I. The Influence of Sport on Economy……………………………….…………2-10
1.1 Sports as Big Business…………………………………………….…………2-4
1.2 College Sports and Money……………………………………….…………..4-5
1.3 Sport and its Influence on Economy………………………………………..5-10
II. The Influence of Sport on Culture………………………………………….10-17
2.1 Sport Terms and Expressions…………………………….………………..10-12
2.2 Sports and Movies………………………………………….……………...10-17
III. The Influence of Sport on American society……………………………...17-23
3.1 Functions of Sport…………………………………………………………17-19
3.2 Afro-Americans and their Adaptation in Society through Sports…………19-22
3.3 Women in Sports…………………………………………………….…….22-24
Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….25-26 Bibliography………………………………………………………………….…..27
1. David B. Brinkerhoff, Lynn K. White, Sociology.-WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1985
2. Luther S.Luedtke, Making America. The Society and Culture of the USA.-
Washington D.C, the United States Information Agency
3. John J. Macionis, Society. The basics.- Prentice hall, Upper Saddle River,1996
4. Rodney Stark, Sociology.-Belmont, Califo
ia: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1992
5. Douglas K. Stevenson, American Life and Institutions. - U.S Department of State Washington D.C: Office of English Language Programs and Branch for the Study of the U.S.A, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, 1998
6. Alex Thio, Sociology. An Introduction.-Ohio University, Harper Collins Publishers, 1992
7. James W. Vander Zanden, the Social Experience. An Introduction to Sociology. - New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1990
8. Info USA. Information USA. - Bureau of Inte
ational Information Programs, 2005