Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере. Синергия (Тест 1)

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Test 1
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1 семестр

Тема 1. Legal System (Законодательная система)


… are regarded as a “legal personality”

· Only natural persons

· Only artificial persons

· Both natural and artificial persons

The common law includes both substantive rules, such as the offence of robbery, and procedural ones, such as court procedure rules derived from the … jurisdiction of the court

· inherent

· successive

· fundamental

Match the types of law with examples:

A. Sacred law

B. Tort law

C. Land rights

D. Public law

E. the women shall not tear their faces nor wail on account of the funeral

F. if one is slain while committing theft by night, he is rightly slain

G. let them keep the road in order; if they have not paved it, a man may drive his team where he likes

H. treason: he who shall have roused up a public enemy or handed over a citizen to a public enemy must suffer capital punishment

The common law is the law declared by …, derived from custom and precedent.

A … law is the group of legal ideas and systems ultimately derived from the Corpus Juris Civilis·

The … system is a legal system for making democratic choices

· electoral

· jury

· tax

The Russian Civil Law system descended from Roman Law through Byzantine tradition and has much in common with the … civil code

Arrange the historical documents chronologically:

1. Roman Twelve Tables of Law

2. Constitution of Sparta

3. Code of Justinian

4. Magna Carta

Trusts are now generally dealt with as part of the business of the … Division in the High Court

All the laws begin as documents called ….

The original penalties for … were replaced by statutes such as the Homicide Act 1957

… law is a body of religious law governing the conduct of members of a particular faith

Nowadays legal scholars distinguish two vast areas of law. They are Public and Private law. What is the difference between these areas?

· Private law refers to the relationship between individual citizens. Public law refers to the relationship between individual citizens and the state. Both private and public law relate to whom the law is applicable to. The classic distinction is that private law relates to the relationship between individual citizens, whereas public law relates to the relationship between the citizen and the state

· Public law refers to the relationship between individual citizens. Private law refers to the relationship between individual citizens and the state. Neither private law nor and public relates to whom the law is applicable to

· Private law relates to crimes committed inside the home and is about preventing these crimes. Public law relates to crimes committed in public places and the duty of the law enforcement agencies is to stop such crimes

The legal system includes rules, procedures, and institutions by which public … and private endeavors can be carried out through legitimate means

· initiatives

· perspectives

· working circles

Hammurabi’s Code contains …

· laws of nature

· the list of judges

· fundamental legal concepts

The common law’s most distinguishing hallmark is reliance on a system of case … not restricted to judicial decisions generated within any single jurisdiction

The … system is a legal system for assessing and collecting taxes

… is the highest officer of the Crown who is head of the judiciary and who presides in the House of Lords

· Lord Chancellor

· Reasonable man

· Queen

… can be included in any legal system (chose 2 correct answers)

· Rules

· People

· Jobs

· Procedures

A legal system for determining the facts at issue in a lawsuit is called … system

· tax

· law

· jury

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