Тесты10-12_Иностранный язык_Английский_Витте
this process has so many subtleties and peculiarities that there is a large deal of truth in this statement. If your position entails always being available to callers, you should actually be available. That
Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере
1. Expenses that have been recognized in the income statement but are not yet contractually due - taxes payable - interest payable - wages payable - accrued warranty expense 2. assets, liabilities, owner's
[Росдистант] Иностранный язык 2 (ИТОГОВЫЙ ТЕСТ)
readings "Smart Cars, Intelligent Highways" and "Globalization and Antiglobalization". Read each statement and then answer the questions that follow. The increasing integration of economies means that economies