Перевести диалог в косвенную речь

Иностранные языки
Тип работы
70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
30 Апр 2022 в 04:00
0 ₽
10 дней
26 Апр 2022 в 06:40
Описание работы
Waiter: Welcome to our restaurant. Did you book a table in advance
David: Hello. Yes, we ordered a table for Laurins
W: All right. Follow me. Here's your table, as you wanted, by the window. Let me take your and your lady's coats
D: Yes, please. Sit down, dear
W: Check out our menu. I'll come in a minute ... Are you ready to order
D: No, not yet. Give us a little time to study the menu
W: Good. Call me when you're ready
D: Darling, what will you eat
Amanda: Oh, there is such a chic choice of dishes. I am even confused. What would you advise
D: I can recommend fried duck with cream sauce. A tasty dish. The fish here is also gorgeous. Actually, the chef in this restaurant is a true master. All his dishes are delicious
A: Then I'll order a salad with seafood and a duck
D: And the dessert
A: I would like to try a cheesecake. I love to cook it myself, but I will not refuse from the ready dish
A: Excellent. Waiter
W: I'm listening to you
D: Bring us, please, a salad with seafood and a duck for the lady, and I'll order a julien with mushrooms and entrecote
W: Will you order the dessert
D: Yes, of course. One cheesecake and a slice of banana cake
W: What will you drink
D: Today we have a holiday, an anniversary, which means that we will drink champagne
W: Dry, sweet or semisweet
D: White semisweet
W: Excellent choice. Your order will be ready in 15 minutes. Shall I bring the champagne right now
D: Yes, so it will not be boring to wait for our order
W: Here is your champagne. And this is a gift from the chef in honor of your holiday
D: Thank you very much. We are very pleased
A: Your order, sir. Anything else
D: Thank you. All is perfect.
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Гарантия на работу 1 год
Средний балл 4.96
Стоимость Назначаете сами
Эксперт Выбираете сами
Уникальность работы от 70%
Время выполнения заказа:
3 дня 2 часа 20 минут
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