Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции. Витте. Тест 1

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The Court of Appeal in the UK has:

Executive power in the USA is exercised and under the authority of …

What kinds of bill can be placed before Parliament?

Which are the right translations of the word ‘suit’?

Which are the right translations of the word ‘jurisdiction’?

Which are the right translations of the word ‘legal’?

Which are the right translations of the word ‘governance’?

Which are the basic categories of law?

Any act which is not legal

Someone who is accused of a crime in a criminal case.

The law is a set of rules for society, designed to…

The head of state is …

Public law deals with …

Who belong to the judicial power of the UK?

Which are the right translations of the word ‘evidence’?

Which are the divisions of the High Court in the UK?

What are the ‘senior courts’ of England and Wales?


Which is not the right translation of the word ‘law’?

The UK Parliament comprises …

The judicial branch of the UK is made up of …

Judicial power in the USA is exercised by …

Which are the right translations of the word ‘offended’?

Where are the more serious and complex civil and family cases heard at first instance in the UK?

A person who has studied law and can act for people on legal business.

Установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями:

not guilty of a crime -

money claimed by someone as compensation for harm done -

a disagreement or argument between parties -

a set of arguments or facts put forward by one side in a legal proceeding

a specialist court outside the judicial system which examines special problems -

Установите соответствие между понятиями на латинском языке и их определениями на английском

per annum –

pro forma –

de facto –

inter alia –

ipso facto –

Установите последовательность слов в предложении:

A disagreement or argument between parties is …

Someone who is accused of a crime in a criminal case

Установите соответствие между словами и словосочетаниями и их синонимами:

to make laws -

duty -

to organize business -

power -

just -

19. The UK has a parliamentary system of governance, with the Westminster Parliament being the supreme law-making body. The doctrine of supremacy of Parliament means that the courts accept that legislation enacted by Parliament takes precedence over the common law (essentially, judge-made law as developed through cases). The head of state is the monarch who is unelected and who occupies that position by virtue of birth. In practice, the role of the monarch is largely ceremonial. The UK Parliament comprises two separate Houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The House of Commons is a representative body. Members of the House are elected. The House of Lords is not elected and is not a representative body. Most members of the House of Lords are life peers appointed by the Monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister. There is no formal separation of powers in the UK constitution, but it is possible to identify persons or bodies that make up branches of the state: The executive branch is made up of the monarch, the Prime Minister and other Government Ministers, the civil service and members of the police and armed forces. The legislative branch is made up of the monarch, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The judicial branch is made up of the monarch, legally-qualified judges and magistrates (non-legally-qualified members of the public).

What is the supreme law-making body in the UK?

Who is the head of the state in the UK?

How many houses does the Parliament of Westminster comprise?

Are the members of House of Lords elected?

Is there an official division of authorities in the UK?

20. Almost everything we do is governed by some set of rules. There are rules for games, for social clubs, for sports and for work. There are also rules imposed by morality and custom that play an important role in telling us what we should and should not do. However, some rules – those made by the state or the courts – are called “laws”. Laws resemble morality because they are designed to control or alter our behavior. But unlike rules of morality, laws are enforced by the courts; if you break a law – whether you like that law or not – you may be forced to pay a fine, pay damages, or go to prison. If we did not live in a structured society with other people, laws would not be necessary. We would simply do as we please, with little regard for others. But ever since individuals began to associate with other people – to live in society – laws have been the glue that has kept society together. Even in a well-ordered society, people have disagreements and conflicts arise. The law must provide a way to resolve these disputes peacefully. We need law, then, to ensure a safe and peaceful society in which individuals’ rights are respected. The legal system should respect individual rights while, at the same time, ensuring that society operates in an orderly manner. And society should believe in the Rule of Law, which means that the law applies to every person.

What is our behavior governed by?

What is the difference between laws and rules of morality?

What is the aim of the law when people have disagreements?

Why do we need laws that everyone must obey?

The Rule of Law means that…

19. The law is a set of rules for society, designed to protect basic rights and freedoms, and to treat everyone fairly. These rules can be divided into two basic categories: public law and private law. Public law deals with matters that affect society as a whole. It includes areas of the law known as criminal, constitutional and administrative law. They deal with the relationship between the individual and the state. If someone breaks a criminal law, it is regarded as a wrong against society as a whole, and the state takes steps to prosecute the offender. Private law deals with relationship between individuals in society and is used primarily to settle private disputes. When one individual sues another over some private dispute, this is a matter for private law. Private suits are also called “civil” suits. Laws must be enforced, interpreted and applied if they are to be effective, and the legal system includes a number of institutions to carry out these duties. Police forces enforce the law. Courts interpret both public and private law in specific cases and impose remedies, “sanctions” or penalties.

What is law?

Which is the right translation of the term “public law”?

What sort of matters does public law deal with?

Which is the right translation of the term “private law”?

What sort of matters does private law deal with?

20. The United Kingdom (the UK) has three separate legal systems: one each for England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. This reflects its historical origins. The UK has an unwritten constitution in that there is no single written document that sets out the rights of individual citizens and how the Government should act. The UK constitution is comprised of a variety of sources, some of which are written (such as statutes) and others (such as constitutional conventions), which are unwritten. Constitutional conventions are an important non-legal and unwritten source of the constitution. They may be defined as: "…rules of constitutional behavior …considered to be binding upon those who operate the constitution but which are not enforced by the law courts…nor by the presiding officers in the House of Commons". An example of a constitutional convention is that the monarch always gives Royal Assent to a bill, if advised to do so by the Prime Minister.

How many legal systems does the UK have?

Is the constitution of the UK written?

The UK constitution is comprised of…

Constitutional conventions may be defined as…

Which is the example of a constitutional convention of the UK?

Which system of law is the USA legal system based on?

Do all individual states have their own constitutions?

What is the federal legislative body of the USA?

Who is executive power exercised by?

Who is judicial power exercised by?

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