4000 word written report – essay type assessment (must pass turnitin antiplagiat check)

Работа с текстом
Тип работы
70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
7 Мая 2024 в 02:00
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10 дней
3 Мая 2024 в 15:43
Описание работы
Assessment brief
Integrating wind energy, solar energy, and hydrogen energy can create a robust and sustainable energy generation system. Wind turbines can harness wind power, solar panels can capture sunlight, and hydrogen energy can provide backup power or store excess energy for later use. Combining these technologies can ensure a more reliable and consistent energy supply, especially in locations with varying weather conditions. Additionally, incorporating energy storage solutions like batteries can further enhance the efficiency and stability of the system.
You are tasked to produce a portfolio consisting of four tasks (below) aiming at analysing wind energy, solar energy, and hydrogen energy along with integration of systems.
Using relevant critical analysis you are required to create a technical report on the economical feasibility of creating large-scale wind turbine installations in marine environments. The technical report must include the following factors:
• Advancements in turbine design,
• Foundation technology, (reinforced concrete base)
• power generation and grid integration,
• Evidence of their effectiveness in generating clean energy.
(1000 words -20%)
Evaluate the technical, economical, and environmental feasibility of implementing solar energy solutions to a high-rise building in an urban area. Select a non-residential (commercial type) building in a city centre location which is at least three stories high and has a flat roof. Within your evaluation you are expected to include a solar potential analysis for system design, environmental impact evaluation and a risk assessment.
(1000 words – 20%)
(An example of a suitable building could be the ASOIU building but you DO NOT have to use the ASOIU building)
Critically Analyse the technical advantages of integrating wind turbines with solar panels to achieve a more reliable and consistent renewable energy supply. The focus should be on complementary generation profiles and combined infrastructure to enhance overall system performance and grid stability.
(1000 words -20%)
Analyse (using industry standard data) the production of hydrogen through electrolysis using renewable energy sources to analyse the potential for green hydrogen to decarbonize industries and contribute to a more sustainable effective energy system.
(1000 words – 20%)
You are required to carry out an in-depth analysis for each technology that where relevant should typically include all factors and specifications stated within the individual question. You are expected to support your analysis, results and discussion using the appropriate literature.
There is 20% of the assessment marks allocated for “Appropriateness of sources used to support arguments and analysis” and for the technical (and business) language and presentation style of the complete portfolio.
In addition to the content of your submission it is important that your submission is written in a “professional” manner with an appropriate language and format which is clear and easy to follow.
Please remember this is a “level 7” Post graduate module and the expectation is that your answers will be supported by relevant citations to current/relevant literature.
It is expected that your submission will contain a front page, content page and reference section. These pages will NOT be included in the 4000 word count.
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