[на 100 баллов] Иностранный язык для студентов заочного обучения (ИРНИТУ)

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Каждая работа проверяется на плагиат, на момент публикации уникальность составляет не менее 40% по системе проверки eTXT.
Skating on Thinning Ice
14 Кбайт 100 ₽
Climate Change
11.6 Кбайт 100 ₽
50th Arctic Conference
13.5 Кбайт 100 ₽
Science at Sea Glaciers
11.5 Кбайт 100 ₽
Cathedrals as Astronomical Instruments
13.6 Кбайт 100 ₽
11.8 Кбайт 100 ₽
Renewable Energy 101
11.7 Кбайт 100 ₽
First Wright Brothers’ Flight
13.6 Кбайт 100 ₽
The Wright Brothers, first successful airplane
11.8 Кбайт 100 ₽
Кроссворд 1
118.3 Кбайт 100 ₽
Кроссворд 2
117.7 Кбайт 100 ₽
Кроссворд 5
119.2 Кбайт 100 ₽
Всего 12 файлов на сумму 1200 рублей

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Иностранный язык для студентов заочного обучения

Skating on Thinning Ice

Climate Change

50th Arctic Conference

Кроссворд 2

Science at Sea Glaciers, Whales and Alaska

Cathedrals as Astronomical Instruments after Van Helden

THE COPERNICAN REVOLUTION and why it is important to you in 4 minutes

Кроссворд 1

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy 101 | National Geographic -

First Wright Brothers’ Flight

The Wright Brothers, First Successful Airplane

Кроссворд 5


Skating on Thinning Ice

Read the text and answer the following questions:

1.  How does sea ice indicate climate change?

2.  What was the result of the Yohannessen’s measurement of the areal extent of the Arctic ice pack?

3.  What are the perspectives of natural climate variations according to Vinnikov, et al.?

Climate Change

Watch the video and answer the question.

Why are humans so bad at thinking about climate change?

50th Arctic Conference

Read the text "50th Arctic Conference" and answer the following questions:

1.  When was the first Alaska Science Conference held?

2.  What is the importance of Alaska today?

3.  What publications did the 50th Conference sessions look at?

4. Was the conclusion of the 50th Arctic Science Conference pessimistic or optimistic?

Science at Sea Glaciers, Whales and Alaska

Watch the video and describe two demostration models which are used by the teachers

Cathedrals as Astronomical Instruments after Van Helden

Read the text and answer the following questions:

1.   Who and when began the revolution in astronomy?

2.   What is the general concept of the revolution as presented by Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and Newton?

3.   How was the first meridian constructed in a Florence’s great cathedral and what for?

4.   What was the central instrument in the reform of precision astronomy during the 17th century?

THE COPERNICAN REVOLUTION and why it is important to you in 4 minutes

Watch the video and say why the Copernican revolution is important.

Renewable Energy

Read the text "Renewable Energy" and answer the questions:

1.   How is electricity generated?

2.   What kind of fuel does the humanity (человечество) depend on in its civilization?

3.   What are non-renewable fuels and what is their origin?

4.   What are renewable energy sources?

Renewable Energy 101 | National Geographic

Watch the video "Renewable Energy 101 | National Geographic" and describe the benefits of using renewable energy resources.

First Wright Brothers’ Flight

Read the text "First Wright Brothers’ Flight" and answer the following questions:

1.   What was tested at Kill Devil Hills in December, 1903?

2.   How was the great achievement of Wright brothers celebrated in their hometown of Dayton, Ohio?

3.   Why did fame become an integral part of their life?

4.   In what way was the centennial of the Wrights’ accomplishment commemorated in 2003?

The Wright Brothers, First Successful Airplane

Watch the video "The Wright Brothers, First Successful Airplane" and describe the flying machine which the two brothers designed. Say about the configuration and the way it was controlled.

Кроссворд 1

По горизонтали

3: [pəˈrenɪəl] многолетний, круглогодичный

8: [ɒbzəˈveɪʃn] наблюдение, исследование

14: [ˈmʌltɪjɪə] многолетний

По вертикали

5: [prɒbəˈbɪlɪtɪ] вероятность

7: [ˈsɜːfɪs] поверхность, поверхностный

8: [kənˈtɪnjuː] продолжать

11: [əˈmaʊnt] количество, объём

13: [sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt] значительный,

существенный, важный, значимый

15: [ˈpɜːmənənt] постоянный, перманентный

Кроссворд 2

По горизонтали

4: [ɜːθ] земля

8: [rɪˈmeɪn] оставаться

10: [dɪsˈkʌs] обсуждать

14: [kənˈkluːʒən] вывод, заключение

По вертикали

1: [ˈsiːfuːd] морепродукты

3: [ˈsaɪəns] наука, естествознание

5: [sɔːs] источник

7: [rɪˈsɜːʧ] исследование, изучение

9: [ˈhjuːmən] человеческий, людской

11А: [prɒsˈperɪtɪ] процветание, преуспевание

11Б: [plɑːnt] растение

14: [pɒpjʊˈleɪʃn] население

16: [ɪmˈpɔːtəns] важность

© Центр электронного обучения ИРНИТУ

Кроссворд 5

По горизонтали

1: [krɑːft] судно

8: [ɪnˈvenʃn] изобретение

11: [fəˈrevə] навсегда, вечно

12: [feɪm] известность, популярность, слава

13: [ˈstedɪ] устойчивый, стабильный

15: [kəˈmeməreɪt] отмечать, праздновать, отметить,

чествовать, ознаменовать

По вертикали

1: [senˈtenɪəl] столетний, вековой

3: [əˈʧiːv] достигать, добиваться

5: [əkˈnɒlɪʤ] признавать, признать

7: [əˈpresɪv] угнетающий, гнетущий, подавляющий,

давящий, удручающий

9: [ˈenʤɪn] двигатель, мотор

10: [ˈmɒdɪst] скромный

12: [ˈækəleɪd] похвала

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