Английский язык 1 курс (всё включено) МФПУ Синергия
Английский язык (1): New Market Leader Elementary: New Market Leader Elementary Course book; New Market Leader Elementary (practice file). Аудиофайлы к данному разделу: New_Market_Leader_Elementary_Audio_CD.zip
Иностранный язык 3 РОСДИСТАНТ итоговый тест
clinked relieved erased Вопрос 3 Верно Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0 Отметить вопрос Текст вопроса This elected leader was blamed for ______ and corruption. deceit occasion counterpart custom Вопрос 4 Верно Баллов: 1
Профессиональный английский язык 1 (модуль 2)
СПИСОК ВОПРОСОВ ИЗ ФАЙЛАT (t) the ability I do have ... to detect and affect human emotion A (a) born leader If anyone in this group is ... its you W (w) work schedule Youre busy and I cant change my ...
Иностранный язык 3 / Вопросы из Итогового теста
arrived to the party, everybody … You … fasten your seat belts for safety purposes. This elected leader was blamed for … and corruption. The number of women in business sphere ______ constantly ______
Иностранный язык - 2 тест ТУСУР сборник ответов
structure allows working together and the leader of the team keeps people motivated while contributing. Team structure focuses on one thing and has one leader who has to reign in the chaos. Выберите все