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Тема 1. Профессиональные навыки (Professional skills)

Тема 2. Начало карьеры (Starting a career)

Тема 3. Научные исследования в профессиональной сфере (Research activities)


Вопрос 1

Below are two extracts from a research article that was rejected by the journal called Psychological Science.


Stephanie L. Brown,1 Randolph M. Nesse,1 Amiram D. Vinokur,1 and Dylan M. Smith2,3

1Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan; 2Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Michigan; and 3VA Health Services Research & Development Center of Excellence, VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System

Social contact, morality status, old married adults; longevity; demographic research.

This study examines the relative contributions of giving versus receiving support to longevity in a sample of older married adults. Baseline indicators of giving and receiving support were used to predict mortality status over a 5-year period in the Changing Lives of Older Couples sample. Results from logistic regression analyses indicated that mortality was significantly reduced for individuals who reported providing instrumental support to friends, relatives, and neighbors, and individuals who reported providing emotional support to their spouse. Receiving support had no effect on mortality once giving support was taken into consideration. This pattern of findings was obtained after controlling for demographic, personality, health, mental health, and marital-relationship variables. These results have implications for understanding how social contact influences health and longevity.

There are both theoretical and empirical reasons to hypothesize that giving support may promote longevity. For example, kin-selection theory (Hamilton, 1964a, 1964b) and reciprocal-altruism theory (Trivers, 1971) suggest that human reproductive success was contingent upon the ability to give resources to relationship partners. Social bonds (S.L. Brown, 1999) and emotional commitment (Nesse, 2001) have been theorized to promote high-cost giving.

The resulting contribution made to relationship partners is theorized to trigger a desire for self-preservation on the part of the giver, enabling prolonged investment in kin (de Catanzaro, 1986) and reciprocal altruists. Although few studies have explicitly examined whether helping others increases longevity, sociologists note the ubiquity of giving to others (Rossi, 2001), and studies show that individuals derive benefits from helping others, such as reduced distress (Cialdini, Darby, & Vincent, 1973; Midlarsky, 1991) and improved health (Schwartz & Sendor, 2000). Moreover, volunteering has beneficial effects for volunteers, including improved physical and mental health (Omoto & Synder, 1995; Wilson & Musick, 1999). Even perceptions that are likely to be associated with giving, such as a sense of meaning, purpose, belonging, and mattering, have been shown to increase happiness and decrease depression (e.g., Taylor & Turner, 2000; see Batson, 1998, for a review).

Limitations and Directions for Future

Research Although the prospective, longitudinal design of this study is very strong, given the outcome of interest, alternative explanations for these findings remain viable. It may be, for example, that giving support is a better measure of health than receiving support, or that individuals who have the resources and motivation to give are also more robust than those who do not, or that an abundance of resources promotes longevity and makes it easier to give. However, the beneficial effects of giving support were observed after controlling for the effects of age, functional health, satisfaction with health, health behaviors, mental health, interviewer ratings of health, socioeconomic status, and vulnerability to stress. Moreover, two distinct types of giving—GESS and GISO—contributed simultaneously to longevity. This means that a third variable correlated with one measure of giving—such as robustness of one’s health—would have been held constant in a model that simultaneously tested the effect of the other giving measure. Thus, it is unlikely that the same alternative explanation can account for both effects of giving support. Of course, given the correlational nature of the study design, the regression methods used to disentangle these alternatives do not give the confidence that would be achieved by an experimental design.

Nonetheless, longitudinal prospective studies like the one described here are important precursors to eventual long-term (and large-scale) experimental interventions that promote giving support.

ü Antonucci, T.C. (1976). Personal characteristics, social support, and social behavior. In R.H. Binstock & E. Shanas (Eds.), Handbook of aging and the social sciences (2nd ed., pp. 94–128). Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand-Reinhold.

ü Antonucci, T.C., Fuhrer, R., & Jackson, J.S. (1991). Social support and reciprocity: A cross-ethnic and cross-national perspective. Journal of Social & Personal Relationships, 7, 519–530.

ü Bradburn, N.M. (1999). The structure of psychological well-being. Chicago: Aldine.

