Иностранный язык 2 (тесты)
numbers to the letters. Oppose быть против, возражать retraining program программа переподготовки on the other hand с другой стороны; зато borderless world мир, не имеющий границ disrupt разрывать
ОКР по английскому языку №2
Задание 1. Заполните пропуски. Переведите. 1. Bathroom 2. Office 3. Entrance 4. Floor 5. Exit sign 6. Stairwell 7. Master bedroom 8. Garage 9.Living room 10.Kitchen 11. Utility room 1. The client asked for
Контрольная работа по английскому № 1
latest news, watch TV or read and study. We have lots of friends who often come to see us on Saturday evenings or on Sunday. Примечания к тексту: 1) bricklayer - каменщик; 2) part-time department - заочное
Контрольная по английскому. Вариант 5.
house. Like many English houses it is a two-storey brick building with a garden around it. On the ground floor we have a sitting room, a dining room and a kitchen. The kitchen is rather big and comfortable