Английский язык тест ММА/Синергия/МТИ/МОСАП

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английский язык мма (синергия,мои)
18.1 Кбайт 200 ₽

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1. The power to order that a merger shall not go ahead lies with...

2. The term "goods" includes all "chattels personal" that are ...

3. A shareholder of a public company can sell his shares freely...

4. The mortgagor may create ...

5. Employees are entitled to notice which could be a month ...

6. When the land is owned by a company,...

7. Contracts for the sale of goods include …

8. Private limited companies cannot raise money…

9. The secretary of a private company…

10. The bankruptcy petition can be presented by…

11. To take part in the management of a registered company, a bankrupt must get…

12. If the principal refuses to ratify the transaction...

13. Choses capable of negotiation are classified as negotiable instruments and include ...

14. If a minority shareholder does not agree with the majority...

15. Leasehold estate which incudes the renewable yearly lease is ...

16. Sole trader...

17. A person cannot be a partner if...

18. A consent of the principal...

19. The Monopolies and Mergers Commission consists of...

20. Fiduciary duties of employees are implied into a contract of employment...

21. A holder of bearer shares becomes a member of the company...

22. A mortgage is void against a subsequent purchaser...

23. Directors of a public company can be appointed...

24. Choose the right ending of the sentence

25. In case of trespass to land the duty is owed ...

26. In a bankruptcy the estate of an insolvent person passes...

27. A shareholder has the right...

28. A bankrupt must disclose his status if he wants to obtain...

29. Things which are capable of physical possession are uncluded into ...

30. I ... from Spain.

31. A subsidiary company is owned...

32. The East India Company was created...

33. Agency of necessity can arise on condition that...

34. The bankruptcy order is published in...

35. A company which develops a new product protects this invention ...

36. The capital clause of the Memorandum states....

37. Ratification of the contract can be possible if...

38. The loan agreement provides for repayment of loan plus interest...

39. A mortgage can be set aside

40. The rights of inheritance are unrestricted in case of...

41. Dismissal of an employee is considered fair if the reason is...

42. If a partner secretly carries on a competing business, he..... in

43. Fiduciary duties are owed ...

44. The major source of the English law which takes precedence over the others is…

45. The employer must provide written statement of the following terms ...

46. Trading in a name similar to that of another similar business affects ...

47. According to the contract, the goods must be transferred…

48. Legal rights attach to…

49. The Register of the Company must be kept...

50. Companies limited by shares are usually set up for…

51. A director of a public company can be disqualified...

52. A separate legal person is created in setting up business as…

53. Partnership can be set up between persons carrying on a business...

54. The transfer of property to the buyer is the main purpose ...

55. Carrying on an offensive trade, obstructing the highway is ...

56. An employer must make a redundancy payment to an employee who has 57. A statement of law is binding for future similar disputes if...

58. Preference shareholders have the right...

59. The following products are excluded from liability under the Consumer 60. Negligence is an actionable wrong affecting ...

61. Allowing water to escape from reservoirs is a tort affecting…

62. Supervising trading practices is one of the main duties of...

63. The Department of Trade and Industry may appoint inspectors...

64. To control rogue dealers, the DG may bring proceedings...

65. The highest court of appeal in Britain is....

66. Public limited companies can have…


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