Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности (социальная психология) тест с ответами Синергия

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29 Авг 2023 в 17:32
МФПУ Синергия / Московский открытый институт (МОИ) / Московский технологический институт (МТИ) / МОСАП
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1. ______ to school yesterday?

*Do you walk

*Did you walked

* Did you walk

*Have you walked

2. ______________ emphasizes the set of norms that applies to people who hold particular positions, like flight attendants or instructions.


*Cognitive Psychology

*Freudian Psychology

* . The Socio-cultural Perspective

3. _______________ was developed by Ivan Pavlov, B.F.. Skinner and others. They focused on the observable behavior of humans and other animals rather than subjective thoughts and feelings.

*Psychoanalytic theory

* Behaviorism

*Gestalt Psychology

*Humanistic Psychology

4. ____________________ assume that individuals evaluate the costs and benefits of various actions and pick the best alternatives in a fairly logical reasoned way. It involves weighing the pros (benefits) and cons (costs) of possible alternatives.

*motivational theories

*Learning theories

*Cognitive theories

* Decision-Making theories

5. _____________________ is the scientific study of how people think about, influence and relate to others.

* Social Psychology

*Behavior Modification

*Clinical Psychology

*Physiological Psychology

6. _______________________ emphasize that a person's behavior depends on the way he or she perceives the social situation. One core idea is that people tend to spontaneously group and categorize objects.

*motivational theories

*Learning theories

* Cognitive theories

*Decision-making theories 

7. "Have you visited London?" "______."

* Not yet




 8. "I don't like coffee." "______ do I."


* Neither



9. “Did you speak to Juliet?" "No, I've ______ seen her."


* hardly



10. According to _______________ decisions are based on the worth and the probability of the outcome.

* expectancy-value theory

*social exchange theory

*evolutionary social psychology

*social learning theory 

11. Attribution theory analyzes how we _________________.

*make decisions and solve problems

*make impressions on others

* explain people's behavior

*form attitudes about issues

 12. Automatic thinking is______________

* thinking that is nonconscious, unintentional, involuntary, and effortless

*a type of thinking in which people focus on the properties of objects without considering their surround context

*a type of thinking in which people focus on the overall context, particularly the ways in which objects relate to each other

*thinking that is conscious, intentional, voluntary, and effortful

13. Behaviorism is_____________________

* a school of psychology maintaining that to understand human behaviour, one need to consider the reinforcing properties of the environment

*a school of psychology stressing the importance of studying the subjective way in which an object appears in people's minds rather than the objective physical attributes of the object

*the technique whereby a researcher observes people and systematically records measurements or impressions of their behavior

*a statistic that assesses how well you can predict one variable from another

14. Can you tell me when ______ ?

* the train leaves

*does the train leave

*leaves the train

*does leave the train

15. confirmation bias

* заданность восприятия

*условные рефлексы

*общественная работа

*социальное влияние

16. Display rules are____________

* culturally determined rules about which nonverbal behaviors are appropriate to display

*mentally changing some aspect of the past as a way of imagining what might have been

*the study of how we form impressions of and make inferences about other people

*a description of the way in which people explain the causes of their own and other people's behavior

17. group polarization

* поляризация интересов группы

*полярные теории работы в группе

*общественное мнение

*совместные интересы

18. He's interested ______ learning Spanish.



* in


19. hidden curriculum

* имплицитные знания

*неписаные правила

*страхи и фобии

*неприятие социальных норм

20. I _____ borrow my parents' car if I had my driving licence.


* could


21. I _____ tell anyone if you tell me.


* won't


22. I come ______ England.

* from




23. I'll phone Charlie from home later if I _____.


* remember

*'ll remember

24. If I _____ enough money, you know I'd lend it to you.



* had

25. If I go to the shops this afternoon, I _____ some chocolate for you.


* 'll buy

*would buy 

26. If the bus is late, I _____ late for school.

* 'll be

*'d be


27. If there's any cake left I _____ another piece.


*would have

* 'll have

28. If you had three wishes, what _____ you wish for?


* would


29. informative influence

* информирующее влияние

*влияние информации

*информация влияния

*влияние на информацию

30. Internal attribution is_________________________

* the inference that a person is behaving in a certain way because of something about the person, such as attitude, character, or personality

*a description of the way in which people explain the causes of their own and other people's behavior

*the inference that a person is behaving a certain way because of something about the situation he or she is in

*culturally determined rules about which nonverbal behaviors are appropriate to display

31. internalization

* принятие элементов поведения или культуры

*внутренние процессы организма

*личное отношение к чему-либо

*общественное поведение

32. Is Jo ______ Chris?

*taller that


* as tall as

*more tall

33. misinformation effect

* эффект дезинформации

*скрытая угроза

*информационное влияние

*неприятие общественного поведения

34. Observational method is_______________

* the technique whereby a researcher observes people and systematically records measurements or impressions of their behaviour

