previously unsolvable problems. The abacus was very important in ancient times because it allowed people to do … quickly and accurately. In conclusion, logarithmic tables were an important computing tool
their use helped … complex calculations. 5. Match Russian equivalent to English phrases: A. a square root of 4 B. divide by 4 C. multiply by 4 D. raise to the power of 4 E. add 4 F. корень квадратный
1. … involve managing resources and planning strategies to achieve specific goals. 2. … is important in software systems as it allows them to handle increased workloads and accommodate growing user bases
2 Анкета обратной связи Итоговая аттестация … involve managing resources and planning strategies to achieve specific goals.Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких
· a customer · a maintain · training Decide if the statements are true or false according to the text. · The site included its own hotels and test track. · The factory was built in less