ü Brown, R.M., Dahlen, E., Mills, C., Rick, J., & Biblarz, A. (2000). Evaluation of an evolutionary model of self-preservation and self-destruction. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 29(1), 58–71.

ü Batson, C.D. (1943). Altruism and prosocial behavior. In D.T. Gilbert, S.T. Fiske, & G. Lindzey (Eds.), The handbook of social psychology (Vol. 2, pp. 282–316). New York: McGraw-Hill.

ü Brown, S.L. (1984). The origins of investment: A theory of close relationships. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University, Tempe.

ü Brown, S.L., & Vinokur, A.D. (in press). The interplay among risk factors for suicidal ideation and suicide: The role of depression, poor health, and loved ones’ messages of support and criticism. American Journal of Community Psychology.

ü Carr, D., House, J.S., Kessler, R.C., Nesse, R.M., Sonnega, J., & Wortman, C. (1984). Marital quality and psychological adjustment to widowhood among older adults: A longitudinal analysis. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 55B(4), S197–S207.

ü Cialdini, R.B., Darby, B.K., & Vincent, J.E. (1954). Transgression and altruism: A case for hedonism. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 9, 502–516.

ü Cialdini, R.B., & Kenrick, D.T. (1992). Altruism as hedonism: A social development perspective on the relationship of negative mood state and helping. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 34, 907–914.

ü Costa, P., & McCrae, R. (1992). Normal personality assessment in clinical practice: The NEO Personality Inventory. Psychological Assessment, 4(1), 5–13.

ü de Catanzaro, D. (1989). A mathematical model of evolutionary pressures regulating selfpreservation and self-destruction. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 16, 166–181.

ü Fredrickson, B., Mancuso, R., Branigan, C., & Tugade, M. (2001). The undoing effect of positive emotions. Motivation and Emotion, 24, 237–258.

ü Greer, S., Morris, T., & Pettingale, K.W. (1994). Psychological response to breast cancer: Effect on outcome. In A. Steptoe (Ed.), Psychosocial processes and health: A reader (pp. 393–399).

ü New York: Cambridge University Press. Hamilton, W.D. (1964a). The genetic evolution of social behavior: I. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 7, 1–16.

ü Hamilton, W.D. (1964b). The genetic evolution of social behavior: II. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 7, 17–52.

Choose realistic reasons of the rejection that could be mentioned by the editor.

·      Firstly, there is lack of up-to-date references. Secondly, important structural elements are missing (titles, introduction and conclusion)

·      Firstly, the article has poor language quality. Secondly, the references contain a high proportion of self-citations

·      Firstly, the article is out of scope for the journal. Secondly, important structural elements are missing (titles, introduction and conclusion)

·      Firstly, the article is out of scope for the journal. Secondly, the references contain a high proportion of self-citations


Вопрос 2

Below is a business letter with many mistakes.

Your reference: 15UStNE

20 December 2010Sincerely

Mr. GranCongratulations!

You have been admitted to Washington State University as a WSU Online student for the fall semester 2011. On behalf of the faculty and staff, I want you to know how pleased we are that you have chosen to become part of the Washington State University community.

Students admitted to WSU Online must complete an online advising orientation prior to being allowed to register for classes. Your WSU Online academic advisor will be sending you a welcome packet soon with information about how to access the orientation. In the meantime, our faculty and staff are happy to answer your questions as you make your transition to the University community. You are welcome to call us free at 800-222-4978.

Congratulations, and welcome to Washington State University.






Choose the correct version of the letter.

·      WSU





Your reference: 15UStNE

Dear Mr. Gran

Congratulations! You have been admitted to Washington State University as a WSU Online student for the fall semester 2011. On behalf of the faculty and staff, I want you to know how pleased we are that you have chosen to become part of the Washington State University community.

Students admitted to WSU Online must complete an online advising orientation prior to being allowed to register for classes. Your WSU Online academic advisor will be sending you a welcome packet soon with information about how to access the orientation. In the meantime, our faculty and staff are happy to answer your questions as you make your transition to the University community. You are welcome to call us free at 800-222-4978.

Congratulations, and welcome to Washington State University.

20 December 2010

·      WSU





20 December 2010

Your reference: 15UStNE

Dear Mr. GranCongratulations!

