modern name of the island with its original one.

 Correlate the modern name of the island with its original one.

 Correlate the modern name of the island with its original one.

 Correlate the modern name of the island with its original one.

 Correlate the modern name of the island with its original one.

 Correlate the modern name of the island with its original one.

 Correlate the modern name of the island with its original one.

 Correlate the modern name of the island with its original one.

" You are going to depict the way of aboriginal migration of people from Eurasia to Australia.

Indicate through what modern counties and territories would this way lie."

" You are going to depict the way of aboriginal migration of people from Eurasia to Australia.

Indicate through what modern counties and territories would this way lie."

" You are going to depict the way of aboriginal migration of people from Eurasia to Australia.

Indicate through what modern counties and territories would this way lie."


 The capital of the USA is…

 The capital of the USA is…

 The capital of the USA is…

 The capital of the USA is…

 The USA has the … largest population in the world

 The USA has the … largest population in the world

 The USA has the … largest population in the world

 The USA has the … largest population in the world

 There are … states in the USA.

 There are … states in the USA.

 There are … states in the USA.

 There are … states in the USA.

 The last state, admitted to the USA is…

 The last state, admitted to the USA is…

 The last state, admitted to the USA is…

 The last state, admitted to the USA is…

 … is special about the climate of the USA.

 … is special about the climate of the USA.

 … is special about the climate of the USA.

 … is special about the climate of the USA.

 The highest mountains in the USA is …

 The highest mountains in the USA is …

 The highest mountains in the USA is …

 The highest mountains in the USA is …

 The largest river in the USA is…

 The largest river in the USA is…

 The largest river in the USA is…

 The largest river in the USA is…

 The greatest lake in the USA is…

 The greatest lake in the USA is…

 The greatest lake in the USA is…

 The greatest lake in the USA is…

 The driest and the hottest place in the USA is…

 The driest and the hottest place in the USA is…

 The driest and the hottest place in the USA is…

 The driest and the hottest place in the USA is…

 Immigrants came to escape poverty and … .

 … are people of Spanish or Spanish-American origins.

 In the 1980s almost half of all immigrants were … .

 For years, it was thought that the United States was and should be a “…” – in other words, that people from all over the world would come and adopt the American culture as their own.

 The forty-eight … states of America are those which constitute a unite territory.

 Alaska is an … in the far northwestern part of North America, connected only to Canada.

 Hawaii is an … in the mid-Pacific.

 All the states are divided into … or its equivalents for administrative purposes.

 … of the United States are sub-national administrative divisions overseen by the U.S. federal government.

 Arrange the events chronologically

 Arrange the events chronologically

 Arrange the events chronologically

 Arrange the events chronologically

 Correlate the state of America and its capital

 Correlate the state of America and its capital

 Correlate the state of America and its capital

 Correlate the state of America and its capital

 Correlate the state of America and its capital

 Correlate the state of America and its capital

 Correlate the state of America and its capital

 Correlate the state of America and its capital

 Nina is from St. Paul. She entered the University and now is trying to make friends. First, she wants to find some people from her region. There are pull of her groupmates, where there is info about their origins.

 Nina is from St. Paul. She entered the University and now is trying to make friends. First, she wants to find some people from her region. There are pull of her groupmates, where there is info about their origins.

 Nina is from St. Paul. She entered the University and now is trying to make friends. First, she wants to find some people from her region. There are pull of her groupmates, where there is info about their origins.


 … is the largest island of the British Isles.

 … is the largest island of the British Isles.

 … is the largest island of the British Isles.

 … is the largest island of the British Isles.

 Great Britain includes … countries.

 Great Britain includes … countries.

 Great Britain includes … countries.

 Great Britain includes … countries.

 The full political name of the country, commonly called the UK is …

 The full political name of the country, commonly called the UK is …

 The full political name of the country, commonly called the UK is …

 The full political name of the country, commonly called the UK is …

 The name of the channel, which divides Great Britain and the continent in English is …

 The name of the channel, which divides Great Britain and the continent in English is …

 The name of the channel, which divides Great Britain and the continent in English is …

 The name of the channel, which divides Great Britain and the continent in English is …

 The main feature of the British climate is…

 The main feature of the British climate is…

 The main feature of the British climate is…

 The main feature of the British climate is…

 The highest mountain of Great Britain is …

 The highest mountain of Great Britain is …

 The highest mountain of Great Britain is …

 The highest mountain of Great Britain is …

 The longest river of Great Britain …

 The longest river of Great Britain …

 The longest river of Great Britain …

 The longest river of Great Britain …

 The largest lake in Great Britain…

 The largest lake in Great Britain…

 The largest lake in Great Britain…

 The largest lake in Great Britain…

 …. part of Great Britain is mostly mountainous.

 …. part of Great Britain is mostly mountainous.

 …. part of Great Britain is mostly mountainous.

 …. part of Great Britain is mostly mountainous.

 Between Great Britain and Ireland lies the … Sea.

 The climate of Britain is more or less the same as that of the northwestern part of the … mainland.

 Love of the countryside is another aspect of British … .

 The first national park was set in the …, at the southern end of the Pennine Chain, in 1949.

 There are three national parks in … – Brecon Beacons, Pembrokeshire Coast and Snowdonia.

 According to the … the population of the UK at mid-year 2020 was estimated to be 67.1 million

 “There is no such thing as society,” Mrs. … once said. “Only individual men and women, and families.”