*the method by which researchers attempt to understand a group or culture by observing it from the inside, without imposing any preconceived notions they might have

*the way in which people perceive, comprehend, and interpret the social world

*the study of how we form impressions of and make inferences about other people

 35. Overconfidence barrier is_________________

* the fact that people usually have too much confidence in the accuracy of their judgments

*a description of the way in which people explain the causes of their own and other people's behavior

*the study of how we form impressions of and make inferences about other people

*the inference that a person is behaving in a certain way because of something about the person, such as attitude, character, or personality

36. peer pressure

* давление со стороны сверстников

*физическое давление

*общественная ноша

*совместные интересы

37. Psychological reaction is__________________

* the extent to which the psychological processes triggered in an experiment are similar to psychological processes that occur in everyday life

*the way in which people perceive, comprehend, and interpret the social world

social behaviour in terms of genetic factors that have evolved over time according to the principles of natural selection

*mental structures people use to organize their knowledge about the social world around themes or subjects and that influence the information people notice, think about, and remember

 38. Random selection is______________

* a way of ensuring that a sample of people is representative of a population by giving everyone in the population an equal chance of being selected for the sample

*the method by which researchers attempt to understand a group or culture by observing it from the inside, without imposing any preconceived notions they might have

*social behaviour in terms of genetic factors that have evolved over time according to the principles of natural selection

*a school of psychology stressing the importance of studying the subjective way in which an object appears in people's minds rather than the objective physical attributes of the object 

39. She ______ me to go to school.

* told




40. She looks ______ she's going to be sick.

* as if




41. Social cognition is___________________

* how people think about themselves and the social world; more specifically, how people select, interpret, remember, and use social information to make judgments and decisions

*the technique whereby a researcher observes people and systematically records measurements or impressions of their behavior

*the method by which researchers attempt to understand a group or culture by observing it from the inside, without imposing any preconceived notions they might have

*the inference that a person is behaving in a certain way because of something about the person, such as attitude, character, or personality

42. Social influence means __________

* the effect that the words, actions, or mere presence of other people have on our thoughts, feelings, attitudes, or behavior

*the scientific study of the way in which people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the real or imagined presence of other people.

*the way in which people perceive, comprehend, and interpret the social world

*the method by which researchers attempt to understand a group or culture by observing it from the inside, without imposing any preconceived notions they might have 

43. social interactions

*общественные отношения

*социальная структура

*общественная работа

*общественная нагрузка

44. Social Psychology had its origins in:

*Gestalt Psychology

*Freudian Psychology

*Behavioral Psychology

*Biological Psychology

45. social rejection

*социальное неприятие

*социальное влияние

*социальная работа

*общественное мнение

46. socialization

*установление общественных отношений

*социальное поведение

*социальные блага

*социальная работа

47. The process of eliciting information from others that support a schema is known as (the) ____________________.

*confirmatory hypothesis testing

*Self fulfilling prophecy

*priming effect

*Illusory correlation

48. The tree ______ by lightning.

*was flashed


*was struck


49. There aren't ______ people here.



*a lot


 50. Tim ______ work tomorrow.

*isn't going


*isn't going to

*isn't to

 51. We would never have had the accident if you ______ so fast.

*wouldn't been driving

*hadn't been driving

*had driven

*wouldn't drive 

52. What is the "level of analysis" for a social psychologist?

*the individual in the context of a social situation

*the social situation itself

*a person's level of achievement

*a person's level of reasoning

53. Which sentence is correct?

*It mays be him. He's about that height.

*It may be him. He's about that height.

*It may to be him. He's about that height.

54. Which sentence is correct?

*You could to be right. Let's check on the internet.

*You can be right. Let's check on the internet.

*You could be right. Let's check in the internet. 

55. Which sentence is correct?

*It's six o'clock. She must have left work by now.

*It's six o'clock. She must have leave work by now.

*It's six o'clock. She must leave work by now.

 56. Which sentence is correct?

*That can't being them. Their car's yellow.

*That can't be them. Their car's yellow.

*That don't can be them. Their car's yellow.

57. Which sentence is correct?

*Joe might be to play football at the moment.

*Joe might be playing football at the moment.

*Joe might be play football at the moment.

58. Which sentence is correct?

*That virus may of come from an app.

*That virus may have come from an app.

*That virus may to have come from an app. 

59. Which sentence is correct?

*This writing is terrible. That can being an 'e', but I'm not sure.

*This writing is terrible. That can be an 'e', but I'm not sure.

*This writing is terrible. That could be an 'e', but I'm not sure.

60. Which sentence is correct?

*I don't believe it! You can't had failed your exam!

*I don't believe it! You can't have failed your exam!

*I don't believe it! You can't failed your exam!

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