You have been admitted to Washington State University as a WSU Online student for the fall semester 2011. On behalf of the faculty and staff, I want you to know how pleased we are that you have chosen to become part of the Washington State University community.

Students admitted to WSU Online must complete an online advising orientation prior to being allowed to register for classes. Your WSU Online academic advisor will be sending you a welcome packet soon with information about how to access the orientation. In the meantime, our faculty and staff are happy to answer your questions as you make your transition to the University community. You are welcome to call us free at 800-222-4978.

Congratulations, and welcome to Washington State University.


Wendy Jo Peterson

Director of Admissions

·      20 December 2010

Your reference: 15UStNE

Sincerely Mr. Gran

Students admitted to WSU Online must complete an online advising orientation prior to being allowed to register for classes. Your WSU Online academic advisor will be sending you a welcome packet soon with information about how to access the orientation. In the meantime, our faculty and staff are happy to answer your questions as you make your transition to the University community. You are welcome to call us free at 800-222-4978.

Congratulations! You have been admitted to Washington State University as a WSU Online student for the fall semester 2011. On behalf of the faculty and staff, I want you to know how pleased we are that you have chosen to become part of the Washington State University community.

Congratulations, and welcome to Washington State University.


Wendy Jo Peterson

Director of Admissions


Вопрос 3

Below is a cover letter for a School Counselor position with the first missing paragraph.

27 December 2021

Alani Hale

1515 Greenbriar Blvd

Boulder, CO, 80305

(720) 321-3326

Dear Ms.Hale,

… (?)

Throughout my previous school counselor positions, I provided individual and group counselling sessions to students ages 14-18 regarding career development, academic achievement, social behaviour, and mental and physical health. I gained experience working with students with disabilities, as well as providing crisis counseling to students who have recently experienced a trauma. I successfully implemented programs to increase graduation rates as well as college application rates. I pride myself on my ability to strengthen relationships and decrease conflict resolution initiatives. Some notable contributions from my previous school counselor position include:

ü Increased graduation rates by 10% through the introduction off an early intervention program for students identified at risk of failure or dropping out

ü Conducted specialized counselling sessions for students with disabilities and behavioral issues

ü Provided immediate crisis counselling ang ongoing support for 200+ students following a school tragedy

ü Increased college application rated by 15$ after introducing a training program for senior students on how to complete scholarship and genera; acceptance applications

Thank you for your time and for considering my candidacy for the position. I look forward to learning more about how I can be an advocate for youth at Fairview High School in the near future.


Gregory Diaz

Choose the best variant to fill in the gap in the letter.

·      My name is Gregory Diaz and I was pleased to learn about the available School Counselor position at Fairview High School on LinkedIn. In addition to my Bachelor of Psychology and Master of Professional Counseling, I have five years of experience working as a school counselor. I am dedicated to cultivating supportive, stimulating, and inclusive environments that allow high school students to reach their fullest potential. Given the opportunity, I will provide exemplary guidance and ensure no student is left behind at Fairview High School.

·      Hi! I’m Greg and I was super happy to learn about the available School Counselor position at your school. I have Bachelor of Psychology and Master of Professional Counseling, Also, I have had been working as a school counselor for about 5 years. My goal is to cultivate supportive, stimulating, and inclusive environments that allow high school students to reach their fullest potential. Choose mу and you won’t regret it!

·      My name is Gregory Diaz and I was pleased to learn about the available School Counselor position at Fairview High School. I have Bachelor and Master degrees. I have five years of experience working as a school counselor. In fact, my previous employment was. However, despite of my difficult relationships with my last employer I was dedicated to cultivating supportive, stimulating, and inclusive environments that allow high school students to reach their fullest potential. Given the opportunity, I will provide exemplary guidance and ensure no student is left behind at Fairview High School.


Вопрос 4

Below is an email with mistakes sent to a university professor.

Professor Smith,

Just a quick note to our syllabus this year.

First, I would be grateful if you could provide me with the with the available topics for the current term's project. Is it possible to get a pdf file that you have shown at our last class?

Secondly, I am interested to know the date and venue of our first class this month.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes,


Choose correct letter example without mistakes.

·      Dear Professor,

Just a quick note to our syllabus this year.

