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It is generally agreed that arts can render emotions. However, the nature of this emotional experience and specific methods arts employ to represent and transfer the emotions (subjective, bodily, and evaluative level) remains a debated issue. Although we have seen a great interest in the research of the viewer’s reception of art in recent years, little attention has been paid to the way the characters of painting express their emotions. The aim of this study is to examine the transmission of the in-depth emotions in art. This study reveals that emotions in the arts are not only represented in a sense of a cognitive or detached mode, as often implicated by cognitivistic art theories. Rather the emotional tone of artworks leads to congruent emotion that changes on a subjective and bodily level in a viewer who is not a passive perceiver but an actively involved partner of the artistic experience.

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Research paper Research paper
153.1 Кбайт 153.1 Кбайт

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