РОСДИСТАНТ Практическое задание 5 Application software Smart Home

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Smart home (297 Words)
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Задание звучит так:

Практическое задание 5:

Тема: Application software


Write a long description of an app to be used in ONE of the following areas:

• Sport and healthcare

• Smart city

• Smart home

• Education

• Hospitality and tourism

Think of a specific problem that the app is designed to assist in solving. Use real statistics or facts to prove the urgency of the problem. Describe the main function and the advantages of the app using the word list of this Module.

You should write 250-300 words.

Рекомендации по выполнению задания

Take care that you need to have:

• App Icon + App Title (the app title is under 25 characters and carries the name of the app and somekeywords about what your app is about).

• App Screenshots (up to 5 visuals to explain what your app can do, each screenshot needs a short descriptive text on it so that a reader can understand what this screenshot shows).


You can earn

eight points for this description as it is twice as long as other writings and needs visuals.

• App Description

o Think about the structure of the description as you need at least 3 paragraphs. It is better to have four shorter paragraphs than two longer ones.

o Find your users and remember who your app is good for when you are writing the description. Teenagers and adults need different information.

o Focus on a specific problem that the app is designed to assist in solving.

o Use real statistics or facts to prove the urgency of the problem.

o Write about the app functionality in a clear way(emphasize the core features and the advantages).

o Offer only important, valuable information in a very understandable language.

o No jargon or hard words.

o Be careful with arrows, stars, hearts, etc as they are good for an entertaining app only.

o Inspire users to leave positive reviews.

o Provide contact information.

o If your app is not a new one, you need to describe fresh updates (new features, fixed bugs, and other in-app changes) at the end.

o Useful phrases


You can read

more about how to write a good description and see an example … and another example …

▪ for a value statement: The product is the one that…;

▪ for the “ideal for” statement: Made exclusively for…;

▪ for a product review or an influencer quote: Name helps you… – The WSJ;

▪ for media mentions: As shown by TNC Broadcast…;

▪ for reasons to believe: Name is free forever…;

▪ for teasers: Click ‘…’ to get…;

▪ for achievements: Raised X funds…;

▪ for previous expertise: From the creators of…;

▪ for star ratings: … gave us … stars!

Мои работы по остальным темам этой практической: https://studwork.ru/shop/349955-rosdistant-prakticheskoe-zadanie-5-application-software-education


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