Задание по английскому

Иностранные языки
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26 Июл в 18:41
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250 ₽
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18.4 Кбайт 250 ₽

Вопрос 1. Переведите текст:


In many ways, we are all part of the world economy. When we drink our imported coffee or hot chocolate in the morning, when we use a foreign-made videocassette recorder, or when we travel abroad on holiday, we are participating in the growing world of international trade and finance.

And it is not only as a consumer of foreign goods and services that we are part of the world economy. The money that our pension funds or university endowments earn from global investments may actually be paying for our retirement or a new building on campus. Foreign investment in local real estate and companies can also provide needed jobs for our friends and families. Even the local athlete who has signed a contract to play abroad is part of the expanding global economy.

The world economy is made up of all those interactions among people, businesses, and governments that cross international borders, even the illegal ones. We use the world economy to achieve specific political or ecological objectives when we employ economic sanctions to fight racial segregation or the illegal killing of whales.

Basically, whatever crosses an international border—whether goods, services, or transfers of funds—is part of the world economy. Food imports, automobile exports, investments abroad, even the trade in services such as movies or tourism contribute to each country is international economic activity.


Вопрос 2. Выберите правильный вариант:

  • What is the global economy made up of?
  • The world economy is made up of goods and services.
  • The world economy is made up of all interactions between people, businesses and -governments that cross international borders.
  • The world economy is made up of domestic and international trade.

What is the part of the world economy?

  • Everything that crosses international borders.
  • All goods and services at men s disposal.
  • Each country is economic activity.

What can provide needed jobs for our friends and families?

  • Our own money.
  • Loans from local banks.
  • Foreign investment in local real estate and companies.


  1. торговля
  2. торг
  3. торговый оборот


  1. достаток
  2. дар
  3. капиталовложение


  1. товары
  2. услуги
  3. чеки

Вставьте правильный артикль:

Passengers for … flight 452 to London, please collect your hand luggage and go to … gate four.

Can I check in for … flight to London here?

It is … non-stop flight.

The price for … goods was 500 ?.

Now English people do not go to … cinema and to … theatre as often as some years ago. They usually stay at home and watch television and VCR.

There will be … new cinema in our district next month.

Вопрос 3. Напишите 15-20 предложений на одну из тем:

Will Eurozone lose Greece?

Which countries have the largest economies in Europe – prove your point.

Which country has a more stable economy - New Zealand or the Netherlands?

Describe Chinese economy.

How does a market competition work in Russia

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