Тест № 2
Вариант 1
1. Определите часть речи по словообразовательному аффиксу.
1. Выберите прилагательное из данных слов:
a) unmask; b) illegal; c) overtask
2. Выберите глагол из данных слов:
a) decentralize; b) careless; c) disloyal
2. Укажите слово, не связанное по смыслу с другими.
1. a) penalty; b) prison; c) arrive
2. a) prosecute; b) lawsuit; c) promise
3. Укажите слово, сходное по смыслу с данным.
1. Accused
a) defendant; b) warrant; c) layman
2. Damage
a) outcome; b) loss; c) objective
4. Укажите эквивалент русскому слову.
1. Иск, претензия
a) hurt; b) claim; c) promise
2. Доказывать
a) influence; b) fulfill; c) prove
5. Выберите эквиваленты следующим словосочетаниям.
1. Судправасправедливости
a) court of equity; b) local court; c) court of common law
2. Наделятьполномочиями
a) to give duties; b) to give privileges; c) to give rights
6. Определите предложение, содержащее сложное дополнение.
1. a) The local authorities have recently received numerous powers.
b) The local authorities are known to have numerous powers.
c) We want the local authorities to have more numerous powers.
7. Выберите нужную форму PerfectContinuous для данного в скобках предложения.
1. We (to discuss) this law since morning.
a) had been discussing; b) have been discussing; c) will have been discussing
2. They (to learn) English for 3 years by June.
a) will have been learning; b) have been learning; c) had been learning
8. Учитывая правило согласования времен, выберите нужную форму для данного в скобках глагола.
1. He said that the criminal (to be sent) to prison for eight years.
a) was sent; b) had sent; c) had been sent
2. They said that they (to have) the examination in two days.
a) had; b) would have; c) have
9. Выберите нужную форму сослагательного наклонения для указанного в скобках глагола.
1. I suggest that you (to learn) more about Anglo-American legal system.
a) learnt; b) should learn; c) will learn
2. She behaves as if she ( to be) a princess.
a) were; b) is; c) was
10. Выберите вспомогательный глагол для образования вопросительных предложений.
1. We spent much time at the picture gallery.
a) do; b) are; c) did
2. People of different nationalities live in Soho.
a) did; b) do; c) are
3. New methods of instruction have been worked out at our institute.
a) have; b) did; c) do
4. I have been working at my report since 2 o’clock.
a) do; b) is; c) have