
Иностранные языки
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Срок сдачи
5 Сен 2024 в 21:55
150 ₽
10 дней
5 Сен 2024 в 20:44
Описание работы

Hotel and restaurant management are bundled together in the industry known as the hospitality industry. Hospitality comes from the French word hospice, meaning to take care of those travelling and provide food and shelter for the weary. The history of the hospitality industry dates back to early 40BC. Hospitality has changed dramatically through the years in response to influences of wars, economic fluctuations, and social changes. The earliest record of the hospitality industry lies with the Romans. Roman men traveled on business and were the first to travel for leisure as well. Aftre the disruption of the Roman Empire, much of the hospitality industry fell to religious orders such as monasteries who welcomed travelers. With the increased use of the stagecoach, English travelers stayed in inns, which were actually private homes that pro vided a room and meal. The Renaissance Period marked a new era of the hospitality industry with the opening of Hotel de Henry IV in 1788. This was the first actual hotel offering 60 beds to weary travelers. During this period, coffee houses also became a popular gathering place for communities. As settlers from all different parts of the world made their way to the New World (the United States), places to eat, drink and sleep began appearing throughout the colonies. The French Revolution also motivated many French to leave their home country and head to the United States. That time changed and shaped the culinary world, as we know it today. Escoffier, a world famous chef, created the hierarchy of chefs, known as the Brigade system that restaurant kitchens still follow today. During the 19th century, the explosion of the luxury hotel era began. Hotels like the Savoy built in London in 1898 and Delmonico’s in New York City catered to the rich and elite. The early 1900s is known as the Grand Period of hotels since a great number of large and luxurious hotels were built during that time. It was also the time when hotels introduced modern conveniences. In 1880 the Sagamore Hotel on Lake George in New York was the first to have electricity in all its rooms. The Victoria 7 Hotel in Kansas City offered private bathrooms in each room while the Netherland Hotel in New York City was the first to provide a telephone in each room. With the increase and ease of travel, the 20th century brought many changes and advances to the hospitality industry. Casual dining became popular and the introduction of franchising allowed such chains as White Castle, TGI Fridays and Chilis to dominate the restaurant scene. No longer were restaurants considered a place for only the rich and elite. Hotels also experienced growth due to mass tourism, higher salaries and more people living longer and being able to enjoy their retirement years. Although the hospitality industry experienced some periods of downturn its position remains considerably strong.

Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих выражений и составьте с ними свои собственные предложения:

  1. неразрывно связаны
  2. экономическая нестабильность
  3. религиозное общество
  4. ознаменовали новую эру
  5. появляться во всех колониях
  6. заставили покинуть родину
  7. создал иерархию поваров
  8. рост и удобство передвижения
  9. доминировать в ресторанном бизнесе
  10. переживала упадок
Нужна такая же работа?
  • Разместите заказ
  • Выберите исполнителя
  • Получите результат
Гарантия на работу 1 год
Средний балл 4.96
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Уникальность работы от 70%
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