Lesson 8. Where would you like to eat? Lesson 9. Work and leisure Lesson 10. A business trip; let me remember; interview Lesson 11. Enter the world of arts Lesson 12. Too much traffic Lesson 13. First
Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be. Jack at work. He is watching TV at home Вопрос 2 Вставьте правильное местоимение I, you, he, she, it, we, they. Are a teacher? Вопрос 3
Выберите верный фразовый глагол в предложении ниже. I don’t ... my mother-in-law very well. We often disagree. 11. Заполните пропуски. … a child, I was very good at games. 12. Заполните
your name? * is *are *am 13. Вставьте недостающие слова в предложения ниже:… they British?No, they … . He … Russian and his friend … American. *are / don’t / is / is *are / are / is / is * are/ aren’t / is/
выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов did he didn’t he got he doesn't he В предложении “Tonny can sleep well, … ?” на месте пропуска необходимо поставить конструкцию
E. my mother rang F. three times this year G. two times last year H. been poor My brother … about me! I hate it! always complains complains always always is complaining is always complaining My mother
your name? * is *are *am 13. Вставьте недостающие слова в предложения ниже:… they British?No, they … . He … Russian and his friend … American. *are / don’t / is / is *are / are / is / is * are/ aren’t / is/
Культурные особенности. (Geographical Features. Travel. Art and Design) Заключение … abroad will give me the opportunity to get a better jobТип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа
there were no promotion prospects. had to are allowed to has to might A: Why is he looking for a new car? B: Because he ______ his old one. sold had sold has sold have sell They decided to break diplomatic
(Geographical Features. Travel. Art and Design) Заключение Итоговая аттестация … abroad will give me the opportunity to get a better jobТип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа
day Lesson 8. Where would you like to eat? Lesson 9. Work and leisure Lesson 10. A business trip; let me remember; interview Lesson 11. Enter the world of arts Lesson 12. Too much traffic Lesson 13. First
1. … abroad will give me the opportunity to get a better job *To study *Studying *Study *To studying 2. … book it this one? It is yours? *Which *What *Who *Whose 3. … has been my obsession since childhood
went 3. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentences: “Nick (to learn) … Italian. He wants to work in Rome next year” 4. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence:
general legal guidance to clients and businesses. J. Provides specialized legal advice to clients, often within businesses. Match each legal profession with the correct description:Тип ответа: Сопоставление
Superheros and super-villains often have ….powers. Текст: «The Hero Within» Read the text «The Hero Within» and complete these sentences: A superhero is a true hero because he or she is not… Tom … football
Вставьте правильное местоимение I, you, he, she, it, we, they. Who is Keira Knightley? - you he I she 's an American actress. Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be. He aren't is is am a student. His family
day Lesson 8. Where would you like to eat? Lesson 9. Work and leisure Lesson 10. A business trip; let me remember; interview Lesson 11. Enter the world of arts Lesson 12. Too much traffic Lesson 13. First
day Lesson 8. Where would you like to eat Lesson 9. Work and leisure Lesson 10. A business trip; let me remember; interview Lesson 11. Enter the world of arts Lesson 12. Too much traffic Lesson 13. First
going. … is a really healthy activity To swim Swiming To swimming Swimming 1) Do you mind … (help) me with some jobs today, Sam? 2) I’m not keen on … (read) novels. 3) I prefer … (watch) TV. 4) I must
day Lesson 8. Where would you like to eat? Lesson 9. Work and leisure Lesson 10. A business trip; let me remember; interview Lesson 11. Enter the world of arts Lesson 12. Too much traffic Lesson 13. First