Основы теории первого иностранного английского языка ОТВЕТЫ Синергия Тест 97/100

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Основы теории первого иностранного английского языка ОТВЕТЫ Синергия Тест 97/100 - Оценка ОТЛИЧНО

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Suffixes changing nouns to adjectives are:

-en, -ful, - ic(al), -ish, -ous

-ed, -ing, -ive, - (at)ory

-able or -ible, -ent or -ant

All the adjectives can be divided into two large groups:

singular and plural

gradable and non- gradable

countable and uncountable

The way of forming degrees of comparison by the inflections is called...




The category of gender is formed by two oppositions.

plural and singular, special and general

masculine and feminine, special and general

person and non-person, masculine and feminine

Intensifying adjectives consist of two groups:

ordinal and cardinal

stative and dynamic

emphasizers and amplifiers

The elementary meaningful part of the word is

a sound

a morpheme

a sign

There are three main types of syntactic connections between words:

subordination, limitation and predication

subordination, coordination and predication

concretisation, coordination and formation

As any other part of speech, the noun can be characterised by three criteria:

phonological, semantic, and morphological

semantic, morphological, and syntactical

lexical, semantic and structural

In accordance with the morphological structure of the stems all nouns can be classified into:

neutral, masculine, and feminine

simple., compound and composite

absolute, abstract, and figurative

... argues that the positive degree cannot be regarded as a degree of comparison as it does not convey the idea of comparison.


G. Kivivali

О. Jespersen

The number category is realized through the opposition of two form-classes:

plural form and singular form

grammatical form and lexical form

connotative form and denotative form

To the supra-segmental units belong:

phonemes, morphemes, words, phrases

intonations, accents, pauses, patterns of word order

stress, sounds, word-building, word order

In modern linguistics the term «genitive case» is used instead of...

«possessive case»

«nominative case»

«common case»

The action or process of converting an adjective into a noun is ...




The so-called 'non-progressive' verbs are...

to work, to study, to do, to live

to drink, to eat, to come, to take

to think, to understand, to know, to hate

Non-gradable adjectives constitute three groups:

relative, intensifying, and restrictive

neutral, positive, and negative

relative, absolute, and abstract

The realization of the category of aspect is closely connected with ...

the lexical meaning of verbs

the morphological meaning of verbs

the grammatical meaning of verbs

The sentence as a lingual sign is based on predication in the centre of which stands a finite verb. Due to this feature, the sentence can perform two essential functions:

general function and special function

nominative function and emotional function

designating function and communicative function

According to the way of forming past tenses and Participle II verbs can be ...

simple and compound

sound-replacive and stress-replacive

regular and irregular

A branch of grammar that studies sentence construction, its communicative-functional, structural and pragmatic classifications is...




According to the nature of predication (primary and secondary) all verbs fall into ...

finite and non-finite

stativeness and non-stativeness

notional and semi-notional

In the sentence, the adjective performs the functions of

a subject and object

an object and a predicate

an attribute and a predicative

A unit formed by a combination of two or more notional words, which does not constitute a sentence is ...

a collocation


a phrase

The term «grammar» may be translated as...

«the art of writing»

«the art of speaking»

«the art of translating»

The basic informative part of the communication is represented by ...

the theme

the rheme

the intonation

The main nominative unit of speech is ...




It covers the names of objects consisting of several parts (jeans), names of sciences (mathematics), names of diseases, games.

Singularia tantum and Pluralia tantum

Singularia tantum

Pluralia tantum

The verb possesses the following grammatical categories:

tense, aspect, voice, mood, person, number, finitude and phase

tense, aspect, gender, person, number, finitude and phase

plural and singular forms, aspect, person, number, finitude and phase

According to the structure, subordinate word-groups are classified into:...

simple and complex word-groups

single and plural word-groups

definite and indefinite word-groups

The relation of a word to another word in the word-group or sentence is expressed by...




Список литературы

Основы теории первого иностранного английского языка ОТВЕТЫ Синергия Тест 97/100

Lecture 1. Grammar as a part of the language

Lecture 2. The noun

Lecture 3. The verb

Lecture 4. The Adjective

Lecture 5. Sentence, as the main unit of syntax

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