 The … family is usually pictured as a married couple, with two children, ideally a girl and a boy, and perhaps their grandmother, or ‘granny’, in the background.

 Britain has a deeply … society.

 Correlate the country of the UK and its capital.

 Correlate the country of the UK and its capital.

 Correlate the country of the UK and its capital.

 Correlate the country of the UK and its capital.

 Correlate the country of the UK and its capital.

 Correlate the country of the UK and its capital.

 Correlate the country of the UK and its capital.

 Correlate the country of the UK and its capital.

 Arrange the historical events chronologically

 Arrange the historical events chronologically

 Arrange the historical events chronologically

 Arrange the historical events chronologically

" Listen to the record and read the text (with transcription) in one of the dialects.

Try to define what groups of dialects it belongs tо."

" Listen to the record and read the text (with transcription) in one of the dialects.

Try to define what groups of dialects it belongs tо."

" Listen to the record and read the text (with transcription) in one of the dialects.

Try to define what groups of dialects it belongs tо."

" Listen to the record and read the text (with transcription) in one of the dialects.

Try to define what groups of dialects it belongs tо."


 The country, which has disseminated the English language throughout the world first is …

 The country, which has disseminated the English language throughout the world first is …

 The country, which has disseminated the English language throughout the world first is …

 The country, which has disseminated the English language throughout the world first is …

 The English Language is used as the official language in … countries?

 The English Language is used as the official language in … countries?

 The English Language is used as the official language in … countries?

 The English Language is used as the official language in … countries?

 The English language was used in … in the colonized areas during the early British Empire time?

 The English language was used in … in the colonized areas during the early British Empire time?

 The English language was used in … in the colonized areas during the early British Empire time?

 The English language was used in … in the colonized areas during the early British Empire time?

 Despite of business, the main source of the English-speaking influence throughout the world after the first two world wars was…

 Despite of business, the main source of the English-speaking influence throughout the world after the first two world wars was…

 Despite of business, the main source of the English-speaking influence throughout the world after the first two world wars was…

 Despite of business, the main source of the English-speaking influence throughout the world after the first two world wars was…

 According to the study materials the sports such as … were invented in America

 According to the study materials the sports such as … were invented in America

 According to the study materials the sports such as … were invented in America

 According to the study materials the sports such as … were invented in America

 …. is the definition of a process that starts from an initial state of small significance and builds upon itself, becoming larger.

 …. is the definition of a process that starts from an initial state of small significance and builds upon itself, becoming larger.

 …. is the definition of a process that starts from an initial state of small significance and builds upon itself, becoming larger.

 …. is the definition of a process that starts from an initial state of small significance and builds upon itself, becoming larger.

 If an English-speaking candidate applies for a job his chances are

 If an English-speaking candidate applies for a job his chances are

 If an English-speaking candidate applies for a job his chances are

 If an English-speaking candidate applies for a job his chances are

 The modern phenomenon of total unification that influences all conceivable aspects of life is…

 The modern phenomenon of total unification that influences all conceivable aspects of life is…

 The modern phenomenon of total unification that influences all conceivable aspects of life is…

 The modern phenomenon of total unification that influences all conceivable aspects of life is…

 A Latin term for the shared language of communication used between people whose main languages are different is…

 A Latin term for the shared language of communication used between people whose main languages are different is…

 A Latin term for the shared language of communication used between people whose main languages are different is…

 A Latin term for the shared language of communication used between people whose main languages are different is…

 American businesses were booming and started doing trade all over the world, much like … had done in the previous century

 … is a relatively new phenomenon of multi-dimensional nature that puts variety of complex trends in the economic, social and cultural fabrics of all societies

 As an international language, … is not only used in the area in which Arab people are dominant, but it is also employed when people communicate with Arabs in other places

 The United Kingdom is made up of four nations – England, Wales, …, Northern Ireland.

 In 1485 the Welsh noble Henry Tudor claimed the English crown and became …, the first of five Tudor monarchs

 By the sixth century A.D., … people known as Angles, Jutes, and Saxons were moving into Britain

 Located in North America, the USA is bordered on the west by the … Ocean and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean

 The USA comprises 50 states and the District of …

 The lowest point in the USA is in …

 Correlate the geographical names and countries in which they are satiated

 Correlate the geographical names and countries in which they are satiated

 Correlate the geographical names and countries in which they are satiated

 Correlate the geographical names and countries in which they are satiated

 Correlate the geographical names and countries in which they are satiated

 Correlate the geographical names and countries in which they are satiated

 Correlate the geographical names and countries in which they are satiated

 Correlate the geographical names and countries in which they are satiated

 Arrange the historical events chronologically

 Arrange the historical events chronologically

 Arrange the historical events chronologically

 Arrange the historical events chronologically

" Uwe from Hannover has passed the maximum score her Academic ITELS test. Now she has C2 level of the English language and can move to England to work in the University. She claims that being so proficient in the English language she is absolutely ready to be a norm-providing person in England.

Is she right?"

" Uwe from Hannover has passed the maximum score her Academic ITELS test. Now she has C2 level of the English language and can move to England to work in the University. She claims that being so proficient in the English language she is absolutely ready to be a norm-providing person in England.

Is she right?"

" Uwe from Hannover has passed the maximum score her Academic ITELS test. Now she has C2 level of the English language and can move to England to work in the University. She claims that being so proficient in the English language she is absolutely ready to be a norm-providing person in England.

Is she right?"

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