Контрольная работа по Английскому Языку (2)

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11 Дек 2020 в 15:18
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Контрольная работа по Английскому
33.2 Кбайт 500 ₽

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Выполните письменно вариант контрольной работы


1. Раскройте скобки, употребите активную или пассивную форму герундия.

1.     The speaker was annoyed at (to interrupt) every other moment.

2.     He showed no sign of (to hurt).

3.     The showed no sign of (to recognize) us.

4.     He insists on (to pay) for his work done.

5.     We didn’t want to speak to the correspondent and tried to avoid (to interview) by him.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребите частицу “to”перед инфинитивом, где это необходимо.

1.     Children’s abilities can (to be developed) at school.

2.     She didn’t let me (to answer).

3.     We see them (to work) to school every day.

4.     My son likes (to play) computer games.

5.     I can’t make my friends (to be) punctual.

3.  Выберите Present Participle (причастие I) или Past Participle (причастие II).

 1. When... home, he bought a newspaper.

            a) going                      b) gone

 2. Ann is... her examination now.

            a) taking                     b) taken

 3. I took the train... for Glasgow.

            a) leaving          b) left

 4. John has never... to Moscow.

            a) being                      b) been

 5. The text cannot be... without learning grammar.

            a) translating              b) translated

4.Переведите на русский язык, подчеркните причастие в предложении.

1.                I heard the visitor talking to himself.

2.                He found Lora reading a novel in their bedroom.

3.                Having finished his work, he seemed more pleased than usual.

4.                Looking out of the window, she saw there was a man working in the garden.

5.                For the first time she found herself wondering about him.

5. Переведите на английский язык.

Разбитое стекло, играющие дети, разрушенный город, плавающая утка, приготовленный обед.

6. Раскройте скобки, выбирая требующееся время глагола.

1.                My friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sitting room.

2.                He said he (will come, would come) to the station to see me off.

3.                I was sure he (posted, had posted) the letter.

4.                I think the weather (will be, would be) fine next week.

5.                I want to know what he (has bought, had bought) for her birthday.

7.     Переведите предложение, обращая внимание на конструкцию Complex Object.

1.     I’d like you to join us.

2.     We watched the curtains go down.

3.     We wish the matter to be settled today.

4.     They let us take part in the competition.

5.     I saw him take the book in the library.

6.     She heard Peter refuse to join them.

7.     They wanted the doctor to examine their son.

8.     Переведите предложение, обращая внимание на конструкцию Complex Subject.

1.     The team is certain to win the game.

2.     She is said to have come back.

3.     He seems to have been speaking for quite a long.

4.     She appears to know geography better than other students.

5.     Bill turned out to be a good translator.

6.     He is likely to give up smoking.

7.     I seem to have read this novel before.

9. Соотнесите подходящие по смыслу реплики.

1. - Excuse me. Is there a supermarket near here? 

2. - How do I get there? 

3. - Is it far?

4.- Thank you.     

a. - At the traffic lights, take the first left and go straight on. It's on the left.

b. - Not really.     

c.- Don't mention it.

d. Yes. There's one near here.

10. Переведите предложения на английский язык

1. Ресторан находится позади супермаркета.

2. Школа находится между аптекой и книжным магазином.

3. Салон красоты находится напротив парка.

4. Стоянка находится справа от больницы, перед детским садом.

5. Банк находится рядом с библиотекой, слева от театра.


Прочитайте текст без словаря. Установите соответствие между заголовками A – F и текстами писем 1 – 5, опубликованных в журнале для изучающих английский язык. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.







1. I'm a 24-year-old business student from Malaysia and I've been going to English classes at night school for the past 5 years. Up to now I've thought that I'm a good student. Last month I went to Britain. Nobody could understand me and I couldn't understand them. What went wrong? My English teacher is very good and I always get the highest mark for my grammar test.

2. I'm writing to ask your opinion on my problem. My English teacher never corrects my mistakes when I'm speaking. Isn't that her job? How am I going to learn to speak better? Also she's always telling me that I should forget all the rules of grammar that I learnt when I was younger.

3. I am looking after two small English children. I love my job but the way that English people speak is a little surprising. For example, I often hear them say things like 'more friendlier', and I thought it should be 'more friendly'. Many of them say 'we was' instead of 'we were'. Can you explain this? Would it be impolite of me to correct them?

4. I have been studying English for three years. I'm quite good at reading and writing but listening is very difficult for me. My teacher suggested that I listen to the BBC World Service every day in order to understand English better. The problem is that it's hard for me to understand every word. Do you have any ideas about how to make listening to the radio less difficult? I like to listen to news very much.

5. I have studied English for five years at school but for the past six months I have been using the Internet and books to learn. There are lots of materials to choose but I'm not sure what is best for me and how I should use them. I really would like to take some international examination but don't know how to study without help. Should I take a course in my local school – which is a little expensive for me now – or is it possible to prepare for the exam on my own?







