The process of creativity is completely different in different domains. Do you agree? Why / why not? How would you measure creativity and innovation? Why? How would you cultivate creativity and innovation? Why?

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70% eTXT
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2 Фев в 04:00
1 700 ₽
10 дней
29 Янв в 09:43
Описание работы
Нужно написать сочинение на одну из трёх тем
Сочинение должно быть на английском языке
Должно быть около 2000 слов
Работа должна цитироваться в APA style
Maximum 2000 words (including references). Requires references and proper in-text referencing – you can choose your own referencing style, just be consistent. If you are an educator, you can include the creative processes from your classes, description of the creative activities,stages and photos.

Choose ONE of the following questions to address in your essay:

The process of creativity is completely different in different domains. Do you agree? Why / why not?
How would you measure creativity and innovation? Why?
How would you cultivate creativity and innovation? Why?

Use information from the readings and resources and exercises made available in the course. You can bring in other sources as well from your own field or discipline and you can make use of your practical experience. Remember though this is an academic essay!Criteria for assessment:
Thesis - formulating a clear argument in answering the essay question or questions (and not other, even if similar questions compared to the ones asked)
Justification - developing a logical and clear way of supporting one's thesis or argument
Support - using evidence, especially from the readings, to support one's argument (personal experiences can count as support but should be used in moderation)
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