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For studying the law applying to conduction of heat, let us consider the case in which heat flows along a uniform bar. The ends of this bar are kept at uniform temperature. It means that the fall of temperature in the bar remains always the same. The quantity of heat conducting down this bar depends on the following relationship.
The quantity of heat passing through the conductor in a given time is in direct proportion to the area of the conductor. In such a case, just as in the case of water pipe, the larger the area through which the flow takes place, the greater the quantity transferred per unit of time. It is the quantity of heat that is directly proportional to the difference in temperature between the ends of the bar. This difference in temperature may be compared with the difference in pressure forcing the water through the pipe. As a matter of fact no flow of water occurs unless there is a difference in pressure. The greater the difference in pressure, the greater the flow. In this case there is no flow of heat unless there is a difference in temperature between the ends of the bar. The greater this difference, the greater is the flow of the heat.
As for the quantity of heat it decreases as the length of the path of the distance between the ends of the bar is increased.
This can be compared with the flow of water in a pipe, in which the quantity of water flowing is found to be inversely proportional to the length of the pipe under given conditions.