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Great Britain

The British Isles lie in the north-west of Europe. They consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and many smaller ones. Great Britain, the largest island in Europe, includes England, Scotland, and Wales. It is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea, and from the Continent by the English Channel and the Straits of Dover. Great Britain and Northern Ireland form the United Kingdom (UK).

The surface of England and Ireland is flat, but the surface of Scotland and Wales is mountainous. The mountains are almost all in the western part. The highest mountain in the United Kingdom is Ben Nevis in Scotland (1343 m). The longest river is the Severn. It is in the south-west of England. The Thames is not so long as the Severn, it is shorter. The sea enters deeply into the land and has a great influence on the climate, which is damp but rather mild: the winter is not very cold and the summer is not very hot.

Over 57 million people live in the United Kingdom. Most of the people of Great Britain live in big towns and cities.

The capital of the country is London. The main industrial centres are Sheffield and Birmingham where iron goods are made, Manchester, the cotton centre of England, and others. The important ports of the country are London, Liverpool, Glasgow and others.

New York

In 1607 Captain Henry Hudson left Europe to search for the famous North-West Passage. He didn't find it, because it didn't exist, but he reached a river to which he gave his name. Interested by the stories told them by the captain on his return, the Dutch sent other boats to take possession of the land discovered by Hudson and gave it the name 'New Netherland'. Two men dominate the history of this colony. The first bought the island of Manhattan from the Indians in 1626. The second arrived in 1647 as governor of New Amsterdam, the capital of New Netherland.

In 1664 this territory was taken over by the English and they changed the name of New Amsterdam to New York.

New York is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is over 11 million people. New York is an industrial and cultural centre of the country. Most business is centred in Manhattan Island. The whole area is very small, that's why the skyscrapers were invented in New York and, especially, in Wall Street. Wall Street is a narrow street with big houses, but it is well known all over the world as the busiest street in the USA. People do business there.

There are two more world-famous streets — Broadway and Fifth Avenue. Broadway is the centre of the theatres and night life. It is known as The Great White Way because of the electric signs which turn night into day. It is the city that never goes to sleep. Buses and subway run all night. There are many drugstores and restaurants which never close their doors. There are cinemas with films that start at midnight.

Fifth Avenue is the great shopping, hotel, and club avenue. If you go along this avenue, you come to Harlem, where the black people of New York live, the coloured workers, teachers, doctors and musicians.

New York is the largest port in America. More than half the trade of the United States goes through this city. There are many places of interest in New York. They are: the Statue of Liberty, the United Nations Building, Empire State Building, Columbia University, City Hall, New York Public Library and others.

The United Nations

The United Nations is an organization of sovereign nations representing almost all of humanity. It has as its central goal the maintenance of international peace and security. Additionally, its purposes call for the development of friendly relations among nations based on equal rights and self-determination of peoples and, through international co-operation, the solution of problems of an economic, social, cultural and humanitarian nature.

The United Nations is the meeting-place where representatives of all member states — great and small, rich and poor, with varying political views and social systems — have a voice and an equal vote in shaping a common course of action.

The United Nations has played, and continues to play, an active role in reducing tension in the world, preventing conflicts and putting an end to fighting already under way.

There are six main organs of the United Nations — the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the Secretariat and the International Court of Justice. The Court has its seat at the Hague, Netherlands. All other organs are based at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Members of the General Assembly talk to each other in many languages, but officially there are only six - Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

The Secretariat services the other organs of the United Nations and administers the programmes and policies laid down by them. Over 20,000 men and women are employed by the United Nations with about one-third of them at the Headquarters and the other two-thirds stationed around the globe. Staff members are recruited primarily from member states and are drawn from more than 140 nations. As international civil servants, each takes an oath not to seek or receive instructions from any government or outside authority.

Working for the United Nations, mostly "behind the scenes" at the Headquarters, are linguists, economists, editors, social scientists, legal experts, librarians, journalists, statisticians, broadcasters, personnel officers, administrators and experts in all the varied fields of activity covered by the United Nations. They prepare the reports and studies requested by various bodies of the United Nations; they issue press releases and produce publications, broadcasts and films giving information about the United Nations; and they perform the administrative duties needed to implement resolutions adopted by the various organs. In addition, there are stenographers, clerks, engineers and technicians, tour guides and also a body of security officers in blue-grey uniforms who arc responsible for the security of the United Nations Headquarters. At the head of the Secretariat is the Secretary-General.

The main Headquarters of the United Nations are based in New York. The United Nations Organization Secretariat occupies the higher building. The General Assembly is held in the lower building.


Ответьте письменно на вопросы по теме «Профессия».

1) What faculty do you study at?

2) When did you decide to become a student of the Pedagogical University?

3) What is your profession?

4)  What can you say in general about teacher's work? What makes a good teacher?

5) Is it necessary for a teacher to know his pupil’s abilities and aptitudes? Why?

6) Should personal relationships between teacher and pupils be founded on respect or fear?

7) How do contacts with parents help teacher in his job?

8) When does teaching bring satisfaction and happiness?

9) Are you going to work as a teacher? What attractive points do you find in your occupation?

10) Must a person choose his future profession or his future job according to prestige? Why or why not?

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