Case 1
A 34-year-old patient came to you with complaints of severe pain in the eye area, chills,
an increase in body temperature to 38.1 C, weakness, visual impairment on the right.
From the anamnesis of the disease: Pain appeared in the upper eyelid area five days ago.
A furuncul appeared, she tried to crush it, the swelling began to grow, the pain increased.
From the anamnesis of life: Chronic diseases does are not indicate.
Objectively: general condition of moderate severity, body temperature 38.2 C,
pulse 80 beats per minute, satisfactory properties. Blood pressure is 125 and 80
Locally: The skin in the periorbital region on the right is hyperemic.
The configuration of the face has been changed due to edema of the tissues of this area, the ocular slit is narrowed
by OD, the edema spreads to the zygomatic, suborbital, temporal areas on the right.
Palpation of these areas causes moderate pain. Palpation in the area of the right
eye is sharply painful. Chemosis is noted. When performing a vision check, the patient
notes a diplopia in the upper field of the lead. The mouth opens freely.
There is no visible change in the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. The oral cavity is sanitized.
Choose a correct answer:
1. Thrombosis of the cavernous sinus. Complication of facial abscess.
2. Phlegmon of the orbit on the right. Complication of a facial furuncul.
3. Phlegmon of the temporal region on the right. Complication of facial abscess.
4. An abscess of the orbit on the right. Complication of facial abscess.