Synthesis and properties of derivatives of nicotinic acid

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ЛНУ имени Тараса Шевченко
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Synthesis and properties of derivatives of nicotinic acid (Demo) Synthesis and properties of derivatives of nicotinic acid (Demo)
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Synthesis and properties of derivatives of nicotinic acid
1.8 Мбайт 25 000 ₽
Работа на соискание степени магистра химии (англ)
Рассмотрены синтез и свойства производных никотиновой кислоты
CHAPTER 1 Synthesis and properties of 2- halkogenopyridin-3-carboxamides and their hydrogenized analogues (review of the literature) 6
1.1. The formation of the pyridine ring from acyclic precursors containing amide fragment through Michael reaction followed by heterocyclization 6
1.2. Formation of the amide fragment in the third position of the pyridine ring 19
1.2.1. Conversion of nitrites 19
1.2.2. The interaction of ammonia and amines with carboxylic acids and their derivatives 23
1.2.3. The formation of the amide fragment in other ways 33
1.3. Other methods for the synthesis of functionalized pyridine ring 35
1.4. Properties of 3-carbamoyl substituted pyridine-2- halkogenones 42
1.4.1 Oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis 42
1.4.2 Electrophilic substitution reactions 45
1.4.3 Other properties of 2-chalcogenpyridine-3-carboxamides 50
CHAPTER 2 Synthesis and properties of 2- halkogenopyridin-3-carboxamides and their hydrogenized analogues (discussion of the results of research) 54
2.1. Synthesis and alkylation of 6-amino-4-aryl-2-thioxo-5-cyano-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyridine-3-carboxyanilides 54
2.2 Synthesis and alkylation of 4,6-diaryl-3-arylcarbamoyl-3,4-dihydropyridine-2(1Н)-thiones 60
3.1. Synthesis of starting materials 62
3.2. Synthesis of 2-thioxopyridine-3-carboxamides 63
3.3. Modification of 2-thioxopyridine-3-carboxamides, occurring in the alkylation reaction 65
4.1. General precautions for use with glass 71
4.2. Work with an organic solvent 72
4.2.1. Hazards 72
4.2.2. Working with flammable liquids 73
4.2.3. Storage of flammable liquids and spills 74
4.3. Alkali metals 75
4.3.1. Hazards 75
4.3.2. The destruction of residual alkali metals 75
4.3.3. Absolutist of organic solvents 76
4.3.4. Extinguishing a burning alkali metals 76
Список литературы
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