Фонетика и правописание слов в немецком языке
- wenn, die Woche, Treptow (молчаливый w), das Wetter, wer
X - x-mal, das Xylofon, Xanthen
Y - der Yen, der Typ, typisch, das System, die Hypothek
Z - zahlen, die Pizza, die Zeit, zwei, der Kranz
Качество жизни пациентов со специфическими расстройствами личности при разном социальном статусе
учиться. ComprPsychiatry 1981; 22: 337–350. 56. Skodol AE, Pagano MP, Bender DS, Shea MT, Gunderson JG, Yen S, Stout Р.Л., Мори Л.С., Санислоу, Калифорния, Грило К.М., Занарини М.С., МакГлашан ТД. Ставозможность
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences. 1 They stay / are staying at the Savoy every year. 2 We…
The value of the euro always goes / is always going down when the dollar goes up. 4 The value of the yen goes / is going up because of the recent economic measures. 5 A Japanese electronics company develops
Ответ на вопрос
1 They stay at the Savoy every year.
2 We are staying in London till Wednesday.
3 The value of the euro always goes down when the dollar goes up.
4 The value of the yen is going up because of the recent economic measures.
5 A Japanese electronics company is developing a new type of glass for smartphones.
6 Most start-ups develop quickly, but reach a peak after two years.
7 I am trying to book my flight, but there aren’t any seats available.
8 He always tries really hard, but he often comes last.
9 I sometimes wait more than 30 minutes for my train to work.
10 I am waiting for Harry. He should be finished soon.