Практическое задание - Лексикология (1/1) - для ММУ

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Практическое задание по предмету "Лексикология " для 6 семестра по направлению обучения 45.03.02 Лингвистика

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В работе содержатся ответы на задания:

Практическое занятие 1 по лекциям № 1-3

Problems for Discussion 1. The Morphemic Structure of the English Word. 2. Major Ways of English Word Formation: a) Affixation (Derivation); b) Conversion; c) Word Composition; d) Shortening (Contraction). 3. Minor Ways of English Word Formation: a) Onomatopoeia (Sound-Imitation); b) Reduplication; c) BackFormation (Reversion). 

1.    The italicized words in the following jokes and extracts are formed by derivation. Write them out in two columns: A.Those formed with the help of productive affixes.

2.    The scene was a tiny wayside railway platform and the sun was going down behind the distant hills. It was a glorious sight.

3.    "You have an admirable cook, yet you are always growling about her to your friends." "Do you suppose I want her lured away?" 

4.    Patient: Do you extract teeth painlessly? Dentist: Not always — the other day I nearly dislocated my wrist. 

5.    The inspector was paying a hurried visit to a slightly overcrowded school. "Any abnormal children in your class?" he inquired of one harassed-looking teacher. "Yes," she replied, with knitted brow, "two of them have good manners."

     Find the examples of conversion in the sentences.

1. a) Mr. Biffen rang up on the telephone while you were in your bath. b) I found Muriel singer there, sitting by herself at a table near the door. Corky, I took it, was out telephoning.

2. Use small nails and nail the picture on the wall. 

3. a) I could just see that he was waving a letter or something equally foul in my face. b) When the bell stopped, Crane turned around and faced the students seated in rows before him.

4. a) Lizzie is a good cook, b) She cooks the meals in Mr. Priestley's house. 

5.a) The wolf was suspicious and afraid, b) Fortunately, however, the second course consisted of a chicken fricassee of such outstanding excellence that the old boy, after wolfing a plateful, handed up his dinner-pail for a second instalment and became almost genial. 

6.    Use the big hammer for those nails and hammer them in well. 

7. "Put a ribbon round your hair and be Alice-in-Wonderland," said Maxim. "

8. a) The room was airy but small. There were, however, a few vacant spots, and in these had been placed a washstand, a chest of drawers and a midget rocker-chair, b) "Well, when I got to New York it looked a decent sort of place to me ..." 

On what linguistic phenomenon is the joke in the following extracts based? What causes the misunderstanding?

1. "Are your father and mother in?" asked the visitor of the small boy who opened the door. "They was in," said the child, "but they is out." "They was in. They is out. Where's your grammar?" "She's gone upstairs," said the boy, "for a nap."

 2. "Yes, Miss Janes, it's true my husband has left his job. He thought it was better for him to enlist rather than to be called up. Anyway, he has burned his bridges behind him." "Oh, well, I shouldn't worry about that. They'll provide him with a uniform in the Army," commented the neighbour.

3. "I got sick last night eating eggs." "Too bad." "No, only one." 

4. Husband and wife were enjoying a quiet evening by their fireside, he deep in a book and she in a crossword puzzle. Suddenly she questioned him: "Darling, what is a female sheep?" "Ewe [ju:]," he replied. His further explanation hardly soothed her.

5. "I spent last summer in a very pretty city in Switzerland." "Berne?" "No, I almost froze."

6. Officer (to driver in parked car): Don't you see that sign "Fine for parking"? Driver: Yes, officer, I see and agree with it.

Find the homonyms proper for the following words; give their Russian equivalents.

 Find the homophones to the following words, translate them into Russian or explain their meanings in English. 

Give as many synonyms for the italicized words in the following jokes as you can. 

Find antonyms for the words given below. 

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