Контрольная работа - История языка

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Theoretical questions


1.         The Indo-European family of languages. Features common to most of the Indo-European languages.

2.         Classification of the modern Germanic languages.

3.         Phonetic features common to the Germanic languages. The system of stress in the Germanic languages.

4.         Peculiarities of the Germanic consonantal system. Grimm's Law and Verner's Law.

5.         Principal features of the grammatical structure of Common Germanic. Germanic noun, adjective and verb.

6.         Chronological division in the history of English.

7.         The system of OE vowels.

8.         Independent vowel changes in OE. The development of monophthongs.

9.         Independent vowel changes in OE. The development of diphthongs.

10.      Assimilative vowel changes in OE: breaking and diphthongization.

11.      Assimilative vowel changes in OE: palatal mutation.

12.      Peculiarities of the OE consonantal system.

13.      Word stress in OE.

14.       0E alphabet and pronunciation.

15.      Traces of palatal mutation in Modern English.

16.      Nominal categories in OE. The noun in OE. Morphological classes of nouns and noun declension.

17.      Traces of the OE noun declensions in Modern English.

18.      The adjective in OE, its grammatical categories. Weak and strong declensions.

19.      Degrees of comparison of the adjectives in OE.

20.      The verbal grammatical categories in OE.

21.      Morphological classification of verbs in OE.

22.      Weak verbs and their classes in OE.

23.      Strong verbs and their classes in OE.

24.      Minor groups of verbs in OE.

25.      Morphological structure of the word in Common Germanic and OE. Effects of OE phonetic changes on the word structure.

26.      Word-stock in ME. The main etymological layers.

27.      Qualitative vowel changes in EME. Growth of new diphthongs.

28.      Qualitative vowel changes in EME. Development of monophthongs.

29.      Quantitative vowel changes in EME.

30.      Changes of unstressed vowels in ME and NE.

31.      Modern diphthongs accounted for historically.

32.      Evolution of consonants in ME and ENE.

33.      Changes in the spelling conventions in ME and NE.

34.      Word stress in ME and NE.

Далее задания в оглавлении ----->


 35.   Quantitative vowel changes in ENE.

36.   Qualitative changes of long vowels in ENE. The Great Vowel Shift.

37.   Vocalization of [r] in ENE.

38.   Changes in the form-building means in ME and ENE.

39.   Changes in the nominal grammatical categories in ME and ENE.

40.   Decay of noun declensions in ME and ENE.

41.   Decay of declensions and grammatical categories of the adjective in ME and ENE.

42.   Degrees of comparison of adjectives in ME and EME. Growth of analytical forms in ME.

43.   Simplifying changes in the verb conjugation in ME and ENE.

44.   Changes in the morphological classes of verbs in ME and ENE.

45.   The evolution of weak verbs in ME and ENE.

46.   The origin of modem non-standard verbs. 

47.   Strong verbs and their devolution in ME and ENE.

48.   The development of minor groups of verbs in NE and ENE.

49.   The evolution of the system of verbals in ME and ENE,

50.   Development of the passive forms and the category of Voice in ME and ENE.

51.   Development of the Perfect forms and the category of Time-correlation in ME and ENE.

52.   Growth of analytical verb forms in ME and ENE.

53.   Word-stock in ME. The main etymological layers.

54.   Formation of the English national language.       

 Practical questions 

1.  Explain the spelling and the origin of the forms : write - wrote -written

2.  Explain the spelling and the origin of the forms : find - found - found

3.  Explain the spelling and the origin of the forms : rise - rose - risen

4.  Explain the spelling and the pronunciation of the words: sea, cloud.

5.  Explain the spelling and the pronunciation of the words: time, above

6.  Explain the origin of articles in Modem English.

7.  Explain the spelling and the origin of the plural: child- children.

8.  Explain the spelling and the pronunciation of the words: hose, street.

9.  Explain the spelling and the pronunciation of the words: five, wife.

10.Explain the origin of Modem English form: man's work.

11.Explain the spelling and the pronunciation of the words: boat, do.

12.Explain the spelling and the origin of the forms of the plural: sheep -sheep.

13.Explain the origin of the forms: man - men.

14.Changes in the nominal grammatical categories in ME and ENE.

15.Explain the spelling and the pronunciation of the words: green, ground

16.Explain the spelling and the origin of the forms of the plural: ox -oxen.

17.Explain the spelling, the pronunciation and the origin of the forms: drink - drank - drunk.

18.Explain the origin of the form: he is smiling.

19.Explain the spelling and the pronunciation of the words: school, right.

20.Explain the origin of Modem English modal verbs: can, may.

21.Explain the origin of the form: he will smile.

22.Explain the spelling and the pronunciation of the forms: come - came - come.

23.Explain the spelling, the pronunciation and the origin of the forms: set - set - set.

24.Explain the spelling, the pronunciation and the origin of the forms: tell - told - told.

25.Explain the origin of the prefixes over -, under - and the suffix - ish.

26.Explain the spelling, the pronunciation and the origin of the forms - keep - kept - kept.

27.Explain the spelling and the pronunciation of the words: seem, love.


 Рекомендуемая литература

а) основная:

·   Rastorgueva T.A. History of English. M., 1983.

·   Ilyish B.A. History of English Language. L., 1973. 

·   Reznik R.V., Sorokina T.S., Reznik I.V. A History of the English Language. – M., 2001.

·   Сатель М.Э., Павлова Н.Н. Методические задания для самостоятельной работы по истории английского языка (для студентов факультета гуманитарных и прикладных наук). М., 2001.

б) дополнительная:

·   Аракин В.Д. История английского языка.М., 1980.

·   Аракин В.Д. Очерки по истории английского языка. М., 1955.

·   Ivanova I.P., Belyaeva T.A. Reader in Early English. L., 1980.

·   Иванова И.П. , Чехоян Л.П. История английского языка. М., 1976.

·   Мейе А. Основные особенности германской группы языков. М., 1952.

·   Пауль Г. Принципы истории языка. М., 1960.

·   Smirnitsky A.I. Specimens of English from the 7th to the 17th Century. M., 1953.

·   Смирницкий А.И. Древнеанглийский язык. М., 1955.

·   Хлебникова И.Б. Введение в германскую филологию и историю английского языка. М., 2001.

·   Швейцер А.Д. Литературный язык в США и Англии. М., 1971.

·   Ярцева В.Н. Развитие национального литературного английского языка М, 1969.

·   Ярцева В.Н. История английского языка IV–XV вв. М., 1985.

·   Baugh A., Cabli Th. A History of the English Language, London, Henley and Boston, 1978.

·   Yespersen O. Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. Copenhagen-Longen. Vol. 3, 4, 6. 1946–1949.


Этимологические словари:

·   The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology / Ed. C.T. Onions. – Oxford Clarendon Press, 1966.

·   Skeat W.A. Concise Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. - Oxford Clarendon Press, 1897, N.Y., 1967

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