Write a newspaper report on a past event. You should say:

Иностранные языки
Тип работы
70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
27 Сен 2024 в 09:00
0 ₽
10 дней
23 Сен 2024 в 20:41
Описание работы
Write a newspaper report on a past event.
You should say:
1 What was happening before the event?
2 What were people doing?
3 What happened?
4 How did it begin?
5 What was happening during the event?
6 People's reaction
7 How did it end?
8 What was happening after?
Критерии оценки:
Total Score 10
Grammar and Tense Usage (0-5 points)
1. Simple Past Tense (0-1 point)
- 0: No use or incorrect.
- 1: Used correctly throughout.
2. Past Continuous Tense (0-1 point)
- 0: Not used when needed.
- 1: Used correctly to describe ongoing actions.
3. Sentence Structure (0-1 point)
- 0: Frequent grammatical errors.
- 1: Mostly correct with few errors.
4. Variety of Verb Forms (0-1 point)
- 0: Limited use of verbs.
- 1: Good variety of regular and irregular verbs.
5. Clarity and Fluency (0-1 point)
- 0: Hard to understand.
- 1: Clear and fluent delivery.
Content and Completeness (0-5 points)
1. Event Details (0-1 point)
- 0: Lacks major details.
- 1: Covers key details.
2. Logical Flow (0-1 point)
- 0: Disorganized presentation.
- 1: Follows a logical sequence.
3. Emotions and Reactions (0-1 point)
- 0: No emotional response shared.
- 1: Includes reactions and emotions.
4. Completeness of Questions (0-1 point)
- 0: Missed several questions.
- 1: Answered all prompts effectively.
5. Engagement (0-1 point)
- 0: Very dull presentation.
- 1: Engaging and interesting for the audience.
250-311 Слов
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