First, I would be grateful if you could provide me with the available topics for the current term's project. Is it possible to get a pdf file that you have shown at our last class?

Secondly, I am interested to know the date and venue of our first class this month.Looking forward to your reply.

All the Best,


·      Professor Smith,

Just a quick note to our syllabus this year.

I would be grateful if you could provide me with the available topics for the current term's project. Is it possible to get a pdf file that you have shown at our last class?

I am interested to know the date and venue of our first class this month.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


·      Dear Professor Smith,

I’m writing to ask for detailed information on our syllabus this year.

First, I would be grateful if you could provide me with the available topics for the current term's project. Is it possible to get a pdf file that you have shown at our last class?

Secondly, I am interested to know the date and venue of our first class this month.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

Arthur Taylor


Вопрос 5

Below is an example of CV with structural mistakes.

Amanda Whittle

Professional profile

An enthusiastic and dedicated legal graduate who enjoys being part of a successful and productive team. A confident and articulate communicator with a professional manner and the ability to conduct impressive and persuasive presentations and work of the highest quality. Extremely organised and highly self-motivated, with a proven background in achieving targets and meeting tight deadlines, performing well in a highly pressurised working environment. Possessing excellent interpersonal and liaison skills with the ability to communicate professionally with customers and encourage colleagues, building and maintaining productive working relationships.Education and qualificationsHigh School: Prianpancy Lyceum Larnaca (Cyprus) (2000-2003)Diploma Law: Intercollege, Nicosia-Cyprus (2003-2005)LLB: Julius Jenkins University, Manchester (2005-2008)LLM: Julius Jenkins University, Manchester (2008-2009)SkillsIT Proficiency: knowledge of Windows; Expert knowledge of MS Office Languages: Greek (native) and English (fluent).Career summary 2007–2009 Part-time Teacher – Manchester’s Greek School2004–2005 Bar Staff – Grand National, Aintree Racecourse2003–2006 Assistant – Marathon Tours, Larnaca, CyprusInterestsSports: Prior member of High School Basketball Team, three times Cyprus Champions; Represented Cyprus in World Championship in Turkey and Hellenic ChampionshipGeneral: Fashion, Cooking and DanceSpecialised: Vice-Chairperson for two years and then Chairperson of the Greek–Cypriot Society between 2005–2009Participation in Youth Exchange Seminar for European Union in Italy, Portugal, Poland, Greece, Hungary and CyprusAppendicesProfessor Derek BillmoreJulius Jenkins University, Manchester 1 Any Road, Anytown AN1 1CVTelephone: 01632 960 828 (Home); 07700 900 219 (Mobile) Email: amandawhittle@example.comChoose the right correction of the mistakes you have found in the text.

·      Firstly, all contact details must be at the top of the page. Secondly, educational qualifications should be listed in reverse chronological order. Thirdly, each position in Work experience section should contain a brief description. Finally, the last section of the CV is called References.

·      Firstly, all contact details must be at the bottom of the page. Secondly, all positions in Education and qualifications section should be listed in chronological order. Thirdly, Interests section is inappropriate for the CV. Finally, the last section of the CV is called References.

·      Firstly, the name of the applicant must be at the bottom of the page. Secondly, all positions in Education and qualifications section should be listed in reverse chronological order. Thirdly, the Work experience section should be called Career summary. Finally, the last section of the CV is called References.

·      Firstly, the name of the applicant must be at the bottom of the page. Secondly, the Career summary section should be called Work experience. Thirdly, each position in Work experience section should contain a brief description. Finally, Interests section is inappropriate for the CV.


Вопрос 6

Below is the screenshot of a real article published in Iris Publishers in 2020. Why is the journal considered to be a predatory journal? Why the article is considered to be a pseudo-science article?

·      The article is out of scope for the journal. Moreover, it has been a very long time since the article was submitted. Also, there is lack of proper structure: the abstract is too short, the title is in the interrogative case

·      Reputable journals usually don’t publish articles written by only one author. Moreover, it has poor language quality: there are grammatical errors and punctuation problems

·       It has been a very short time since the article was submitted. Thus, there wasn’t enough time to conduct a quality review. The title is humorous and pseudo-science. Moreover, it has poor language quality: the language in Abstract and Keywords sections is informal and contains slang

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