Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере. Синергия (Тест 2)

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Test 2
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1 семестр

Тема 2. Law enforcement (Органы правопорядка)


The process or result of using laws to fairly judge and punish crimes and criminals is …

In England, police officers are called …

·      Bobbies

·      Red servants

·      Police power

Arrange the police officers according to their rank (start from the lowest rank):

1.   Chief Constable

2.   Inspector

3.   Superintendent

4.   Chief Superintendent

5.   Chief Constable

Read the description below: They are members of a police department or law enforcement agency. They are responsible for investigating crimes and determining who the perpetrator was and why it happened. They interview witnesses and suspects. They write official reports using the information they have. Who it is about? Prove your point of view.

·      These are police investigators. They are members of law enforcement agencies and they are busy investigating crimes. They work for clients or individuals who pay them for their investigative services

·      These are police detectives. They are members of law enforcement agencies and they are busy investigating crimes

·      These are private advocates. They interview witnesses and suspects. They write official reports using the information they have

State … house offenders who have committed state crimes, such as assault, arson, robbery or homicide

Many people think the terms “prison” and “jail” mean the same thing, but they actually refer to two very different aspects of the criminal … system

Russia has passed legislation according to which police officers have the right to break into homes and cars without any …

Law … is a broad term that refers to the act of preventing, correcting, finding, and punishing any violations of the Law of the Land in the concerned country or organization

·      enforcement

·      order

·      disregard

It is not correct that … is carried by most police officers in London

·      handcuffs

·      firearm

·      nightstick

… aims to promote the widest-possible mutual assistance between criminal police forces and to establish and develop institutions likely to contribute to the prevention and suppression of international crime

·      Interpol

·      National Police

·      Amnesty International

The practice of police sketches appeared in … in the 19th century

·      Russia

·      Italy

·      France

The Royal Mounted Police came from …

·      Russia

·      Canada

·      England

A … crime is a crime to possess, manufacture, or distribute drugs classified as having a potential for abuse

·      drug-defined

·      drug-related

·      drug-provided

Short-term confinement, primarily used after a youth has been arrested, but before a court has determined the youth’s innocence or guilt, is called … detention

One unique feature of policing approach in Russia is the system of territorial … over citizens

In the USA police officers need … to make an arrest

·      concrete evidence

·      probable cause

·      reliable evidence

The most evident and common agency that enforces the law in most of the countries of the world is the …

… are only used to hold inmates for a relatively short period of time, usually while they await their trial or sentencing

Match the words with their definitions:

A. Gang

B. Fingerprints

C. Crime scene

D. Convict

E. a group of people often associated with crime and drugs

F. marks left by fingers that identify a person

G. the place where a crime happened

H. a person who is doing (or supposed to be doing) jailtime

The career structure in the British police force provides working place ranging from … to sergeant, then through inspector and superintendent to chief constable

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