Нужно написать эссе по теме эссе «Economic regionalism in Southeast...

Работа с текстом
Тип работы
70% eTXT
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11 Ноя 2024 в 03:00
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10 дней
6 Ноя 2024 в 11:41
Описание работы
Нужно написать эссе по теме «Economic regionalism in Southeast Asia after Asian financial crisis» на английском языке.
The essay should contain a historical overview of the problem, but with a clear research component (research question which will be answered in the essay using empirical evidence).
Essay should include:
1. An introduction where the reason for choosing the topic is explained.The introduction should also include literature review where previous research on the topic is covered and compared.
2. Main body consisting of 2 Chapters: (1st historical overview, 2nd analytical/research)
3. Conclusion representing a brief summary of your findings.
4. Reference list where all the links are formatted in accordance with the APA format
All above mentioned sections should be clearly outlined and start from a new page. The essay should be 7 000 - 9 000 words (excluding the title page and the reference list)
Formatting and submission requirements for essay
• Title Page
• All pages (excluding the title one) should be numbered
• Font: 12, Times New Roman
• Spacing: 1,5
• Justified margins
• Left margin: 30mm
• Right margin: 15mm
• Upper and lower margins: 20mm
• Paragraph indent: 1 (make sure not to put extra spacing between paragraphs)
• Every section should start from a new page. Do not forget to title them.
Make sure to consult the formatting requirements. Sloppy formatting will result in lowering your grade by 2 points.
NOTE: that any form of plagiarism/AI use will result in receiving zero for the work. In order to avoid this, make sure to use APA style for your references. Your citations should take up no more than 30% of your work.
Essay submission
The way to submit your essays – send it to the professors. Make sure to submit a Word.doc file.
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