Poster presentation

Гуманитарные дисциплины
Тип работы
70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
7 Апр 2024 в 04:00
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10 дней
3 Апр 2024 в 16:42
Описание работы
I would like to use the Topic: High Performing Teams theme - Transactional analysis
Assessment Task Detail and Instructions:
You should summarise a psychological concept or theory from organisational or occupational psychology that you learned about in the process of completing this module or that you appreciated the applied value of in the process of completing your workplace experience. The presentation will be aimed at a lay audience. You should prepare:
an appealing and accessible poster to communicate the chosen concept, including images or diagrams, verbal explanations, real world examples, advice or top tips, and appropriate references.
a brief (informal) discussion of the poster with two assessors, including talking through the poster and answering questions.
The poster has a word count equivalent up to1000 words.
Other skills and competencies
This poster encourages students to showcase their awareness of the applied use of psychology outside the academic domain, and communicating it to a non-academic audience.
Marking scheme, criteria or rubric
he poster and presentation will be marked on the following criteria:
Appeal and accessibility to communicate concept
Use of images or diagrams, or graphical layout
Verbal explanations and presentation
Inclusion of real world examples, advice or top tips, and appropriate references.
An excellent poster presentation will include preparing an appealing poster that clearly and accessibly communicates the concept chosen, with an explicit awareness of who the target audience is for the poster, or where/when the poster may be used. The poster should include well-chosen test, images, diagrams or graphical layout that supports the explanation of the concept being given. The poster will include useful and relevant ‘take-aways’ for the target audience, such as real-world examples, advice, or tips. The poster will appropriately cite the academic literature, where it has been referred to. The student will give a well-prepared and concise verbal account of the poster (5 minutes), giving a clear explanation of the concept being presented and using the poster to support their presentation. The student will be able to answer some questions about the poster, reflecting their knowledge and experience of the topic.
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