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Диплом American press
105.5 Кбайт 1 500 ₽
Some critics of American news coverage abroad detect an inordinate amount of coverage priority given to countries high on Washingtons official agenda. But they stand on less firm ground when they argue that coverage and commentary mostly conform to U.S. foreign policy objectives. There are just too many examples to the contrary, stretching from Central America back to Vietnam.
Introduction 3
Chapter I. From history of American press 5
1.1. Disturbing trends in journalism 5
1.2. Print technology 14
1.3. Magazines for the 21st century 17
1.4. The new world information order 19
Chapter II. The most famous American newspapers 23
2.1. The New York Times 23
2.2. USA TODAY 32
2.3. The Washington Post 35
2.4. The Washington Times 39
Chapter III. The role of Press in the Mass Culture 45
3.1. Mass Society and the Mass Culture 45
3.2. Famous events through a prism of press 49
Chapter IV. Advertising in Press 65
4.1. Intermedia advertising competition 65
4.2. Worldwide advertising 69
Conclusion 72
Bibliography 78
The list of advertising texts in Press 81
Список литературы
1. "Acts of Hatred, Hints of Doubt," John Burns, New York Times, April 1, 2004
2. Allan M. Siegal and William G. Connolly.The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage, revised edition. New York: Times Books, 1999.
3. Abu Muher, quoted in "Fallujah Residents Report U.S. Forces Engaged in Collective Punishment," News Standard, Dahr Jamaril, Apr 23, 2004
4. "A Response to Fallujah," Washington Post, unsigned op-ed, April 1, 2004
5. Berry; Nicholas O. Foreign Policy and the Press: An Analysis of the New York Times Coverage of U.S. Foreign Policy (Greenwood. 1990)
6. Davis Elmer. History of the New York Times, 1851-1921
7. David Brock The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy, Washington, 2003
8. Dante Chinni The Washington Timess role, WASHINGTON 2002
9. "Cluster Bombs in Falluja, Harassment of Patients by Soldiers," Dahr Jamail, April 19, 2004
10. Emery, Michael C. The Press and America: an interpretive history of the mass media./ Michael Emery, Edwin Emery, Nancy L. Roberts, USA, 2000
11. "General Vows to Hunt Killers, Retake Fallujah," Chicago Tribune, April 2, 2004
12. Hess, John. My Times: A Memoir of Dissent, Seven Stories Press (2003), cloth,; trade paperback, Seven Stories Press (2003)
13. Deni Elliott The Clash of the Paradigms Monday, February 20, 2006
14. "Descent into Carnage in a Hostile City," Washington Post, Sewall Chan, April 1, 2004
15. "Iraq violence drives thriving business," Chicago Tribune, Kristen Schanberg, Mike Dorning, April 2, 2004
16. "Iraqi Mob Mutilates 4 American Civilians," Chicago Tribune, Colin McMahon, April 1, 2004
17. "Iraqi Minister of Health presses Bremer and IGC to explain U.S. Targeting of Ambulances in Falluja," Dahr Jamail, April 17, 2004
18. "Four Americans Mutilated," the Washington Times, April 1, 2004
19. Freedman Allan Is the time right for the Times?// Columbia Journalism Review, 2003
20. "Families of Men Slain by Mob Focus on Their Lives, Not How They Died," New York Times, Abby Goodnough, Michael Luo, April 3, 2004
21. "Fallujah Doctors Report U.S. Forces Obstructed Medical Care in April," News Standard, Dahr Jamail, May 21, 20
22. "Horror at Fallujah," San Francisco Chronicle, Colin Freeman, April 1, 2004
23. "4 From US Killed in Ambush in Iraq; Mob Drags Bodies," New York Times, Jeffrey Gettleman, April 1, 2004
24. "4 From US Killed in Ambush in Iraq; Mob Drags Bodies," New York Times, Jeffrey Gettleman, April 1, 2004
25. "7 of Top 20 Papers Published Front-Page Fallujah Body Photos," E&P News, Charles Geraci, April 1, 2004
26. Jones, Alex S. and Susan E. Tifft. The Trust: The Private and Powerful Family Behind The New York Times. Back Bay Books (2000).
27. "Killing Iraq with Kindness," New York Times, Ian Buruma, March 17, 2004
28. Matthew Engel Where newspaper journalism is dying British Journalism Review Vol. 14, No. 1, 2003, pages 17-22
29. "Marines Battle guerrillas in streets of Falluja," New York Times, Eric Schmitt, April 9, 2004
30. "Marines Use Low-Tech Skill to Kill 100 in Urban Battle," New York Times, Jeffrey Gettleman, April 15, 2004
31. "US Marines Shoot Ambulances in Fallujah," Democracy Now! April 13, 2004
32. Mnookin, Seth. Hard News: The Scandals at The New York Times and Their Random House Meaning for American Media, (2004).
33. "One Year Later," New York Times, Unsigned editorial, March 19, 2004
34. Scott Sherman Donald Grahams Washington Post. WASHINGTON 2002
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