1. The cause of inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region is an odontogenic infection in
1. 27-30% of cases
2. 100% of cases
3. 68% of cases
4. 90% of cases
2. The deep cellular space in the maxillofacial region adjacent to the upper jaw
is considered
1. sub-temporal
2. cheekbone
3. Buccal
4. sub-orbital
3. With putrefactive necrotic phlegmon of the face, the cellular spaces are most often affected
1. Temporal and suspensory areas
2. Temporal, buccal regions and canine fossa
3. all cellular spaces of the bottom of the oral cavity
4. the cranial, temporal and suspensory areas
4. The results of laboratory tests for putrefactive necrotic phlegmon indicate
1. severe immunosuppression
2. leukopenia
3. lymphopenia
4. All of the above
5. For the prevention of hematoma formation in case of facial injury, apply
1. The cut of tissues
2. massage
3. Dry heat
4. local hypothermia, pressure bandage
6. An abrasion is
1. closed mechanical damage to soft tissues without visible violation of their anatomical
2. mechanical damage to the surface layers of the skin or mucous membrane +
3. violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane for their entire thickness, caused by mechanical
4. hemorrhage into soft tissues without violating the anatomical integrity of the skin
7. A complicated fracture of the tooth crown is
1. fracture of the tooth without opening the pulp
2. fracture of the tooth with opening of the pulp
3. fracture of the crown within the dentin enamel border
4. fracture of the crown within the cloak dentin
5. chipped enamel
8. Narrowing or complete absence of the periodontal gap on the X-ray is a sign
1. embedded dislocation of the tooth
2. complete dislocation of the tooth
3. fractures of the alveolar process
4. tooth subluxation
9. An early clinical symptom of maxillary cancer is:
1) decreased vision
2) nose bleeding
3) difficulty in nasal breathing
4) asphyxia
10. Malignant neoplasms in children are characterized by:
1) slow growth
2) the clarity of the boundaries between the tumor and the surrounding tissues
3) infiltrative growth
4) none of the above